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As expected, there was no reply.

The man’s face slowly broke out into a crude smile.

For someone who was familiar with her hell-like environment, it was obvious that she would not even have the energy to speak. Otherwise, he would not have pulled her out to dispose of her in the first place.

A stroke of luck does not occur in succession. If it were so frequent, then it would not be called luck in the first place.

That’s right. If the hand that grasped the hem of Sebas’ pants was a stroke of good fortune, there would not be a second time.

—Her luck had run out the moment Sebas stepped foot in this place. Everything that would follow after was the result of her will to live.

That— would never be because of luck.


—Ever so slightly, her mouth moved. Her voice did not flow naturally like how one would breathe. They contained a clear, distinct will.


Hearing those words, Sebas gave a single nod.

“…I have no intention of saving those who only pray for others to extend a helping hand, like plants waiting for the rain. However… if they themselves fight to survive…”

Sebas covered the girl’s eyes with his hand.

“Do not be frightened, rest now. I will place you under my protection.”

Clinging onto some soft, warm sensation, the girl closed her murky eyes.

The man was in disbelief and tried to voice his obvious response.

“You’re ly…”

The rest could not be heard. The man’s body froze, his voice dying in his throat.

“Did you just say that I am lying?”

Before anyone had noticed, Sebas stood up, piercing the man with his gaze.

His eyes were terrifying.

The man’s breath was cut short by the sensation of his heart on the verge of exploding.

“Are you claiming that I would lie to the likes of you?”

“Uh, n…no…”

Gulp. The man’s throat moved as he swallowed the large amount of saliva that had gathered in his mouth. His eyes became nailed to Sebas’ arm. The fear that he had foolishly forgotten from not knowing his place had returned.

“Then I will be taking her with me.”

“Y-you can’t! No, no, sir, you can’t!”

Sebas glanced over at the man who had raised his voice.

“Do you still have something to say? Are you trying to buy time?”

“N-no sir, that’s not it. I’m telling you that it’s going to be a huge problem if you take that girl, to you and your master both. Eight Fingers, don’t you know them?”

Sebas had heard of them from his information gathering. They were a criminal organization that operated from the Kingdom’s shadow.

“You understand, right? Please sir, just pretend that you didn’t see anything. If you take her then they’re going to punish me for screwing up.”

The man had realized that he could not win with strength and adopted a flattering demeanor. Sebas looked at him coldly and spoke in an equally cold voice.

“I will take her with me.”

“Spare me, I’m begging you! I’ll be a dead man!”

Perhaps I should kill him right here.

Sebas fell into thought. He could hear the man crying even while weighing the positive and negative consequences of killing him.

Although he thought that the man could be trying to buy time for his allies to arrive, he ruled out that possibility from seeing his behavior.

“Why do you not call for help?”

The man blinked and replied immediately.

According to him, if he were to lose them while he looked for help, the fact that he made a critical mistake would become known to his allies. He also did not think it likely that they could win in a fight, even with more people. That was why he was trying to convince Sebas to change his mind.

Seeing such woefully pathetic behavior, Sebas felt the tension leave his body. His killing intent had all but vanished. Although, with that said, he had no intention of handing the girl over to the man. If so—

“…Then how about you flee?”

“That’s impossible sir. I don’t have the money for that.”

“Though I do not think it would be more expensive than your life… I will provide you with the funds.”

The light returned to the man’s face from Sebas’ words.

Although it may be safer to kill him, if he desperately escaped then it may at least buy some time. Meanwhile, he can treat her wounds and move her somewhere safe.

And if he were to kill the man here, there was a good chance that they would search for the girl who immediately went missing.

Similar to how the circumstances leading up to the girl ending up in her current situation were unknown, he could not rule out the possibility of this harming her acquaintances and family.

Sebas was troubled. Why was he going so far as to take on all of these risks?

He did not understand where the stirring in his heart to save this girl came from. Other denizens of Nazarick would have ignored it, saying that they couldn’t be bothered. They would have shaken her hand loose and walked off.

—One must help others in need.

Sebas responded to the man, setting aside the swaying of his heart that even he himself could not explain. Now was not the time for such thoughts.

“Use this money to hire an adventurer and do everything you can to escape.”

As Sebas took out a leather pouch, the man’s eyes filled with doubt. The amount of money that could fit inside a small pouch would not be enough.

However, in the next moment, the man’s eyes became glued to the coins that were tossed onto the ground. The silver-like glint was that of the platinum used when dealing with trade between countries. Worth ten times more than gold, ten of such coins were scattered about.

“Everything, do you understand? I also have a few questions. How much time do you have to answer?”

“Uh, we’re good for time. Getting rid… um, no, I told them that I would be leaving to take her to the temple so I can be a little late.”