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“Is it alright for me to go with you?”

“Of course, leader. My warrior comrades aren’t really fit for infiltration because they’re too stiff in their armour.”

“I understand, then we will infiltrate with the people here.”

“It’d be good if our magic caster could cast noise cancelling magic, too... Well, if it’s for 3 people, I’ll ask him to cast invisibility magic.”


Climb spoke in worried tone.

“Even if everybody goes invisible, my helm can activate invisibility detection once per day... but what about everyone else? If everyone can’t see each other and gets lost, it will be a problem.”

“Don’t worry Climb, I have a magic item that can detect invisibility. Even though it’s a one use only, I’ll be fine.”

“No need to worry about me. There’s no way I can miss the leader and Unglaus’ footsteps.”

“Then we will be able to communicate fine. We will give Sebas-sama some time before infiltrating.”

“I’ll be in your care.”

Climb and Brain were flustered at Sebas, who lowered his head. They didn’t do anything to deserve a bow from someone like Sebas. They were basically using him like they did at the brothel yesterday.

“No, we are the ones who should be thanking you. Since we came to attack this place, we are very grateful that you are taking care of the Six Arms.”

“In that case I suppose we are even.”

They could not find any hint of negativeness in Sebas’ bright smile. Climb stood up feeling relieved.

“Then we will retreat and come back after magic is cast on us.”


Part 2

Lower Fire Month (9th Month), 4th, 22:15

Sebas gave himself a generous amount of time to arrive, so he was several minutes ahead of the instructed time on the parchment. Though he was early, he stood in front of the gate.

It was a fence styled gate so he could see inside, but because of the trees, his line of sight was obscured.

“Hmph, you came on time.”

With coarse voice, a man appeared from in between the trees. Of course Sebas knew that man was there the whole time because he had activated a skill that detected all life forms within a certain radius. He couldn’t physically see him, and since it would be dangerous to rely on this skill alone, he only used it under special circumstances.

“Over here. Follow me.”

Following the man’s guide through the door, Sebas walked on the little pathway through the garden. For a garden owned by an underground organization like Eight Fingers, it did not have gloomy feelings about it. The trees were trimmed cleanly and he could tell they must have a fairly talented gardener. Following the pathway, there was large clearing resembling a training ground. Numerous torches dotted the ground and red flames danced about everywhere. There were roughly 30 people, mostly men and a few women, who were all smiling. It was the smile given by those accustomed to violence who could never imagine themselves losing. Sebas looked around the clearing. He could not find anyone who could present a proper challenge but he found the Six Arms he heard about from Climb’s comrade.

One wore a hooded robe. It was dyed black and the edge was sewn with red thread as if it were imitating a flame. He could not see inside the hood, but the aura was not that of a living being. The nickname “Undying” was not a simple word play, but because it was an undead.

The lone woman among the Six Arms was dressed lightly in thin silk. She had countless golden bangles on her wrists and ankles and they made a metallic sound every time she moved. On her waist hung six scimitars. The man beside her was flashy. He was dressed like a matador and held a rapier whose blade looked as if it grew out of a rose. It even smelled like a rose.

The last man was covered in unremarkable full plate armour and kept his sword in the sheath. A total of four people — their leader, Zero, was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he was waiting his turn elsewhere. When the four of them stepped forward, their minions moved to surround Sebas.

“Old man, I heard you are quite strong. You defeated them all with just a single strike?”

“We had to secure our place within the Eight Fingers with our skills alone. It will be dangerous for us if we lose here. Succulent? He was an idiot to lose in front of the head of Slave Trade branch, even if that branch is now fallen.”

“So I have one question for you. Succulent said he lost to Brain Unglaus, but was he actually defeated by you and simply did not admit to it?

“Well, I never fought with him directly. I only exchanged greetings with him in the mansion and he was unconscious the next time I saw him.”

“Well, I guess it was only natural that he lost. If the opponent was the renowned Brain Unglaus, there’s no way he could have won.”

“Especially if he became stronger since the duel and is on same level as Gazef Stronoff, Succulent’s loss was a given.”

“But it’s not something that can be forgiven. We’ll take care of Unglaus and that shitty princess’ underling later. But you old man, who instigated this whole annoyance, you will die first.”

“We will break you. If we couldn’t, it would put us in a bad spot.”

“Look over there.”

The Six Arms spoke one by one and pointed to third floor of the building.

“There are several high-ranking people over there. They’ve gathered to see us kill you nice and slow.”

“Is someone called Zero there as well?”

“Well, maybe.”

The four smiled mockingly as if they were looking at a weakling. Sebas pointed towards the building and then lowered his hand. The Six Arms wondered what he was doing.

“What is that? You picking a fight?”

“Don’t worry about it. So, where is she?”

“Who are you talking about?”

The reply came with a smile that was clearly looking down at him. Sebas replied sternly.

“She’s the women you kidnapped from the mansion, Tsuare.”

“What if I say we killed her?”