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He paused a moment. “So it is.”

“Betty and I were laughing that no bachelor will answer his phone or email today.”

Gray looked solemn. “Does that mean you aren’t going to ask me to marry you?”

“Ha.” She laughed.

“So it’s four more years?”

“You’re full of the Devil.” She blew him a kiss. “It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with you.”


March 2, 2020   Monday

“Pretty terrific.” Sister craned her neck to look up at St. Paul, the golden weather vane on top of the stables. “Thought putting the horse weather vane on top of the big hay shed nice, too. Let’s take a picture and run in to the 1780 House. I need to pick up some odds and ends at Foods of All Nations. If we stay here we’ll wind up doing more chores.”

Gray put his arm around her shoulders. “Every now and then it’s a great idea to escape chores. And it’s a sunny day. That’s a surprise.”

Sister admired the beautiful weather vane, close to two hundred years old. “I seem to recall a conversation in the library where you questioned my impulsiveness, my discipline when it came to beautiful objects.”

He put his arm around her waist. “Well, now, not exactly. All I did was remind you of your desire to buy the Louis XV desk.”

“It really was lust and a kind of reckoning because of Uncle Arnold’s stolen desk but I didn’t buy it.”

“No,” he dragged out. “No.”

“Oh, Gray, sometimes one can’t be but so practical, and apart from horses I’m fairly reasonable. Although I must say Carter Nicewonder is forever pushing antique jewelry under my nose. Haven’t bought any pieces but I do notice, my angel, that if there is a tool you need, you buy it.”

He quickly said, “Sam and I are rebuilding the house.”

She put her arm around his waist now, too, and squeezed him. No point questioning tools even if they cost thousands of dollars. A good compressor can set you back.

“I did jump at St. Paul.” He sounded almost confessional.

“Baby, I’m glad you did. St. Paul brings back a wonderful memory of your mother and that silly rooster. Graziella and St. Paul, what a combination. I remember your mother well. Apart from her stunning beauty, which, of course, Aunt Daniella also has, your mother was quiet and kind, very kind, even when people were not kind to her. And those who should have been slapped usually wanted to go to bed with her.”

“After our dad died, Sam and I became protective of Mom. If she could see this fellow up there now she would laugh.” He took a breath. “It’s a funny thing but when you paid for half of the rooster, I can’t explain it, I could relax.”

“You don’t have to explain it. Gray, we’re in it together. Not that we see everything eye to eye. You’re a high-powered CPA and I’m still a geologist whether I’m teaching or not. I’m much more drawn to the natural world than that of people. But even if I do something not particularly fiscally prudent, I try to listen to you.”

He kissed her cheek. “I didn’t fall in love with you because you’re prudent. I fell in love with you because you have a big heart and you let me be me. I never had to prove anything to you. Well, maybe I had to take some big fences early on that I might have gone around, but you’re the only woman close to me who accepted me as I am. I don’t know, honey, my experience is women try to change men.”

They walked out to the car continuing the discussion.

“They try to change women, too. But I know exactly what you mean, which is why I am glad St. Paul is looking down at us. He’s helping us talk about the important things and maybe, maybe, your mother is looking down, too.”

Pulling into the parking lot of the 1780 House, Gray noted, “Yvonne. Those two are becoming good friends, and isn’t that Carter’s car?”

“Every year that man buys a new car or SUV. The antique jewelry business is good, or his is, anyway.”

They walked into the door to a rapturous greeting from Abdul and Ribbon. Aunt Daniella was also there. The people, not as rapturous as the Welsh terrier and the Norfolk terrier, were nonetheless glad to see them.

“Kathleen, what are you all studying?” Sister asked as a stack of nine-by-eleven papers rested on the coffee table and everyone was looking at one, passing it around.

“Michael Lyne’s work at the various auction houses.” Carter glanced up as the two pulled up chairs.

“Can I get you all anything to drink?” Kathleen offered.

“No.” Sister took up a sheet of paper with four colored representations just about one and a quarter inches by one and an eighth, small but clear. “I quite like him.”

“Some of the studies, the line drawings, are offered at two hundred to four hundred dollars. The larger works, so many in watercolor, are priced at three thousand to eight thousand.” Kathleen handed a sheet to Gray.

“Are you thinking of offering his work?” Sister was very curious.

“No, but Harry has two here. I like this work and Lionel Edwards’s work, too. Watercolors are affordable, but I’m not an art dealer.”

“Maybe not, but you have a good eye,” Carter complimented her. “Which reminds me, Buddy Cadwalder bought the entire contents of a townhouse at Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. There are still townhouses despite the high-rises.”

“He’s in the right market,” Aunt Daniella commented, as she knew Philadelphia from her youth. “Well, Carter, is he prudent? I mean, according to the papers the young people have no interest in exquisite furniture.”

Carter smiled. “Aunt Dan, there’s so much money in Philadelphia and the Main Line, he’ll always make money. Those people in their forties and fifties will snatch it up. But an entire townhouse!”

“Well, we came here to show you St. Paul.” Gray handed Kathleen his phone. “We thought you might be able to use the image.”

“St. Paul? Graziella’s rooster?” Aunt Danielle loved to watch that silly rooster strut behind her sister, who would pick him up and the damn bird would coo.

“In honor of St. Paul.” Gray smiled. “When Kathleen had her grand opening he was on the table. I couldn’t help it. I thought of Mother, so Sister and I bought it and see…” Kathleen handed Aunt Daniella the phone. “Perfect. Wouldn’t Mother love it?”

“She would.” Aunt Daniella handed the phone to Yvonne, who smiled as she handed it to Carter.

“A most impressive rooster. I’ve always wondered why the rooster is the symbol of France. Usually nations use eagles or lions or bears. Why a rooster?” Yvonne wondered.

“That’s a good question.” Carter rubbed his forehead for a moment.

Gallus is cock in Latin and the rooster is a symbol of bravery, regeneration. I vote for that,” Sister said. “This is when we realize how young we are as a nation. Most of Europe was ruled at one time or another by the Romans. Anyone who wanted to succeed learned Latin as well as their ways.”

Aunt Daniella added, “Anyone here who wanted to get ahead learned Latin. Started in ninth grade at our little school, and segregated though it might be, we had such good teachers. I think if the teacher is good, the students learn because they like the teacher. I deeply mistrust sitting children in front of computers.”

“At Custis Hall Tootie needed a computer, as did all the other students, but this wasn’t to supplant teachers. But you are right, Aunt Dan. A teacher can inspire a student. A computer won’t inspire anyone,” Yvonne replied.

“Kathleen, if I come across any drawings, all reasonably priced, of foxhunting scenes or dogs, would you like me to put those people in touch with you? You’d be surprised what you see when you buy old family jewelry,” Carter suggested.