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40. Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 37, 103–4; Knjazkov, “Die sowjetische Strategie,” 42–47; Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 957, 959–63; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 328–30, 332.

41. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 966–68; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 165–67; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 122–46; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 333–37; Bock, War Diary, 28–30 June, 1–4 July 1942, 508–15; Halder, War Diary, 28, 29 June, 1, 3, 6 July 1942, 629–32, 635.

42. Bock, War Diary, 28, 30 June, 1–3 July 1942, 508–13; Halder, War Diary, 30 June, 1, 3 July 1942, 630–32; Hayward, Stopped at Stalingrad, 137–39; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 167–71; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 156–57; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 337–39; Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 968–69.

43. Bock, War Diary, 4–7 July 1942, 514–20; Halder, War Diary, 5–6 July 1942, 633–36; Hayward, Stopped at Stalingrad, 139–40; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 172–74; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 149–63, and “Forgotten Battles of the German-Soviet War: Pt. 7”; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 339–44; Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 970–71.

44. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 971–73; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 172–74; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 149–63; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 339–44; Bock, War Diary, 7–8 July 1942, 520.

45. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 973–77; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 174–75; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 171–205; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 344–47; Bock, War Diary, 13 July 1942, 525–26.

46. Bock, War Diary, 13, 15 July 1942, 526; Halder, War Diary, 13 July 1942, 639–40; Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 977–78; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 176–80; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 190–95; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 347–51.

47. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 988–89; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 195–96; Jukes, Hitler’s Stalingrad Decisions, 39; Halder, War Diary, 6 July 1942, 635; “Führerbefehl vom 9. Juli 1942 betr. Verlegung von Waffen-SS Verbänden in den Bereich des OB West,” in Schramm, ed., Kriegstagebuch, 9 July 1942, 2, pt. 4:1280–81.

48. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 978–79, 989; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 195–96; Manstein, Lost Victories, 260–61; Halder, War Diary, 18 July 1942, 642–43; “Richtlinien des Führers vom 17. Juli 1942 für die Fortführung der Operation der Heeresgruppen A und B,” in Schramm, ed., Kriegstagebuch, 18 July 1942, 2, pt. 4:1284.

49. Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 195–205, 217–69; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 349–58; Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 978–81, 983–84; Mawdsley, Thunder in the East, 150; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 176–82; Bock, War Diary, 13 July 1942, 525–26.

50. Halder, War Diary, 16, 18–19, 21, 23 July 1942, 641–46; Hartmann, Halder, 325–26; Roberts, Victory at Stalingrad, 60; Below, Als Hitlers Adjutant, 313; Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 982–84, 986, and “Vom Lebensraum zum Todesraum,” 19, 21; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 185–90, 205.

51. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 984–85; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 205–8; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 358–60; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 223–27; Hayward, Stopped at Stalingrad, 148–49.

52. Halder, War Diary, 23 July 1942, 646; Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 984–87; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 209–13; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 358–60; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 224–27; Hayward, Stopped at Stalingrad, 148–49, 183–84.

53. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 984–85; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 209–13; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 358–60; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 224–27; Hayward, Stopped at Stalingrad, 148–49.

54. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 1022; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 224–27; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 396–400.

55. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 1022–23; Harrison, Soviet Planning in Peace and War, 79–81.

56. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 1023–25; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 261–65, 273; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 361–62; Roberts, Victory at Stalingrad, 65–74.

57. Werth, The Year of Stalingrad, 133, 170–71, and Russia at War, 384–88; Beevor, Stalingrad, 125; Roberts, Victory at Stalingrad, 68–71.

58. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 1025–26; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 228–29; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 400–409, 416–31; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 367–71; Halder, War Diary, 30 July 1942, 649.

59. Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 1026–28; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 233–34; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 270–71, 410–16; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 362–65; Hayward, Stopped at Stalingrad, 155–56; Halder, War Diary, 30 July, 9 August 1942, 649, 655.

60. Schramm, ed., Kriegstagebuch, 12 August 1942, 2, pt. 3:573; Halder, War Diary, 12–13 August 1942, 656; Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 1029–31, 1038–41; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 231–32; Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 419–24; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 370–72; Hayward, Stopped at Stalingrad, 159–60.

61. Glantz, To the Gates of Stalingrad, 396–97, 431–32, 436–37; Wegner, “The War against the Soviet Union,” 1034–36; Citino, Death of the Wehrmacht, 236–37; Jukes, Hitler’s Stalingrad Decisions, 52–54; Ziemke and Bauer, Moscow to Stalingrad, 374–75; Hayward, Stopped at Stalingrad, 164–66.