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Thorn looked at the girl and I admired the coolness with which he regarded her. His mind must have been in tumult for he could not have expected that the girl produced by the rebels as the true Tatrix would actually be Lara. "She is not Lara," he said coldly.

"I am," she cried.

"The Tatrix of Tharna," sneered Thorn, looking on the unconcealed features of Lara, "wears a golden mask."

"The Tatrix of Tharna," said Lara, "no longer chooses to wear a mask of gold."

"Where did you get this camp wench, this imposter?" asked Thorn. "I purchased her from a slaver," I said.

Thorn laughed and his men behind the barricade laughed too. "The slaver to whom you sold her," I added.

Thorn laughed no longer. I called out to the men behind the barricade. "I returned this girl — your Tatrix — to the Pillar of Exchanges where I gave her into the hands of Thorn, this Captain, and Dorna the Proud. Then treacherously I was set upon and sent to the Mines of Tharna, and Dorna the Proud and Thorn, this captain, seized Lara, your Tatrix, and sold her into slavery — sold her to the slave Targo, whose camp is now at the Fair of En" Kara, sold her for the sum of fifty silver tarn disks!"

"What he says is false," shouted Thorn.

I heard a voice from behind the barricade, a young voice. "Dorna the Proud wears a necklace of fifty silver tarn disks!"

"Dorna the Proud is bold indeed," I cried, "to flaunt the very coins whereby her rival — your true Tatrix — was delivered into the chains of a slave girl!"

There was a mutter of indignation, some angry shouts from the barricade. "He lies," said Thorn.

"You heard him," I cried, "say to me that he should have killed me on the Pillar of Exchanges! You know that it was I who stole your Tatrix at the Amusements of Tharna. Why should I have gone to the Pillar of Exchanges if not to surrender her to the envoys of Tharna?"

A voice cried out from behind the barricade. "Why did you not take more men with you to the Pillar of Exchanges, Thorn of Tharna?"

Thorn turned angrily in the direction of the voice.

I responded to the question. "Is it not obvious?" I asked. "He wanted to protect the secret of his plan to abduct the Tatrix and put Dorna the Proud upon her throne."

Another man appeared at the top of the barricade. He removed his helmet. I saw that it was the young warrior whose wound Lara and I had tended on the wall of Tharna.

"I believe this warrior!" he cried, pointing down at me.

"It is a trick to divide us!" cried Thorn. "Back to your post!" Other warriors in the blue helmets and grey tunics of Tharna had climbed to the top of the barricade, to see more clearly what befell.

"Back to your posts!" cried Thorn.

"You are warriors!" I cried. "Your swords are pledged to your city, to its walls, to your people and your Tatrix! Serve her!"

"I shall serve the true Tatrix of Tharna!" cried the young warrior. He leaped down from the barricade and laid his sword on the stones at Lara" s feet.

"Take up your sword," she said, "in the name of Lara, true Tatrix of Tharna."

"I do so," he said.

He knelt on one knee before the girl and grasped the hilt of the weapon. "I take up my sword," he said, "in the name of Lara, who is true Tatrix of Tharna."

He rose to his feet and saluted the girl with the weapon. "Who is true Tatrix of Tharna!" he cried.

"That is not Lara!" cried Thorn, pointing to the girl.

"How can you be so certain?" asked one of the warriors on the wall. Thorn was silent, for how could he claim to know that the girl was not Lara, when presumably he had never looked upon the face of the true Tatrix? "I am she," cried the girl. "Are there none of you here who have served in the Chamber of the Golden Mask? None of you who recognise my voice?" "It is she!" cried one of the men. "I am sure!" He removed his helmet. "You are Stam," she said, "first guardsman of the north gate and can cast your spear farther than any man of Tharna. You were first in the military games of En" Kara in the second year of my reign."

Another warrior removed his helmet.

"You are Tai," said she, "a tarnsman, wounded in the war with Thentis in the year before I ascended the Throne of Tharna."

Yet another man took from his head the blue helmet.

"I do not know you," she said.

The men on the wall murmured.

"You could not," said the man, "for I am a mercenary of Ar who took service in Tharna only within the time of the revolt."

"She is Lara!" cried another man. He leaped down from the wall and placed his sword also on the stones at her feet.

Once again she graciously requested that the weapon be lifted in her name, and it was.

One of the blocks of the barricade tumbled into the street. The warriors were dismantling it.

Thorn had disappeared from the wall.

Slowly the rebels, waved ahead by me, approached the wall. They had cast down their weapons and, singing, they marched to the palace.

The soldiers streamed over the barricade and met them in the avenue with joy. The men of Tharna seized one another in their arms and claspled their hands in concord. Rebels and defenders mingled gladly in the street and brother sought brother among those who had minutes before been mortal foes. My arm about Lara, I walked through the barricade, and behind us came the young warrior, others of the defenders of the barricade, and Kron, Andreas, Linna and many of the rebels.

Andreas had brought with him the shield and spear which I had put down in token of truce, and I took these weapons from him. We approached the small iron door that gave access to the palace, I in the lead.

I called for a torch.

The door was loose and I kicked it open, covering myself with the shield. Within there was only silence and darkness.

The rebel who had been first on the chain in the mines thrust a torch in my hands.

I held this in the opening.

The floor seemed solid, but this time I knew the dangers it concealed. A long plank from the scaffolding of the barricade was brought and we laid this from the threshold across the floor.

The torch lifted high, I entered, careful to stay on the plank. This time the trap did not open and I found myself in a narrow unlit hallway opposite the door to the palace.

"Wait here," I commanded the others.

I did not listen to their protests but saying no more began my torchlit journey through the now darkened labyrinth of the palace corridors. My memory and sense of direction began to carry me unerringly from hall to hall, guiding me swiftly toward the Chamber of the Golden Mask. I encountered no one.

The silence seemed uncanny and the darkness startling after the bright sunlight of the street outside. I could hear nothing but the quiet, almost noiseless sound of my own sandals on the stones of the corridor. The palace was perhaps deserted.

At last I came to the Chamber of the Golden Mask.

I leaned against the heavy doors and swung them open.

Inside there was light. The torches on the walls still burned. Behind the golden throne of the Tatrix loomed the dull gold mask, fashioned in the image of a cold and beautiful woman, the reflection of the torches set in the walls flickering hideously on its polished surface.

On the throne there sat a woman clad in the golden robes and mask of the Tatrix of Tharna. About her neck was a necklace of silver tarn disks. On the steps before the throne there stood a warrior, fully armed, who held in his hands the blue helmet of his city.

Thorn lowered his helmet slowly over his features. He loosened the sword in its scabbard. He unslung his shield and the long, broad-headed spear from his left shoulder.