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While he worked her clit with his tongue and teeth, he used his thumbs to stroke the sensitive inner flesh of her thighs. He rubbed circles in her skin, moving his thumbs closer to her folds, over them, then between them. He parted her and inched a finger inside her, captivated by the musky heat he’d brought out of her. Pushing his finger deeper inside, he soon added another and stretched her, loving her with his hands while he kissed the sensitive bud firming under his mouth.

He was so fucking hard, turned on by her scent and her response. Had he been naked, he’d have mounted her and come by now. The thought of taking his sweet vixen everywhere prodded him to push her to the extreme. Grady used his thumb to rub a good bit of her cream along the seam of her ass toward her hole.

She tensed and shivered. Her clit was taut, her nipples stiff, her pussy wet with need. And then he rimmed her anus with his thumb before edging just the tip inside her as he sucked her clit.

She cried out and clamped around his fingers, her body hungry for his. Her fingers latched onto his hair and held tight as she ground into his face, no shy kitten but a hungry lioness out for what she deserved.

So it was no small shock when she pushed him off and rolled him underneath her on the bed. She dragged his pants down his legs in seconds and engulfed his cock with a skill that made him love her all the more.

“Oh Gabby. Gabby, I love you so much,” he babbled. Not sure of anything but the wicked tongue snaking along his glans, the fingers rubbing his balls as she sucked away his will to do anything but lie there and accept whatever she gave him, he said whatever came to mind—the truth itching to be set free.

He wanted to see her naked, to watch her mouth surround him. But he couldn’t function past the need to jet down her throat. Tension burned at the base of his spine. His balls drew tight, and his cock throbbed as she grazed that tender part of his shaft, under the head of his cock. Prickly nails ran over his bared upper thighs, the tiny bites of pain making it hard to breathe beyond the pleasure.

“I’m coming. Oh Gabby. Yes, yes, now,” he shouted as he arched off the bed and surrendered to the redheaded seductress, climaxing into an ecstasy that made him see stars.

He felt every touch of her tongue, every puff of her hot breath against his body as she sucked him dry. That such a tender female could make him lose control astounded him. That she could turn him into so much of nothing without her scared the hell out of him.

While he tried to catch his breath, she scooted off him and winked. After disappearing into the bathroom, she returned moments later wearing different clothes. Jeans and a pretty pink blouse, one of his personal favorites. A pair of leather sandals covered her feet, exposing sexy toes sporting red nails.

Gabby fluffed her hair and smiled that toothy grin that should have made him nervous. But he could barely function past breathing. “You are so sexy. And hung. I don’t know if I told you, but you are one seriously hot cat.”

Her tone alerted him that something was off. The shy smiles she’d given him all weekend no longer existed. Now he looked at the predator under those long eyelashes and feminine charm.

“Uh, Gabby?”

“Shoot. I wanted to spend more time with you, but I have to run. A client needs a favor.” She shrugged, then walked to his side and stroked his chest. “Thanks, Grady. You’re the absolute best. The weekend rocked. I’ve been needing this for far too long.”

Wait. What? This? What the hell was this?

“I mean, last week was great, but I kept expecting us to knock boots a lot sooner. Took a bit of persuading to get you to finally come to me,” she teased. “But it makes sense, you not wanting to piss off Burke and Ty. Don’t worry. I won’t say anything if you don’t. And heck, we can even do it again, you were so good.” She pecked him on the cheek in approval. “I might have next weekend free. But now I’ve gotta scoot. Business won’t run itself, you know.”

She left the room and called over her shoulder, “Let yourself out when you leave, okay?”

He didn’t believe she’d actually leave him with his dick hanging out until he heard a car pull away. He didn’t know how to feel. So she hadn’t commented on his admission of love. She might have thought he’d meant it in the heat of the moment. But to just leave him there like that? Wham bam, thank you…man? And what the hell had she meant by persuading him? Maybe next weekend? The pieces of this puzzle settled into a surprisingly painful picture.

To his mortification, he had the odd sense the last few days had just been a much-needed booty call. But that couldn’t be right. After their week together? The way their gazes had met, the subtle touches, the bedroom eyes? Their mingled scents?

He stared at the ceiling, confused, angry and too boneless to think straight.

This? What the fuck is this?” he hissed and resolved to find out where the hell he’d gone wrong.

Chapter Seven

The next day, Gabby made sure to get Grady’s schedule by hinting to Rachel she might need his help fixing up her place. Since she knew Grady and his sister-in-law were thick as thieves, it figured Rachel would do whatever she could to help Grady win her over. Yet she didn’t get the sense Rachel knew about Dean and Joy.

Doused in a chemical compound to dull her scent—one she’d found, ironically, from a source her mother used when she’d go to visit her father—Gabby didn’t worry about being outted as Grady’s mate. Not only had the bastard lied to her, he’d mated her without asking. Okay, so she’d wanted him. Still, he should have asked before scent-marking her.

She completely ignored the fact she’d claimed him first.

She sat with Miles at the table in the dining room of the main house. Everyone else had already eaten and gone out, though she thought she heard a few of Miles’s sisters in the kitchen. Grady had yet to return from Whitefish, which made it difficult to rub his nose in her new relationship. Gabby turned to Miles and murmured, “Don’t overdo it.”

“Darling, I’m as good out of bed as I am in it, don’t you worry.” His green eyes sparkled with amusement. He draped an arm around her chair and blew into her ear. “He’s at the door right now. And I guarantee he wants to shove this arm I have around your shoulders somewhere very inappropriate up my person.”

She chuckled, as he’d no doubt meant her to, and turned at the roar that followed.

Accompanied by surprised shouts, a struggle and several men to hold Grady back, Grady’s shout of fury satisfied her inner bitch. Good. Let him feel an inkling of what she’d been through. Sheer, unadulterated rage, and a crap load of hurt, because thinking he hadn’t loved her had nearly brought her to her knees.

Apparently not even a silver fox, a cat and a gray wolf could bring Grady to his knees. His rage was a thing of beauty. Not because she took immense gratification from his show of emotions—though she did—but because Grady Chastell did angry better than anyone she’d ever seen. His eyes gleamed like gold, his muscles strained and bulged, and his scent made the entire room smell like heaven covered in chocolate and drizzled in caramel sauce. Positively yummy.

“Fuck it all, cat. Settle down. What the hell crawled up your ass to pitch a fit?” Monty ducked a fist and growled at her brother-in-law. “Ty, man up and hold him down.”

“Shut up, Monty,” Ty growled back. “Dean, his legs. He kicks my nuts, I’m kicking yours. Grady, what the hell?”

“Problem, Grady?” Miles asked cheerily and rubbed her shoulder. “We saved you some dinner. Don’t get all hissy about it.”

Grady nearly tore free before Burke darted from the study and intervened. It took four of them to drag Grady outside.