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I wanted to reply so fucking bad, but nothing came out.

I swallowed and tried to open my mouth to talk, but the drugs were still dragging me down. All that came out was a moan sounding like, “Sir?

He flinched and reached out, pushing a button on my IV that controlled my morphine drip. “Get well, son. For both of our sakes.”

Within seconds, the screams of the dying men took over my head again…

And I fell back into my own version of hell.


I have to first and foremost thank my family. My husband, Greg, for being so supportive every time I have to hunker down and get to work. And for my kids: Kaitlyn, Hunter, Gabriel, and Ameline…you’re the best things I ever did. Thanks for being you.

I also have to send my love to my parents, sisters, nephews and brother-in-law. Thanks for being my cheerleaders and also for pimping out my books occasionally. I know you always have my back, and that’s an amazing feeling.

And my amazing agent, Louise Fury from The Bent Agency. You’ve been my nonstop supporter, backbone, guide, and are just all-around awesome to be with. I don’t know what I’d do without you there, helping me make the right choice. You’re a rock star! Much love to you and your hubby, too.

To Team Fury, and everyone at The Bent Agency, I have to say it: I love you all. You’re a great team to be on, and I thank my lucky stars I get to be a part of the group every day!

And thanks are also due to my fabulous publicist at InkSlinger PR, Jessica Estep. You’re the best, and I couldn’t possibly handle all these blog tours and blitzes without you. And thank you so much for all your excitement and confidence in this book, and in me.

I couldn’t leave out my best buddies: Trent, Jill, and Tessa. You three are my rock, and I love how close we’ve gotten lately. NYC crew forever, man!

To my wonderful, fabulous, amazing critique partner, Caisey Quinn. You never let me down, and you’re always here for me, no matter what. I love you, girl!

Thanks to Casey, as well, for your expertise in all things Finn. You’re the best.

To my editor, Kristin; my copy editor, Hollie Westring; my formatter, Emily Tippet; and my cover artist, Sarah Hansen: thank you so much for giving me the best quality service out there! I love you all.

A huge, huge thanks goes out to all the Carrie and Finn fans out there. Thank you for joining me for the second part of their journey. I hope to see you for the final portion of the journey next year!

And to all my writer friends…you know who you are. There are way too many to name in this small section, and I don’t want to leave you out. You know I love you. You know how much you mean to me. And thank you for being you!


About the author

Jen McLaughlin is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. She writes steamy new adult books for the young and young at heart. Her first release, Out of Line, came out September 2013. She also writes bestselling contemporary romance under the pen name Diane Alberts. Since receiving her first contract offer under the pen name Diane Alberts, she has yet to stop writing. She is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency.

Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal-clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, a cat, and a Senegal parrot. In the rare moments when she’s not writing, she can usually be found hunched over one knitting project or another. Her goal is to write so many well-crafted romance books that even a non-romance reader will know her name.