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and tank production (see Germany: tank production)

and United States (see United States: Hitler’s calculations)

and total war economy (see Germany: total war)

tours World War I battlefields, 2–3

and Treaty of Versailles, 2, 4, 10, 12, 18, 57, 194, 439, 473, 476, 482, 484

view of Soviet Union, xxi–xxii, 3, 11, 35, 40–44, 49–50, 55–56, 59–60, 62, 65, 69–70, 72, 82–83, 170, 181–82, 235, 268, 473, 475–76, 478, 484, 487 (see also Bolshevism; Lebensraum)

Volksgemeinschaft conception, xvii, 13, 17, 92, 136, 224, 328, 363, 376, 424–25, 428, 439, 449, 453, 483, 486–87

war as essence of human activity, 91

and winter campaign, 1941–1942 (see German army)

and winter campaign, 1942–1943 (see German army)

and winter campaign, 1943–1944 (see German army)

and women in workforce (see Germany: labor)

and World War I (see World War I)

Hitler Youth, 376, 461, 467

Hiwis (Hilfswillige; Russian auxiliaries), xv, 321

Hoepner, Erich (General), 69, 88, 97, 128, 154, 209

Hoeppner, Rolf-Heinz, 255

Hofmann, Otto, 522n78

Holland, 86

horses, 26, 54, 57, 78, 83, 119, 158–59, 161–62, 164, 172, 216, 224, 237, 249, 252, 277, 297, 317–19, 343, 369, 383, 391, 394, 410, 421

Horthy, Admiral Miklos, 362, 437

Hossbach, Friedrich (General), 446–47

Hoth, Herman (General), 98

and Blau, 284, 286, 288

commander, Fourth Panzer Army, 264–65, 276, 292, 323–24, 339, 346, 355

commander, Seventeenth Army, 161

and Stalingrad, 288–89, 291–92, 294, 314–16

and Third Panzer Group, 86, 122–23, 125–26, 154

Hube, Hans (General), 286–87, 319, 394–96, 398

Hungarian army, 236, 250, 266, 289, 436–37

Hungary, 234, 392, 405, 436, 440–42, 460

deportation of Jews, 223, 362

fighting in, 392, 405, 436–38, 440–42, 444, 448, 456, 460, 550n51

forces fighting in the Soviet Union, 539n30

German occupation, 362, 437–38, 456, 550n51

Jewish labor sent to Germany, 364, 426

hunger policy, 61–63, 76, 113, 166–67, 170–72, 224–25, 317, 477–78, 485, 505n60

Iassy, 434–35

I. G. Farben, 260

Ilmen, Lake, 128

India, 48–49, 81, 91, 233

Indian Ocean, 46

inflation, 12, 427

Ingermanland, 255

intelligence (German), 54, 131, 200, 207, 211, 340, 348, 362, 396, 406, 410, 421, 442, 480

intelligence (Soviet), 80, 154, 201, 341, 343, 349, 419, 447

Iran. See Persia

Iraq, 271

Italian army, 39, 43, 46, 71, 236, 284, 289, 292, 315–16, 341

Italy, xxii, 38, 45–49, 58, 234, 337, 341, 350–51, 354, 368, 399, 469–70

Ivanov, 182

Izyum, 164, 244, 247–53, 267, 370

Jägerstab (fighter staff), 426–27. See also aircraft industry (German); Reich Air Ministry

Jakovlevo, 347

Japan, xxii

Anti-Comintern Pact, 45

attack on Pearl Harbor, 179, 193, 194–96, 197, 484

Hitler places hopes in, 42–43, 51, 71, 91, 193, 194–96, 197, 217, 233, 235

Hitler’s attitude toward, 34, 217

Hitler seeks an anti-Soviet alliance with, 72

jeeps, 286, 421

Jeschonnek, Hans (General), 311, 331, 340

“Jewish conspiracy,” xxiii, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15–17, 20, 32, 40, 105, 107, 110, 328, 335, 403, 439, 453, 455, 475–76, 486

“Jewish question,” xxi, 5, 15–16, 20, 22–23, 35, 60, 64–66, 92, 94, 98, 108, 111, 173, 174, 178, 180–81, 220, 360, 362, 487


and Aktion Reinhard, 361

atrocities against, in the Baltic states, 94–96, 98, 176, 178, 220

blamed for world wars (see Bolshevism; Hitler; World War I)

confiscation of property (“Aryanization”), 175, 483

death camps (see extermination camps; Final Solution)

deportation of (see Final Solution; Germany)

destruction of synagogues, 15, 94–95

and Einsatzgruppen killings (see Einsatzgruppen; Final Solution)

emigration, 13–14, 20, 23–24, 93, 108, 178, 181, 479

evolution of Final Solution (see Final Solution)

expulsion, 13, 20, 64, 93, 108, 178, 181

extermination of (see Final Solution)

food rations, 171–72

forced labor (see forced labor)

ghettos, 21–22, 64–65, 94, 100, 174–77, 218, 220, 223 257, 318, 361–62, 477

Hitler’s prophesies against (see Hitler)

in Hungary, 362, 364, 426

Madagascar Plan, 13, 24, 65, 92, 108, 479

Nazi demonization of (see Bolshevism; ewige Jude, Der; Germany; Goebbels; Hitler)

“Night of Broken Glass” (see Kristallnacht)

and Operation Harvest Festival, 361–62

Ostjuden (eastern Jews), 20, 22, 176

reservations in Poland, 21, 139, 477, 479

territorial solution, 16, 24, 65, 67, 479, 485

See also Einsatzgruppen; extermination camps; Final Solution; ghettos; Hitler

Jodl, Alfred (General), 33, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 66, 128, 133, 156, 193, 199, 216, 275–76, 279–80, 312, 342, 375, 399–400, 402, 524n105

Ju-52 transport planes, 284, 311, 390, 538n25

Jupiter, Operation, 304

Kalach, 285–86, 288, 306–10, 314

Kalinin, 156, 161, 204, 211

Kalmyk Steppe, 275, 277

Kaluga, 156

Kamenets-Podolsky, 395, 411

Kammler, Hans, 335, 426

Kampfgruppe (battle group), xvi, 191, 378, 393

Kamyshin, 282

Karelia, 146, 407, 412

Karpovka, 306, 314

Katyn Forest, 360

Katyusha rocket launchers, 293, 309

Kaufman, Theodore, 107–8, 512n56

Kaufmann, Karl, 174

Kaunas, 94–95, 98, 176, 418

Kazakhstan, 115

Keitel, Wilhelm (Field Marshal), 27, 31, 39, 42, 48, 59, 68, 101, 105, 235, 268, 280, 329, 376, 397

Kempf, Werner (General), 356

Kerch, 242, 244–45, 247

Kerch peninsula, 241–42, 244–45

Kerch strait, 244, 268, 272, 278

Kesselring, Albert (Field Marshal), 280

Kharkov, 126, 145, 163–64, 172, 244–45, 247–53, 261–62, 317, 323–24, 338–39, 353, 355–56, 379, 388, 478

Khersones, 247

Kholm, 154, 213

Khrushchev, Nikita S., 145, 251, 348

Kiev, 52, 89, 102, 104, 122, 126, 128–29, 140–41, 143–46, 148, 153, 154, 155, 172, 174, 317, 369, 371–72, 378–80, 389, 478

Kiev pocket, 145–46, 148, 163, 174, 516n16

Kishinev, 434–35

Kleist, Ewald von (General), 164–65, 248, 250–53, 266–67, 275–76, 278, 282, 397

Klemperer, Victor, 218, 455

Kletskaya (bridgehead), 307–8

Klin, 186, 191, 201, 204

Kluge, Günther von (Field Marshal), 86, 161, 162, 184, 187, 192

and Citadel, 342, 344, 346

and Guderian, 207–8

and Hitler, 208–9, 340, 350–51, 367–68, 381, 384

and retreat to Dnieper, 368–69, 381

and Soviet counteroffensive, December 1941, 207–9

Koch, Erich, 225

Koch, Robert, 105

Konev, Ivan (Marshal), 214, 348, 391, 394, 418, 442–45, 447–49, 461–65, 469

Königsberg, 385, 430, 444, 446

Konstantinovka, 267, 370

Korosten, 378, 380, 387

Korsun, 389, 391, 393–95, 398