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“Your opponent is the force controlling the underworld. There might be traps or unexpectedly strong opponents. Never let your guard down.”

Climb’s body shuddered. It was not because of fear, but due to the crucial role he had been assigned. Compared to the other groups’ leaders, Climb’s skills and abilities were extremely lacking. The only reason he had been assigned as one was because he was not an average soldier, and his personal helper would support him. Even the Marquis Raeven’s only team of former orichalcum ranked adventurers had been assigned to him. Under these circumstances it had been impossible for him to refuse.

Plus, the moment he realized why he had been chosen as a group leader, he could not simply sit around. Blue Rose, Marquis Raeven, Gazef Stronoff, and in case of something went wrong, Prince Zanack, too. There was nobody who represented Renner. Thus, by making Climb one of the group leaders, she wanted to show that she had a large part in the plan as well.

It seems to be the work of Prince Zanack and Marquis Raeven, but why would they do that?

The reason was a mystery to Climb. However, the mission of spreading the knowledge that Princess Renner was working hard for the people of the Kingdom gave him strength.

The little pep talk finished and everyone dispersed. When he went back to his group, the man who stood at the front of the group spoke with relaxed voice.

“Are you ready?”

That man was Brain Unglaus, deputy leader of Climb’s group and his personal helper who had been brought by Gazef.

“The members are all ready. On commander’s words, we’ll move out immediately. We’re going to be taking this route. Our friend over there helped to choose.”

There was a red line navigating through the streets on the map of the capital Brain handed over. After taking a look at the map, Climb looked at the man Brain was pointing at. It was one of the men from the former oricalchum ranked team. As if recognizing Climb’s gaze, he waved his hand in greeting.

Climb slightly bowed his head towards the man who was much older than him. Normally it would be frowned upon if a group’s leader bowed his head to another member of the group, but since Climb, who had no real strength to speak of, was the leader, he would need the help of others rather than personally stand at the forefront of the assault. While they were sharing a conversation, a humongous person approached Climb and spoke.

“Oi, cherry boy.”

He had hoped she wouldn’t call him that. While Climb was desperately thinking that in his head, he felt how the gazes towards him changed. He was glad none were of disdain. Some of them were like the gazes of adults watching a child, and some were of strong camaraderie.

“What is it, Gagaran-sama?”

Compared from the inn, she was covered with first class magical items. Her red full plate mail had spikes and eye like decoration around the chest area. It was her famous armour, ‘Gaze Bane’. Her gauntlets were little different and had snake decorations wrapping around them. It was an ancient relic that accelerated regeneration, the ‘Gauntlets of Kerykerion’. Around the waist was a war pick called ‘Fel Iron’ and the luxurious red cape befitting royalty was called ‘Crimson Guardian’. Inside the armour, where people couldn’t see, were the ‘Vest of Resistance’, the ‘Dragontooth Amulet’, the ‘Belt of Greater Power’, ‘Wing Boost’, the ‘Circlet Twister’ and even the rings had been imbued with magic.

This was the gear of one of Kingdom’s greatest warriors, Gagaran. Every single one of them was expensive enough to make one’s eyes pop. The only reason she could afford such equipment was because she was an adamantium ranked adventurer. Evileye, Tina and Tia also wore equipment that could be recognized as highest tier with a single glance.

“Nothing much, I just wanted to feel up the cherry boy’s ass some more.”

She probably meant that she was worried for him, but he really wished she would stop calling him that. He could take off a nickname like that if he wanted to in one of those stores, but he did not want to. Deep inside, Climb shed a tear, but Gagaran watched Brain with hawk-like eyes.

“Brain Unglaus. The man who fought toe-to-toe with the Royal Warrior Captain… Those stories weren’t a lie nor an exaggeration.”

“Blue Rose’s warrior Gagaran. You certainly are… strong. Truly fitting for a warrior of an adamantium ranked party. So, do I pass?”

Climb looked towards Brain as if asking what he meant by passing. Brain shrugged and told Climb what Gagaran truly meant.

“She came by to see if I am someone trustworthy enough to be entrusted with you.”

“Is that true?”

“What are you talking about… Why would I care what happens to you. It was just that it would be a shame if cherry boy died, so I came to see if you wanted to take care of it. Still, I can see that it’s no coincidence you caught the “Devil of Illusions”. A strong battle spirit. I can feel it even without sparring with you. If it was you, it would have been easy.”

“Gee, thanks. I can see the rumours about you were true as well. But it’s best to be on your guard. In this world, there are monsters strong enough to kill us instantaneously.”

“Oh-ho, you’re one of the careful types. Men like you aren’t bad either. You might not be a cherry boy, but how about it?”

“No thanks. I think it’ll explode from the pressure.”

Climb didn’t need to ask what would explode.

“That’s a shame. Well then, be careful Climb.”

Gagaran waved goodbye and strode away. Watching her walk away, Brain murmured.

“She’s a kind woman. Wouldn’t have guessed, considering her appearance.”

“Gagaran-san… No, all the members of Blue Rose are like that. Evileye-san may also appear mean, but even she’s a kind person.”

“A magic caster wearing a mask… Speaking of which, this Ainz Ooal Gown fellow that Gazef mentioned was wearing a mask as well. Is that the latest fashion trend among magic casters? …Hmmm? It seems we’re starting to move out.”

“It seems so. If we want to coordinate the time with groups that are going farther away, it’s about time.”

The two men could see a group that was already quite some distance ahead. Climb looked around to see if he could find a certain woman, but of course he could not find her. She would be with Prince Zanack about now. He knew how much work Renner had to do, yet wondered if his little sensation of sadness was due to his selfishness.