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“I was afraid you’d stop,” she said, running her fingers lightly over my back. “Please don’t stop. Don’t let go.”

“I’ve got you,” I promised, nibbling on her ear. I knew I should stop. Should end this right here and now, but she kept moving underneath of me, and letting out tiny breathy moans that drove me fucking wild. I couldn’t stop. Not ever. “And I won’t.”

She thrust her hips up again, and a sheen of sweat formed on my forehead. Her tight pussy gripped me more closely than I could ever have imagined, and my cock screamed at me to move inside of her. To finish what I started.

She dug her heels into my ass, urging me closer. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. Move inside me.”

I pulled almost all the way out of her, then slowly drove back in. I groaned at the pleasure she gave me, unable to bite it back. Her body fit mine like a glove. It was as if she was made for me and me alone. My arms trembled from the strength I exerted to hold myself back. To not hurt her. I kept my weight on them, not wanting to crush her. “That okay?”

She nodded and lifted her head. “Kiss me and move faster.”

The control I’d had over my motions snapped, and I crashed my mouth down on hers. I moved inside of her, hesitantly at first, but growing more and more sure as I went. She moaned and squirmed beneath me, begging for more. Once I was certain I wasn’t hurting her, I lifted her hips in my hands and drove deeper. She cried out and scratched her nails down my back, probably drawing blood and waking up the neighbors.

I didn’t even give a flying fuck.

I needed her too badly. It had all started with an immediate attraction, but now it was more. So much more. As I grew closer and closer to the precipice, I tried to focus on her. The way her eyes were slit, barely letting me see the bright blue sapphire. The way she let out tiny puffs of air through her swollen lips. But most of all, the way she moaned my name as I brought her higher and higher, refusing to stop until I made her come again.

When she finally tensed and bowed against me, frozen in time, I let myself go. I thrust one more time inside of her, going as deep as I could possibly go, and cried out, “Carrie.”

As the strongest orgasm I’d ever had rushed through my veins, I collapsed on top of her, keeping my weight on my elbows. She tightened her legs around me, seeming to not want to let me go, and hugged me close, her own breathing as ragged as mine. If she didn’t want to let me go, that was fine by me. I could happily lie here as long as she wanted me to.

I buried my face in her neck, closed my eyes, and waited for the regrets and the guilt to come. Waited for cold, hard reality to come crashing over me once I remembered all the reasons I shouldn’t have done this. And even more terrifying? Knowing she would hate me for taking her virginity while lying to her. When she knew what I really was—who I really was—she would never forgive me for taking her under false pretenses. And I would never forgive myself either.

I needed to find a way to fix this.

I lifted myself on my elbows and looked down at her, sweeping her sweaty hair off her face. I knew I should be feeling that suffocating guilt right about now, but it wasn’t coming. She smiled, her eyes warm and soft and on me. “Wow.”

“Yeah.” I grinned at the wonder in her voice, despite myself. “You okay, Ginger?”

She nodded and arched a brow. “Are you okay?”

I laughed. “I think so.” I slowly withdrew from her, watching her for any signs of pain. She flinched when I pulled out of her completely, but besides that she seemed fine. “You really should have told me, though.”

She didn’t even pretend to misunderstand me. She was a smart girl, my Carrie. “Would it have made a difference?”

I thought about it, but I already knew the answer. I wouldn’t have stopped. I’d been lost in her the second she walked out on that beach more than a month ago, demanding for whoever was hiding in the shadows to show themselves. I’d been lost this whole time, but I’d been fighting it. I was done fighting her. From now on, I would fight for her.

For us.

“No, it wouldn’t have. I couldn’t have stopped any more than you could have,” I admitted. “But now I need to take care of you.”

I brushed my lips over hers before sliding off the bed. As I walked to the trash can to remove the condom, I took a deep breath. This obviously changed everything between us. I couldn’t ignore my need to be with her any more than I could ignore the pressing need to admit my real identity to her before it was too late.

She would be angry with me at first, but if I came clean on my own—without her finding out when I wasn’t there—then maybe she would understand. Maybe she could find it in her heart to forgive me and allow us to continue on as we had been, only without any lies between us. Yeah, and maybe some pigs would fly by wearing Wonder Woman costumes too.

Actually…that might be more likely.

I turned around and crossed the room to my bed. She let out a squeal when I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. “I can walk, you know.”

“You can, but I want to carry you.” I kissed the tip of her nose before I set her down in front of the shower. “And you like making me happy, so you’ll let me.”

She huffed. “So, that’s how you’re gonna play this, huh?”

“Uh-huh.” I turned on the shower, grinning the whole time. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so happy. Probably never. “Is it working?”

She splayed her hands over my shoulders, sliding them in front of my body. She rested them over my heart, pressing her cheek against my bare back. “Yes.” I stopped moving, not wanting to break her hold. Not wanting her to let go. But then she did, and she slid her hand under the water. “Perfect. You coming in, too?”

I cocked a brow. “You have to ask?”

She laughed. “Guess not.” She stepped into the shower and smiled at me. “This is weird. I’ve never showered with someone else.”

“Well, it’s another first for you then.” I joined her and pulled her into my arms. Her naked body pressed against mine, making my cock harden again, but I wouldn’t touch her. Not tonight. She needed rest. “I want to be all your firsts from now on.”

She laid her head against my chest, directly over my heart. Did she know she owned it yet? “Sounds like a plan.”

I grabbed her hair and got it damp, watching the water cascade down her bare back, only to roll down her ass. After clearing my throat, and mentally slapping myself in the face for being a perv, I reached for the shampoo. As I washed her hair, her eyes drifted shut and she let out a happy sigh.

I rinsed out the suds, watching her face as I did so. She looked so peaceful and innocent. “Sorry, I only have men’s shampoo.”

“That’s okay.” Her lids drifted up. “I’ll smell like you.”

I made a mental note to buy her some girly shampoo in the morning. And a toothbrush. If I had my way, she’d be spending a lot more time here with me from now on. “Next time, you’ll have something better.”

Her eyes drifted shut again and she yawned. I made quick work of washing her body, pausing at the blood smeared between her legs. I’d done that. Taken her innocence. The fact that she’d chosen me, trusted me, was enough to make me want to scream. Soon, she would hate me. Soon, she would regret this.

I rinsed her off, and then quickly washed my own body. She leaned against the tile wall, her eyes devouring me. “Can I do you?”

I bit back a groan. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I already want you again, but you can’t handle that. Your body needs rest.”

She licked her lips. “Are you so sure of that?”

“Yes.” Fuck my fucking conscience. “Positive as a proton.”

Her eyes went wide, then she let out a nervous laugh. “You heard that?”

“I did,” I admitted, shooting her a sheepish grin.

“Oh God.” She dropped her forehead onto her palm. “How embarrassing.”

“You mean adorable?”

“Nope,” she quipped.