“I think we could both use some rest,” Chloe said from the doorway into the kitchen.
Olivia realized that night had fallen without her noticing, and that meant Chloe wasn’t going anywhere until morning. Reluctantly, she nodded and somehow found the strength to stand. She was halfway to the staircase when someone pecked on the front door. Fear shot through her until she turned and saw a familiar face. She grabbed the back of a chair and still felt as if she might collapse. Whether it was her imagination, a ghost or reality, Campbell stood on the other side of the locked door.
And she couldn’t make her feet close the distance between them.
Chloe crossed to the door and unlocked it. She looked as stunned as Olivia felt.
“Hi, Chloe,” he said. Then he looked at Olivia. “We found your car.” He motioned toward the street, and she saw Colin leaning against the door of her car. He raised a hand and waved.
That movement broke through the veil of unreality that had kept her immobile, and she raced to Campbell. She leaped at him so fast that he stumbled backward but caught her in his arms.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay,” he said.
She framed his face and met his gaze. “You’re alive.”
The confusion in his eyes gave way to understanding as he glanced at Chloe.
“How did you survive that?” Olivia asked. “I saw the hole. I just knew you were gone.” Tears streaked down her cheeks again, a mixture of remembered sorrow and tremendous happiness that she’d mourned for no reason.
His eyes dimmed in pain, and she realized Colin was quiet, too. Even though she barely knew him, she knew that wasn’t normal.
“Campbell?” Chloe said as she stepped forward.
He met Chloe’s gaze, then lowered his own. “We lost Billy.”
“Oh, no.”
Olivia saw the pain, knew he was taking responsibility. She squeezed his hand. “It’s not your fault. The police said it was a bomb.”
“He’s just as gone,” he said, his voice thick. This, more than anything else, showed her he had feelings the same as any human.
“I’m sorry.”
“How did you get out of there?” Chloe asked.
“We fled into the subway tunnels. The Imperium sent someone to help us set up a new headquarters elsewhere.”
“You’ve got a new place already?” Chloe asked, sounding surprised.
“It’s in the Imperium’s best interest that we stay on the job, and that means having equipment and a place to lay low during the daytime.” He shifted his gaze to Olivia. “I’m sorry I didn’t call. I didn’t think.”
“It’s okay. You’re safe now.”
Campbell caressed her cheek and gave her a sad smile. “I need to go. I hadn’t planned to come back tonight.”
“Oh.” She tried to hide her disappointment. He had too much on his mind already.
“Being with me has serious repercussions, including the fact that I have my own enemies. But turns out I’m not as selfless as I’d like to be. After today, I couldn’t stop wanting to see you.”
“I’ll see you upstairs,” Chloe said, and turned away.
“Good night, Chloe,” Campbell said. “Thank you for staying with Olivia.”
She waved over her shoulder without looking back and headed for the stairs. Colin made himself scarce, too.
Campbell returned his attention fully to Olivia. “I’m sorry you worried about me. The day was chaos, and I never thought you would make the connection between the bombing and V Force.”
“Do you really have to go?” After a day of thinking he was lost forever, she never wanted to let him out of her sight again.
He nodded. “We have to follow a lead on the bombing. We think it might be the same person who is behind the kidnappings.” He ran his fingers along the curve of her jaw.
“I’m afraid if you go, I’ll convince myself the past few minutes didn’t happen,” she said.
He pulled her close and lowered his mouth toward hers. He kissed her softly, then more thoroughly, full of hunger. She responded with all the joy she felt at having him still be alive.
Campbell growled, not the scary version but rather the kind that made her want to drag him to bed. Suddenly, he broke away and took a step backward. “I need to stop now or I’m going to end up taking you up against this building,” he said next to her ear.
The thought shouldn’t have excited Olivia but it did. But enough common sense still resided in her that she knew she didn’t need to make the current situation with the diner irrevocable by having public sex with a vampire. Plus, Chloe was upstairs waiting for her. And Olivia knew part of what Campbell was feeling likely had to do with the loss of his friend, the need to feel alive after a brush with death.
“Promise me you’ll be careful,” she told him as she cupped his jaw.
“As careful as I can be.”
That would have to be enough.
* * *
Olivia went through the motions of running the diner for the next couple of days, but her only regular customer to appear was Jane. And as lovely as Jane was, she and the occasional person who had no idea who Olivia was sure weren’t enough customers to keep the diner running. Frustrated and not knowing what to do next, Olivia decided to take a day off. She slept in, had a leisurely cup of coffee then decided it was time to go see Mindy.
She tried calling, but Mindy was either out or ignoring her calls. Whichever it was, she aimed to talk to her friend today even if she had to plunk herself down outside Mindy’s apartment door and talk to her through it.
After arming herself with her gun and a knife, she headed out into the brisk wind. She kept in mind Mindy’s first rule of self-defense, always being aware of her surroundings. But thankfully all she saw were other New Yorkers going about their days.
When she reached Mindy’s apartment building, movers had the elevator filled with someone’s belongings, so she took the central staircase. A shiver went up her back as she looked back down the stairs and saw one of the guys watching her. She felt safer with the weapons and the knowledge of how to incapacitate attackers, but he still gave her the creeps. Not every bad guy in Manhattan was working for vampires. There were still plenty of garden-variety rapists, muggers and thieves, too.
She felt better by the time she reached the fourth floor, where Mindy’s apartment was one of four units. At least she felt better until she saw Mindy’s keys hanging in the door and a bag of spilled groceries on the floor outside Mindy’s apartment. Dread settled in her stomach like a cold stone.
“Mindy,” she called out as she pushed inside. Her fear ratcheted up several notches as she searched the apartment. Instinct told her Mindy was not inside, and Olivia’s thoughts flew back to those movers.
She called 911 for backup as she raced down the stairs. When she hit the lobby, she saw one of the guys loading a bulky object covered in a thick blanket. She shoved her phone in her pocket and pulled the gun from her waistband.
“Put her down,” she said with as firm a voice as she could muster when she pushed through the exterior door. She scanned the area but didn’t see the second guy.
The guy at the back of the van dropped the bundle and held up his hands. Olivia did her best to stay calm when she saw two feet in familiar athletic shoes tumble out of the end of the bundle. “Move away from her,” Olivia said, punctuating her words with the gun.
“You even know how to use that thing?” the guy asked as he took a couple of steps backward.
“You want to find out?” She would shoot him, and she wouldn’t hesitate. Not with Mindy’s life at stake.
The sound of movement behind her caught her attention just before the other man grabbed her. She forced her elbow back into his gut. He grunted but it didn’t stop him for long. She tried kicking the side of his knee, but he was too fast and she kicked open air, putting her off balance.