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“Could you hear what they were saying to each other?”

She nodded, reluctantly, I could tell. “Some of it. Never heard such words before in my life. Miz Cassity had an ugly way of talking when she be angry. Miss An’gel wouldn’t ever talk like that.”

“No, I’m sure she wouldn’t. Now, could you tell what they were arguing about?”

“About him tomcatting around on her. That ain’t a Christian way to behave. You marry somebody, you don’t run around like that.” She shook her head. “But when you married to poison like her, well, can’t say as I blame him too much.”

“Did you hear any threats from either of them?”

“No, ’cepting him saying he was going to divorce her, and she telling him he could try, but she’d take ever’ bit of his money.”

That was a powerful motive. Vera’s refusal to give Morty a divorce, along with the monetary threat, might have goaded him past endurance—and then he pushed her down the stairs as a solution to his problems.

“Anything else you hear that sounded bad?”

“No, sir. They both got real quiet then, and when I looked out I saw them going into a room down the hall.” She paused. “Well, I know I saw her. That big ol’ skirt she was wearing, you couldn’t miss. I reckon I thought he was in front of her, but I can’t be sure.”

“Do you think he had time to reach the stairs and head down?” If my scenario were to hold together, then Morty probably would have gone into that room with Vera.

“Maybe.” Azalea didn’t appear too certain.

I’d come back to that.

“What did you do after they went into the other room?”

“I was gonna go down the stairs, but I heard her talking. The door was open about halfway, and I didn’t want them seeing me if I went past.”

“Was that when you remembered the back stairs?”

Diesel was getting restless. I felt his head butt against my thigh twice, and I stilled him by scratching his head. He purred in response. As long as he received some attention he would be okay, and I could continue questioning Azalea.

Azalea nodded. “I ducked back down the hall and opened the door. Had to find the light switch, and when I did, it didn’t do a whole lot of good. I was gonna go back and try to get down the front stairs, but then I heard her out in the hall again. So I started down. Had to go kinda slow. Them stairs is so old I was afraid some of ’em might be rotten.”

Now we were getting to the critical part. I tried to keep my tone calm as I asked my next question.

“Think carefully now, and tell me what happened next.”

“I got all the way down. Reckon they’s about twenty-five steps, something like that. Got to the door and tried to open it, but it was dark down there and I couldn’t see much. Light’s back up near the top. Kept twisting the knob and pushing, but couldn’t get the door to move, not one bit.” She shuddered. “I don’t like being shut up like that in the dark. I’s about to go back up when I heard the door up there open.”

I didn’t prompt her when she stopped. I could tell she was reliving the experience.

After a moment she continued. “Saw somebody step inside. Had to be her, because the skirt was so wide. That was about all I could see. Then she said something like ‘Why you wanna go in here?’ I didn’t hear nothing right after that, then she said, ‘Well, if this is the best way to catch them at it, okay.’ She took a couple steps down, and then…” She stopped and shuddered again.

I waited and nodded encouragingly when she looked at me. She took a deep breath to steady herself. I could sympathize with her, because I was seeing that scene play out in my mind, and I knew what was coming next.

“She came down a couple steps, I guess, then all of a sudden, I heard her grunt real loud, and she came flying down the stairs. Groaned when she landed, and then she was quiet.” She rubbed her hands up and down her arms. “Reckon I could use some water, Mr. Charlie.”

“Right away.” I jumped up to get it for her.

When I brought it to her, she had her eyes closed. I touched her gently on the shoulder as I set the glass in front of her. She nodded, then took the glass and drained two-thirds of it. “Thank you.”

“Do you feel like telling me the rest of it now?” I asked gently.

She drew another deep breath. “I couldn’t move, I was so scared. Then I figured I’d better get to her to see if they was something I could do. But when I touched her I knew the spirit had done left her. They wasn’t a thing I could do for her. After that all I wanted was to get out of there. Couldn’t go up. Her and her skirt blocked the stairs, so I started banging on the door till somebody heard me and let me out. Thank the Lord you come along when you did.” She drank the rest of her water.

“What do you think happened? Do you think she tripped, maybe caught her foot on her skirt and fell?”

“No.” I barely heard her.

“So somebody pushed her?”

Azalea nodded, eyes averted.

“Could you tell who was on the stairs behind her?”

After a nearly imperceptible pause, she whispered, “No.”

Had it not been for that slight hesitation—so slight I might easily have imagined it—I would have believed her. As it was, I was convinced she wasn’t telling me the truth.



The obvious answer—Azalea was protecting someone.

Or maybe she saw something and wasn’t certain what to think, how to interpret it.

I decided to take a slightly different tack.

“Could the person who pushed Vera have seen you?”

Azalea shook her head. “Don’t think so. It was dark down where I was, and I scrunched up against that door. Didn’t want nobody to know I be there.”

No hesitation there. Good. “After you heard Vera fall, what did you do? Take me through it again.”

She frowned at me. I thought she was going to protest, but she complied after a brief hesitation. “Like I done said, I went up to her to see if they’s anything I could do, but she was dead.”

“Did you look up at the top of the stairs at all?”

She nodded. I waited for her to elaborate, but she didn’t.

“When did you look? Before you went to check on her?”

“I don’t rightly remember,” Azalea said slowly. She glanced away.

Again it didn’t feel right. I pressed her. “Was the door at the top of the stairs open or closed when you looked?”


“So whoever it was got out of the stairwell before you looked up?” I felt like I was leading the witness, so to speak, but I had to wring whatever information I could from her.

“Reckon so.” Suddenly she pushed back in her chair and stood. “Ain’t nothing more I can tell you, Mr. Charlie. I need to get back to finishing my dusting.”

“Okay, Azalea. You go on ahead.” There was no point in my insisting that she stay. Frankly I was surprised I’d managed to keep her talking this long.

Diesel butted my leg with his head again. Evidently he had gone too long without attention, and he was letting me know. My mind remained elsewhere as I rubbed his head and down his spine.

Despite what Azalea had told me—that the upper door was closed when she looked—I was convinced she was holding something back. She must have seen something. But what? Or whom?

Then again, maybe I had simply misread her body language. Was I too anxious for a simple solution to this mess?

A simple solution would be that Morty Cassity pushed Vera down the stairs, angry because she refused to divorce him.

I needed a drink. My throat felt dry after my interrogation of Azalea, so I got up and poured myself a glass of water and downed it.

That was better. I leaned against the counter and stared down at Diesel. He sat at my feet and stared up at me as if to ask, “Okay, what now?”