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Even so, it hurt to hear those words, especially after he had battled that mighty demon in order to save them.

The demon they had encountered at the warehouse was on a completely different level from any of the others. It could have beaten Brain Unglaus with strength to spare, and it was only because of its many wounds that they had been victorious. If that demon had appeared before them in a fresh, undamaged state, they would certainly have been defeated. After hearing how powerful it was from Lakyus, he was silently grateful that they had somehow managed to triumph over it.

And after that, the only thanks he had received were the aforementioned complaints. Although he told himself that he had become used to it, the words still cut deeply into him.

In truth, it would have been fine if Climb had struck out at those people with malicious intent. Nobody would say anything if Climb returned the insults he had received in his position as the Princess' personal knight, but if he did that, then Renner's position would be in danger. If their hatred turned toward the princess and led to them slandering her, he would be powerless to draw his sword against them.

"Now then, Climb. I have... unpleasant news. Listen carefully."

Climb closed his eyes for several seconds, then opened them again.

"The women you and Sebas-san worked together to save from the brothel... were murdered."

Unable to comprehend what Renner had just said, his mouth worked open and closed while he gasped out some sounds that might have been mistaken for speech.

"How... but how... how could that have happened..."

Come to think of it, the women should have been hidden in a waiting room and then sent on to Renner's properties.

"That was a miscalculation on my part. I wanted to hire adventurers as guards, but due to the disturbance, they had all been employed by others. So I had to use mercenaries instead..."

Renner shook her head, as though saying it had all been her fault.

"Th-that's not true! It's definitely not Renner-sama's fault! It's the ones who attacked them who're to blame!"

"No! If I had been more careful, if I had considered things more closely... that the disturbance would have weakened security in the capital, if I had let them escape when I sensed danger, it wouldn't have turned out like this! If Climb had been there, maybe it wouldn't have turned out like this. And even the adventurers who recommended the mercenaries were shocked..."

The beginnings of tears began filling the corners of Renner's eyes.

Climb's chest ached as though his heart had been crushed. Perhaps it might have been a mistake on Renner's part, but she had made the best of a bad situation. Then, who was to blame?

"Renner-sama did nothing wrong!"

Hearing Climb's forceful declaration, Renner, who had been moved deeply by Climb, rose and hugged him tightly.

To calm her down, Climb reached a hand behind her back— no. That would be dangerous.

"But, how did the information..."

"I have no idea. The capital's security was weakest during the disturbance; maybe it got out during that time? They should have been transferred immediately..."

He could not rule that out. It might have been that the attackers had followed the places and people protected by Climb until they found their way to the hiding place.

"Where were the bodies found?"

"In the poor districts of the capital, but I don't know the details myself."

"What about the corpses?"

"They've been buried. What of them?"

"I wanted to examine the wounds, see what kind of clues I could find."

"...Climb, that's enough. They've been violated enough. At least let them rest in peace."


Renner's kindness touched Climb to the bottom of his heart. Certainly, her words had merit. He felt ashamed for not being considerate of her feelings, and the urge to find out the truth grew within him.

"Please don't take it too hard. This is definitely not Climb's... ah, I see we've exchanged positions."

Renner smiled. Though her eyes were still red, there were no more tears in them.

"Yes, we have."

Climb's stoic expression broke, and he smiled.

"Forgive me for keeping you. Then, Climb, you'll have to work hard now."

Though he felt a pang of longing for the warmth that had left his chest, he immediately interrupted his desire.

♦ ♦ ♦

Month of Descending Fire (9th Month), 10th Day, 09:08

Today was an auspicious day for journeys, with no clouds hanging in the azure skies above.

The crimson cape blew freely in the wind, behind the man in jet-black armor. Evileye asked a question of him.

"Will you return?"

It was a strange question, but Evileye had had a strange feeling. Adventurers were said to have no roots, but some adventurers made certain cities into their base, much like Blue Rose. For Momon, his base would be E-Rantel.

"I, I mean, there's a lot of people who'd want to go with..."

Evileye couldn't believe she was making such blubbery, simpering noises. She reflected that she was hardly a lovesick schoolgirl mooning over her beloved, but just the word "love" threw her mind into turmoil.

"...Don't worry about it."

That was his answer.

It was a cold one, Evileye thought.

With no idea what else to say, the wind blew strongly between the two of them.

The man who had been waiting for this silence spoke.

Evileye felt that this was hardly the proper way for a farewell between a man and a woman, but they were not alone here. Behind Momon was Nabe, and behind Evileye were the members of Blue Rose. And then there were the magic casters who would send Momon back to E-Rantel.

"You did us a great favor."

Momon nodded in response to Raeven's thanks.

"His Majesty wished to convey his gratitude to you in person, but..."

During the disturbance in the capital, Momon had become a household name throughout the capital. After all, he was the dark hero who had challenged the archfiend Jaldabaoth to single combat, and soundly defeated him. It was only natural that the king would want to express his gratitude in person. If things went well, he might even receive a lordship. However, Momon had rejected that last offer and refused to meet.