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“She will be if she can get Kanesha married off with a houseful of grandchildren.” Privately I thought Azalea was right. I hoped Dr. Sharp was just what she needed, and vice versa.

People finally began to move into other rooms and made some space in the hallway. More arrivals, however, soon added to the crush. By this time my feet ached, I needed desperately to find the bathroom, and I wanted something besides champagne.

Helen Louise asked me to bring her water, too, when I shared my needs with her. Then I threaded my way through the crowd in the direction of the kitchen. Muttering excuse me over and over, I dodged bodies until I finally made it down the hall to the back of the house.

I opened a door and stepped into the room beyond. Instead of the hive of activity I expected, I found myself in a small room with two women—Azalea and Vera—in the midst of a yelling match.

“…pure evil. The Lord gonna strike you down one day for all your lies, and I’m gonna be there to sing His praises.”


Should I intervene?

Azalea looked like the wrath of God about to strike, fists clenched at her sides, her breathing labored.

Vera, on the other hand, eyed my housekeeper with cold contempt. “My conscience is clear. If the Lord strikes anyone down for lies, it will be you. And if you spread any of your lies in public, my lawyer will take care of it.” She turned in my direction, started in surprise, but then brushed past me as if I had turned invisible.

As the door shut behind me, I regarded Azalea with concern. She drew shuddering breaths, and I feared she might have a stroke. I scuttled over to her and put an arm around her shoulders. She leaned against me for a moment, her eyes closed.

“Do you need a doctor?” I asked. “Why don’t you sit down and let me get you something?”

She let me lead her a few feet to a chair, and she sank down. Her eyes opened, and she stared at me as I knelt before her. Her breathing slowed and returned to normal. When she spoke, her voice came out in a hoarse whisper. “No, Mr. Charlie, I’ll be fine. Just need a minute to catch my breath.”

“Would you like me to find Kanesha and Dr. Sharp?” She should have her daughter with her, and a cardiologist on hand wouldn’t hurt, either.

“No.” The sharp blast of the word startled me, and I rocked back on my heels. Azalea’s gaze was fierce. “Don’t be telling her about this. No point to it.”

“If that’s what you want.” I burned with curiosity, even as my concern for her well-being mounted. She didn’t look good at all, and I still feared she might suffer a stroke or a mild heart attack. “Let me get you something to drink.”

“I told you I’ll be fine.” Azalea scowled at me. She pushed herself up out of the chair, and I hastened to get to my feet and out of her way.

“Thank you, Mr. Charlie. You’re a good-hearted man, but you got no cause to be worrying about me.” She moved toward the door. “I’m gonna find Clementine.” She left the room.

I hesitated, debating whether I should talk to Kanesha despite Azalea’s request that I not. Whatever caused the bitter hatred Azalea had for Vera, Kanesha surely knew about it. Did she also need to know about this confrontation?

It really wasn’t any of my business, as Azalea had already informed me. I squirmed at the memory. Best to stay out of it, then.

I remembered why I’d left Helen Louise in the hall and decided I’d better attend to my needs, find some water for us both, and get back to my duties as a board member.

There was no sign of Azalea or Clementine in the kitchen when I finally remembered the correct door. Glasses of water in hand, I found Helen Louise where I’d left her about ten minutes before. She accepted the water gratefully. I would keep mum on the scene I’d witnessed, at least for now.

The influx of guests slowed after another twenty minutes, and Helen Louise and I moved into the parlor where Miss An’gel and Miss Dickce held court by the fireplace underneath their ancestor’s portrait. I spotted Vera in one corner, talking to Cathy Williams and Robert Sharp—no doubt giving them a rundown on all the things she had done to benefit the Athena hospital.

Sissy and Hank occupied another corner, heads together, seemingly oblivious to the party going on around them.

Helen Louise found two empty chairs and occupied one of them with a sigh of relief. “My feet are killing me. I’m not used to wearing high-heeled pumps like these.” She rubbed her right calf, and I admired the shapely curve. She caught me looking and grinned, and I grinned back.

Miss An’gel addressed the room in a loud voice. “Good evening, everyone. Could I have your attention, please?” She waited a moment for the hubbub to die down, then issued her appeal for quiet again. The buzz subsided, and Miss An’gel regarded the assembled company with a gracious smile.

“Thank you all. On behalf of my fellow Friends of the Library board members, I thank you for your support of tonight’s event. Your generous sponsorship of the library’s programs makes a huge difference to literacy efforts in our town and the surrounding area.” She beckoned for Teresa Farmer to join her.

Teresa stepped up and added a few words of thanks, then moved aside.

Miss An’gel spoke again. “Tonight we have a special presentation to make, and I’m delighted to introduce our mayor, who will do the honors. Please, everyone, welcome the Honorable Lucinda Beckwith Long.”

The mayor joined Miss An’gel beneath the portrait, a large plaque in her hands. Lucinda Long, daughter of another of the first families of Athena, was the product of several generations of well-known Mississippi politicians. She was rumored to be contemplating a run for governor, while her son currently served in the state legislature. Dressed impeccably in a rose wool suit and high heels, she was every inch the public figure.

I leaned over to whisper in Helen Louise’s ear. “This is the first I’ve heard about the presentation of an award. Is this something the board does at every gala?”

Helen Louise frowned and shook her head. “No, this is something new. Strange that you didn’t know about it.”

I shrugged. Perhaps the board had discussed it before I joined and the subject hadn’t come up again. I would ask Miss An’gel or Miss Dickce about it later. I settled back to listen to the mayor.

“Good evening, everyone.” Lucinda Long offered her standard mayoral smile, one that never seemed to reach her eyes. She had always struck me as rather a cold person, but she was an efficient and energetic mayor, at least. “As Miss An’gel said, this is a wonderful event, and I’m proud to see my fellow citizens here supporting a truly worthy cause. I’m also delighted to be asked to present a special award tonight to a citizen of Athena who has worked tirelessly over the years to promote the well-being of our town in so many areas. At the same time, however, I am saddened to know that this highly esteemed person has decided to retire from public life for personal reasons. Everyone in Athena will miss her helping hands, but we will remain forever grateful for all she has done in the past, and I know we all will wish her well in her retirement.”

The mayor paused, and I had the impression everyone in the room held their breath waiting for this paragon to be named. I figured I knew who was going to receive the award, and I admired the masterstroke that Miss An’gel had obviously engineered. Machiavelli had nothing on her. I glanced at Helen Louise, and I could see her suppressing a grin. She’d figured it out as well.

The mayor spoke again. “It is my great pleasure to present the first Beauregard Ducote Award for Distinguished Public Service to Mrs. Morton Cassity. Vera, would you please come forward to accept the award?”

There was a moment of silence before the applause broke out, and I could have sworn I heard a gasp. I was watching Vera when the mayor made the announcement, and her jaw dropped open, even as her face flooded with color to match her over-the-top costume. Fury flashed in Vera’s eyes as she made her way forward.