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As the person responsible, Entoma, who stayed to the end, had the refreshed expression one would have at the completion of an assignment. She looked at the night sky, using her hand to wipe off her sweat. Although she did not secrete a single drop of sweat, that was how she felt.

“Ha. Everybody move the items away then~”

Obeying Entoma’s command, huge insects the size of a man carrying large amounts of cargo on their backs flew into the night sky. These giant beetles were all summoned through her entomomancer ability.

Their wings gave off a heavy and low vibrating sound, and then the insects flew in a straight line formation towards their destination.

After personally sending off the insects transporting the heavy goods, Entoma pondered as she looked at the object she held in one hand.

“Ah, must resist eating. I must, I must.”

With a ‘bop’ sound, she gently knocked herself on the head, and brought the severed hand of a man to the area below her chin. The man’s hand then disappeared with a ‘chomp chomp chomp’ sound as Entoma’s throat continuously moved. Her expression was extremely cute, but the smell of blood had also slowly spread out.

“Women’s fat is soft and the meat tastes delicious. Children’s fat is thin, and the meat tastes great as well. But, ah, the best is of course the textured meat of men.”

She nimbly avoided the bones as she ate, then threw the rest of the hand into the mansion.

“Thank you for the meal!”

She bowed in the direction of the mansion, and, in order not to be late, she began to head off to her destination in accordance with her orders. However she had not taken many steps when a nearby sound made her stop.

“Yo. It is a beautiful night, is it not?”

“...Tonight is a beautiful night indeed, but I gather it isn’t so wonderful for you?”

It was unclear whether the one who slowly revealed herself was a man or a woman. Although it felt like she was a woman, her physique was that of a man.

“You, what are you doing here?”

“Taking a walk.”

“...You, what was it that you ate so eagerly just now??”


“...Human meat?”

The manwoman’s voice was as cold as ice, yet Entoma was not fazed at all. She didn’t care what kind of emotions humans harboured against her. If they dared to interfere, they would be crushed; If they did not, they would be ignored. If she were hungry, they would be caught for food. For Entoma, this was all their existence amounted to.

Slowly, the manwoman lifted her war pick. After seeing this action, Entoma spoke in a troubled voice for the first time.

“Then, have we met before?”

The manwoman had an incredulous expression, and thought to herself “Could that be?”, but did not voice this out loud.

“I am here because of work. Having you as my opponent will be troublesome, and moreover my stomach is full right now.”

“...Please excuse me. I am one of the Kingdom’s top-class adventurers. Upon encountering a man-eating monster, I cannot allow you to get away. Your continued existence in the human world is a problem.”

“Ah, so troublesome. But you are strong. In that case I’ll turn you into preserved food.

For the first time Entoma looked straight at the manwoman.

She couldn’t help thinking that this was a powerful warrior.

Mm, yes, definitely very strong.

Entoma was not a pure warrior, so she had no means to assess the strength of her opponent. However, she did not consider the other side to be stronger than herself.


The manwoman darted over, and sent her war pick crashing downwards.

Entoma elegantly dodged the attack. But a follow-up attack immediately pursued her, with the war pick making a significant change in direction mid-swing, heading straight for Entoma. This movement was not a smooth blow relying on centrifugal force, but was instead a move purely based on an illogical amount of brute force.

Once again Entoma flashed out of the way, and activated her special ability.

“Ah!? Do you only know how to run?”

The war pick began rotating, creating a large vortex of wind which circulated above the manwoman’s head, ruffling her hair.

“Heh, do you like to spin things around and make woosh woosh sounds?”

The manwoman clicked her tongue in response to this jeering. When Entoma once again activated her skill, the hammer swung downwards from above. With some difficulty she managed to dodge and the war pick buried itself deeply into the ground after missing its target.

Entoma laughed at her using the same move. Her expression did not change, and the mocking gesture exposed their difference in strength.

That manwoman caught onto the overwhelmingly powerful Entoma’s carelessness.

“Get crushed!”

Having the spiked war pick as the epicentre, the surrounding ground began to collapse, or rather, the rocks scattered. It was like an earthquake had occurred. For the first time, Entoma was unable to maintain a leisurely posture, but the effect of the opponent’s magic item did not collapse everything.

Entoma saw the opponent uproot the sunken war pick.

She could not help getting annoyed.

She cursed her own carelessness.

Avoiding that previous attack had been incredibly easy. Humans would find it very difficult to escape the earth-shattering shock waves because the collapse of the surrounding ground would result in a loss of balance. However Entoma was a battle maid and all the magic items she possessed were high-class. This degree of destruction was insignificant to her.

However, there was one problem.

While avoiding the flying debris, the maid outfit she wore had become dirty.

Could such a matter be forgiven? This was high-class clothing bestowed to Entoma by the Supreme Beings.

So— it ends here then.

Hostility hidden under the mask of Entoma’s face emerged.

It ends here.
