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“I’m not exactly sure either. According to the legend that’s been passed down, it is a demon that has been living in the Tove Mountains. It’s supposed to be strong beyond comparison. In the past, an acquaintance… right, apparently it hadn’t been there 200 years ago when that person visited the mountains.”

Evileye shrugged as she said the number 200.

Although it was an age possible for an elf, by her behavior, it may have just been a joke.

“Heh~. So, how much of that is actually true? Rumors usually come with a bit of an oomph,

don’t they?.”

That’s how it was. While telling the story to others, the person doesn’t even notice that they are exaggerating the facts. Bodies that have been chopped to pieces makes it difficult to get an exact head count. At times, the adventurers themselves spread rumors to promote their name.

But Evileye raised one finger and waved it side-to-side in a dismissive gesture.

“At least this incident is most likely true. According to the first rumor that came from E-Rantel, he exterminated an undead giant with his sword and broke through thousands of undead. This is from the reports of the sentries who managed to survive. Their reports were all nearly identical so they shouldn’t be exaggerated. Apparently it was confirmed that they defeated the two responsible for the incident from their corpses farther in. What’s more, it was after they defeated two Skeletal Dragons.”

Seeing Gagaran’s mouth hanging open, Climb asked.

“Is that difficult even for you, Gagaran-san?”

“If there were thousands of zombies or skeletons, then they wouldn’t be a problem. It’s possible to break through them. Probably could have done something about the two Skeletal Dragons too. But I’m not too sure about the two masterminds behind such a huge incident. I’m not confident I could win when I don’t even know their abilities.”

“There were even some remarks that they may have been from Zuranon.”

“Really, Evileye? Man~ if they were the Disciples of Zuranon then it would’ve been over right there. Beating them after breaking through the swarm would be hard. And if you make even a small mistake and get poisoned or paralyzed, then it’s over. What did those guys do for healing? Did they rely on potions? This Momon warrior guy could be using faith magic like our leader. Or maybe it’s the Beauty?”

“I can’t deny the possibility.”

Evileye nodded her head with an umu umu motion.

“But still, a Gigant Basilisk… that’s still impossible. For a warrior… that’s the worst enemy for someone who fights in close range. Even if I can use Gaze Bane, it’s still hard without backup.”

“Did you hear, Climb? It’s impossible for Gagaran alone. In other words, it depends on the skills of that woman Nabel. If they fight together then it would be possible… maybe?”

“Ah~ it would be easy if that Nabel person was as strong as you, Evileye. Wouldn’t it be simple for you to solo it if you just fight from afar?”

“That’s asking too much. I would have to fight seriously.”

“If you were there in the same two incidents with me, then the best I could take on would be… the Skeletal Dragon. But then I would be relying on you too much, Evileye. If I paired up with an orichalcum rank magic caster and it was just us two… then that’d be impossible.”

Climb had a strange thought.

Just how strong of a magic caster was Evileye? A normal team would be made up of members with similar strength and experience. Was there that big of a difference between them?

“That is not true. I know how strong you are, Gagaran-san. You would not fall behind a group of newcomers.”

“Wow~ thanks for the praise. Okay, wanna do it?”

“No, I will have to decline.”

“And that’s why you’re still a virgin. Didn’t you hear that it’s disgraceful for a man to refuse a meal that’s been laid out in front of him? Why are you still carrying it around like it’s something good? What’re you going to do when you actually do it with a girl that you like? Do you want to be told that you’re clumsy? Is that what you’re into? Are you an M?”

Digging into Climb without even giving him a chance to respond, Gagaran let out a big sigh.

“Well, it’s not like I’m pressuring you. I’m okay with it whenever so just tell me if you want it.  … But Beauty, huh. That’s a pretty embarrassing nickname. Isn’t the name just for show?”

“She’s supposed to be quite beautiful. According to my information, she—“

Climb thought that Evileye’s gaze stopped on him for a brief instant, then soon understood that he was right.

“—rivals the Golden Princess.”

Gagaran looked at Climb playfully. He predicted what she was going to say next and made the first move.

“What is beautiful and what is ugly is different for everyone. And to me, there is no one who is more beautiful than Renner-sama.”

“Yes~ Yes~.”

A voice of obvious disappointment.

“Hmm, we’ve went off topic quite a bit. I’m sorry for having you take part in needless chatter. We will start with our preparations like Lakyus instructed.”

Gagaran and Evileye stood from their seats. Climb also followed suit.

“Sorry, Climb. There’s a lot I want us to do together, but I don’t think now’s the time.”

“Not at all, Gagaran-san. Please don’t worry about it. And Evileye-sama as well, thank you for your advice.”

Gagaran silently stared at Climb then let out a tired laugh.

“Fine, you’re going back right? Look after the leader, will you? Bye bye, virgin. …And make sure you keep your items secure. That weapon at your waist isn’t what you normally use, no?”

“Right. This is in case for emergencies.”

“You don’t know what’s going to happen so even if you don’t wear your armor, at least always carry your sword with you. That’s what it means to be an adventurer, especially a warrior. Also, do you have the item that I gave you?”

“The bell? I have it right here.”

Climb tapped the pouch tied to his belt.

“I see. Then it’s fine. Remember, as warriors, the only thing we can do is swing our weapons. But that’s dangerous. Magic items are what lets us prepare for those dangers. Get a lot of items and hold onto them. And keep at least three bottles of potions with you. It’s what saved me in the past.”