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“Of course. Are all the preparations made to receive her?”

“No problem~. On that point, we prepared accordingly~.”

Sebas nodded his head to Entoma who spoke sweetly.

“Any other questions? No? Then we’ll divide the members into seven groups and decide where each group will attack. Of course, Sebas and Solution are already assigned, but first thing to beware of… Shalltear!”

Demiurge’s tone suddenly became strong, surprising Shalltear.

“What, what is it, Demiurge?”

“Please wait in the back as reserve, since you lose all control when you’re drenched in blood. If you go out of control killing useless flies, it will be a problem.”

“It-, it’s alright! If I use Spuit Lance to suck it all in, the chances of that happening would be very small!”

“It’s still a no. We need to be careful with this and need to avoid the risks as much as possible. Also Sebas, I’ll apologize beforehand. Rescuing Tsuare and punishing the Eight Fingers is just stage one of this plan. However, I cannot tell you anything about the entire plan or stage two, because the moment you return to Nazarick after accomplishing stage one, you are no longer part of the plan. To avoid any information leaks, we need to keep it on a strict need-to-know basis.”

“I understand. Then I will prepare immediately.”

Once Sebas left the room, Demiurge continued.

“Alright, first, I will relay the important information. Concentrate and make sure you do not miss anything. Entoma, you can make illusions, correct? Then please use them as I instruct you.”


After listening to all the details from Demiurge, Entoma created an illusion in an empty space. Demiurge was fully satisfied with the illusion as well.

“I forbid you to kill this person. In the worst case, you are permitted to injure him if necessary but think of it as fundamentally not allowed. Especially you, Shalltear.”

“You don’t need to keep reminding me.”

Shalltear puffed up her cheeks at being repeatedly mentioned and Mare smiled bitterly.

“U-umm. I-is it ok not to, uh, tell Sebas?”

“It should be alright. Considering his personality, he isn’t someone who would randomly hurt people… but just in case, will you take care of this in an emergency, Solution?”

“Yes, as you command.”

Demiurge nodded satisfactorily.

The last part of the plan was linked to someone who would bring huge benefits to Nazarick. If there is a mistake, then there was a chance that the ultimate goal of world domination, which the Supreme Being Ainz Ooal Gown has not said aloud, could be delayed. The moment the master said “I entrust everything to you”, mistakes could no longer be tolerated.

Despite having received direct orders from Albedo; Shalltear, Cocytus and Sebas have made mistakes one after the other. If this continued, the very abilities of the Guardians and the other stronger members created by the supreme beings would be questioned. Of course, the master did not show displeasure at their failure, and Cocytus’ failure seemed to have been part of the plan, but they cannot keep relying on his goodwill.

We must prove how useful the Guardians are to Ainz-sama by succeeding with this plan.

Was there any use for foolish subordinates that cannot perform their duty in a satisfying way?

And if the final remaining being were to disappear due to disappointment...

The mere thought made Demiurge freeze in fear.

Failure is not an option. We must show a result that will wipe away all the previous failures.

With certainty in his heart, Demiurge looked around to everyone.

“And don’t forget, the people who brainwashed Shalltear may be waiting for an opportunity to strike. Nobody will desert their post without permission. If you’re deemed suspicious by myself or any other Guardians, raise your two arms or their equivalent as a proof of your loyalty. Do not act in a suspicious manner. If you do, we may kill you immediately for the safety of the plan. Any questions?”

“Uh, I just asked a question, but can I ask another one?”

Demiurge gave Mare a gentle smile and motioned him to go ahead.

“Ah, yea. S-Sebas doesn’t have a World-class item like us. Will he be alright?”

“As Ainz-sama foresaw, he is to be the bait. If the enemy falls for it, then it would be great. Albedo is watching from the Throne Room in case the enemy falls for the bait. Also, for those who cannot use ‘Message’, do not act independently. I will watch over the entire operation, so come to me instead. In case of an emergency or if for some reason you can’t contact me, I have already told Mare everything about the plan and he will act as the Second-in-Command.”

“Wha… What about myself…?”

“Sorry Shalltear, but like I said, I can’t trust you completely, so you’re in the reserve. Haaa... your uncontrollable bloodlust can be quite a concern.”

“I got it, I got it, alright!!!”

“As soon as stage one is finished, we will enter stage two immediately. I’ll explain it to you now. This is the real deal, so pay atten— …What is it?”

A Shadow Demon wiggled out of Demiurge’s shadow and whispered new information into his ears.

“Is that so? It’s certainly last minute, but can’t be helped.”

It was a truly annoying matter but something that could not be ignored.

“Mare, this is a new information. We have a new Eight Fingers hideout to attack. I’m sorry, but I will need you to head there instead. You might not have enough manpower, but I will send Entoma as support.”

“Y, yes, um, please leave it to me!”

“Good answer. We’ll talk about the details later, but for now let me explain Operation Gehenna while everybody is here. This is the most important plan we’ll execute in the Kingdom, so pay attention.”

Chapter 8. Six Arms

Translator: Rockgollem

Editors/Proofreaders: Ferro, TaintedDream, Namorax, Skythewood, SifaV6, JcqC, Sene9ty


Part 1

Lower Fire Month (9th Month), 4th, 21:51