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"Understood, we will head towards that location."

"Stop. It looks like there's a pretty high-level magic caster present. If you're pulled into this, don't you think you might lose your life?"

Then what are we supposed to do? Ainz looked away from the magic caster's conflicted expression and turned to Narberal.

"Nabe, use ‘Fly’ and take me in closer to there. On my mark, drop me right on top of them."


♦ ♦ ♦

Lower Fire Month (9th Month), 4th Day, 22:33

To Evileye, who was on the brink of life and death, the black warrior’s question seemed utterly ridiculous. However, she immediately changed her mind. When you thought about it, both of them seemed very suspicious. After all, it was a confrontation between two masked figures and it wasn't unthinkable that they might be seen as conspirators fighting among themselves.

Then, hoping that she'd correctly deduced the identity of the black warrior, Evileye cried out.

"Dark hero! I am Evileye of Blue Rose, and I appeal to you as a fellow adamantite ranked adventurer! Please, aid me!"

The moment she made her plea, Evileye realized that she had made a mistake.

That was the difference in the fighting strength between herself and the enemy. Even with the help of Momon the Black, a fellow adamantite ranked adventurer, what could they do? The demon facing Evileye was one she could not hope to defeat, even with his help. It would be like going from a scrap of paper to two— either way, they would both be scattered by the raging storm before them.

If he accepted Evileye's request, she would be directly responsible for his death. What she should have done was to tell him to flee, and if possible, take the bodies of her comrades with him.


"—I understand".

The man stood before the demon, hiding Evileye behind his back.

Evileye held her breath.

In the moment that he stood before her, she mistook him for a massive, sturdy wall, the kind that would defend a city. A sense of security and relief filled her to the depths of her heart.

And the demon confronting them actually bowed his head, as though he were a commoner showing due deference to a nobleman. It couldn't possibly be respect, he must have been mocking him. Was the demon merely playing games?

"My, my, such an honor you pay us this night. Might I inquire as to your noble name? This one is known as Jaldabaoth."

Jaldabaoth? She heard the surprised voice of the man underneath the jet-black helm, followed by the mumbled "weird name".

She didn't think it was weird. In fact, Evileye had no idea what to think of it. She knew quite a bit about the lore of demons and other infernal beings, but next to nothing about this name.

"Jaldabaoth, is it? I understand. My name is Momon, and like she said, I am an adamantite ranked adventurer."

Though bathed in Jaldabaoth's demoralizing presence, the warrior of darkness Momon carried on as though he hadn't noticed it at all.

So that’s what he’s doing, Evileye thought with approval. In order to draw his opponent out and learn from him, Momon exercised his iron discipline and kept his emotions from showing. It was clear why the man called Momon was recognized as a first-rate adventurer.

Evileye, who was ashamed of how easily her emotions had taken control of her, moved into the shadow of Momon's crimson cape in order not to distract the two of them from their exchange of words.

Even though Momon seemed willing enough to assist, she had the feeling that she would be getting in the way.

Momon and Jaldabaoth didn't bother acknowledging Evileye's presence. In the moment that she moved, they began a duel of wits, each seeking the secrets of the other.

"Ah, I see. May I then inquire as to the reason you have graced us with your presence this evening?"

"It's for a quest. A certain noble hired us to defend his estate... but when I passed by and saw this battle, I thought it was an emergency, and naturally I jumped in."

Said noble was Marquis Raeven, who had requested the presence of adamantite ranked adventurers in the capital, heedless to the risk of running afoul of the unwritten adventurer's policy of not getting involved in politics. One could tell he was desperately in need of the manpower to deal with the Eight Fingers.

"And what's your objective?"

"A mighty item capable of beckoning us to this plane has found its way to this city. We are here in order to retrieve it, of course."

"And what if we gave it to you? Wouldn't that solve the problem?"

"Unfortunately, that would be impossible. There can only ever be hostility between us."

"What kind of conclusion is that? De- Jaldabaoth, must we be enemies?"

"That is precisely so."

Evileye tilted her head at the surreal sight before her. Rather than a battle of wits, they were just sharing information. How did that even make sense?

"Well, I understand, for the most part. In that case... you do realize that I will defeat you here?"

Momon spread both his hands, and the greatswords which were like an extension of his arms seemed to shine.

"That... would be inconvenient. Do permit me to put up a bit of resistance."

"Then— here I come."

He stepped— no, that wasn't right. The Momon standing in front of her had vanished. He was engaged in an intense melee with Jaldabaoth.

It had developed into a struggle that Evileye could not describe with words.

The after-images of countless swords, parried and countered by the extended claws of Jaldabaoth.


There were many ways to render praise, but at this moment, Evileye, who was entranced by the dazzling swordplay before her, could only offer up that single word. It exceeded the blows of all the swordsmen in her memory. It seemed as though he would slice through the night and evil in one blow.

She felt like the princess in the songs of the bards. And the dark warrior before her seemed like a knight come to her rescue.

An electric current ran up her spine from between her legs, and Evileye's petite frame shuddered.

The heart of hers that had been still for over 150 years seemed to beat quickly once more.