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She looked at him. She wet her lips twice. "I am in zees country legally," she declared.

"Then you must have a passport. Where is it?"

For the first time her eyes had a cornered look. "I weel explain. to zee propaire officaire. "

"There's nothing improper about me," Cramer said grimly.

Zorka spread out her hands. "I lost eet."

"I'm afraid the water's getting hot," said Wolfe. "Now about last night. Why did you phone here and say that you saw Miss Tormic putting something in Mr Goodwin's pocket?"

"Because I did see eet."

"Then why hadn't you told the police about it?"

"Because I thought not to make trouble." She edged forward in her chair. "Now look. Zat happen precisely zee way I say. I thought not to make trouble. Zen I sink, murder ees so horrible, I have no right. Zen I phone you and say I weel tell zee police. Zen I sink, Mr Barrett ees friend of Mees Tormic, so to be fair I should tell heem what I do, and I phone heem. Of course, he know how I am refugee, how I escape, how I must not put people in danger-"

"By the way where did you first meet Mr Barrett?"

"I meet heem in Paris."

"Go ahead."

"So he say, good God, zee police kestion me so much, zey must know everysing about me, so dangerous to me and to so many people so why do I not go to veesit Mees Reade, so I pack my bags-"

There was a knock at the door and Fritz entered. He advanced and spoke over a dick's shoulder:

"Mr Panzer, sir."

"Tell him I'm engaged with Madame Zorka and Mr Cramer."

"I did so, sir. He said he would like to see you."

"Send him in."

Cramer bellowed, "So it was Donald Barrett that got you to take a powder-"

"Just a moment," Wolfe begged him. "I think we're getting a reinforcement."

Nobody seeing Saul Panzer for the first time would have regarded him as a valuable reinforcement for anything whatever, but they would have been wrong. A lot of people had underrated him, and a lot of people had paid for it. He had left his old brown cap and coat in the hall and, as he stood there absorbing a couple of million details of the little group with one quick glance, everything about him looked insignificant but his big nose.

Wolfe asked him, "Results, Saul?"

"Yes, sir."


"Yes, sir."

"Indeed. Let us have them."

"I was going to bring her birth certificate along, but I thought that might make trouble, so I took a copy-"

He retreated a step, because Zorka had leaped to her feet, confronted him, and practically shrieked at him, "You didn't! You couldn't-"

A dick reached for her elbow and Cramer bawled, "Sit down!"

"But he-if he-"

"I said sit down!"

She backed up, stumbled on the other dick's foot, recovered her balance, and dropped into her chair. Her shoulders sagged, and she sat that way.

Saul said, "I didn't have to make any expenditure of the kind you contemplated, but I spent three dollars and ninety cents on a phone call. I thought it was justified."

"No doubt. Go ahead."

Saul took his step back. "First I went to Madame Zorka's apartment. There were four city detectives there making a search, and the maid was sitting in a bedroom crying. I had already decided what to do if I found that, so I merely went in-"

He stopped, with a glance at Cramer and the dicks.

"Go on, don't mind them," Wolfe told him. "If it ruins a modus operandi for you, you'll invent an even better one for next time."

"Thank you, sir. I went in for a minute only, establishing a friendly basis, and got the maid to look at me. Then I went to Madame Zorka's place of business on 54th Street. There were more city detectives there, but aside from that it didn't look promising, and I decided to leave it as a last resort. From a certain source I got three leads on friends and associates, and I spent nearly four hours on that line, counting lunch, but got nothing at all.

"I then, at two-fifteen, returned to the apartment. I learned downstairs that two of the detectives were still there, so I waited until they left, which was at 2.35, and then went up. I rang the bell and the maid opened the door and I went in. On account of the impression created at my visit in the morning, she took it for granted that I was a city detective, though I did not say so. I merely went in and started searching-"

Cramer growled, "By God, impersonating-"

"Oh, no, Inspector." Saul looked shocked. "I wouldn't impersonate an officer. But I did suspect the maid made a mistake and took me for one, for otherwise she might have objected to my searching the place. I thought if she had it fixed in her mind that I was a city detective, she probably wouldn't believe me anyway if I tried to tell her I wasn't, so I didn't try. And if you won't regard it as impertinent, I'd like to compliment you on the job your men did. You would hardly know the place had been touched, the way they left things, and they must have gone through every inch. And the fact that they had been over it made it unnecessary for me to do any of the superficial things. I could concentrate on the long chance that there was some trick they had missed. It wasn't much of a trick at that, only a false bottom in a leather hatbox. Underneath it I found her birth certificate and a few letters and things. I left it all there after taking a copy of the certificate, and then I went out to a phone booth and made a long-distance call to Ottumwa, Iowa, to her mother just to make sure."

Zorka blurted at him, "You, you phoned my mother. "

"Yes, ma'am, I did. It's all right. I didn't scare her, or anything. I made it all right. Having found out from the birth certificate that your name is Pansy Bupp, and having read a letter-"

"What's that?" Wolfe demanded. "Her name is what?"

"Pansy Bupp." He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. P-A-N-S-Y B-U-P-P. Her father is William O. Bupp. He runs a feed store. She was born at Ottumwa on April 9, 1912-"

"Give me that paper."

Saul handed it over. Wolfe glared at it, ate it with his eyes, and transferred the glare to her, and it was one of the few times on record that I would have called his tone a snarl as he shot at her:


She snarled back, "Why what?"

"Why that counfounded drivel? That imbecile flummery?"

She looked as if she would like to stick a knife through him. "What do you think would happen," she demanded, "to a Fifth Avenue couturiиre if it came out that her name was Pansy Bupp?" Her voice rose to an indignant wail. "What do you think will happen?"

Wolfe, beside himself with fury, wiggled a whole hand at her. "Answer me!" he roared. "Is your name Pansy Bupp?"

"Yes "

"Were you born in Ottumwa, Iowa?"

"Yes "

"When did you leave there?"

"Why, I. I took trips to Denver-"

"I'm not speaking of trips to Denver! When did you leave there?"

"Two years ago-nearly. My father gave me money for a trip to Paris-and I got a job there and learned to design-and I met Donald Barrett, and he suggested-"

"Where did you get the name Zorka?"

"I saw it somewhere-"

"Have you ever been in Yugoslavia?"

"No "

"Or anywhere in Europe besides Paris?"

"No "

"Is what you said last night-about the reason for your phoning here and then running away to Miss Reade's place-is that the truth?"

"Yes, it is. Like a fool, an utter fool"-she gulped-"I let my conscience bother me because it was murder. If I hadn't done that, none of this. " She flung out her hands. "Oh, can it be-can't this be-?" Her chin was quivering.

"Miss Bupp!" Wolfe thundered. "Don't you dare! Archie, get her out of here! Get her out of the house!"