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“I see. Then let us be off.”

Keeping his words brief, Sebas motioned for the man to follow him with his chin and walked on with the girl in his arms.


Part 2

Mid Fire Month ( 8th Month ), Day 26, 18:58

The current house where Sebas resided was in an affluent neighborhood with high public order, even by the capital’s standards.

Although the size paled in comparison to the neighboring houses, it looked to be built so that two generations of families and their servants could live together. For only Sebas and Solution, the space was simply too large.

Needless to say, they had a reason for renting such a large mansion. As long as they were disguised as the family of a wealthy merchant from a far-off land, they could not live in a shabby residence. That was why, with zero connections and credibility, they had to put up with paying for the entirety of the lease at several times the market price.

Having arrived at such a residence and entering through the front door, there was someone who was there to welcome him. Wearing a white dress, it was battle maid Solution Epsilon under Sebas’ direct command. Although there were other inhabitants like the Shadow Demon and Gargoyle, they did not come to receive him because they were placed as guards.

“Welcome ba—“

Solution’s words stopped along with her head in mid bow. Her eyes were colder than usual as she stared at what was in Sebas’ arms.

“…Sebas-sama. What is that?”

“I’ve picked her up.”

Solution did not say anything to his short reply. However, the atmosphere grew heavy.

“…Is that so. Though it does not look to be a present for me, what are you planning to do with it?”

“I’m uncertain. Could you first treat her wounds?”

“Wounds you say…”

After looking over the girl’s condition, Solution nodded her head as if convinced and stared at Sebas.

“Then could you not have dropped her off at the temple?”

“…But of course. Truly, the thought must have escaped me.”

Solution narrowed her eyes and stared coldly at Sebas who would not even give an inch. For the briefest of moments, their eyes locked, and the one who looked away first was Solution.

“Shall I throw it out?”

“No. Since I already went through the trouble of bringing her here, we may as well come up with a way to put her to good use.”


Solution was never one for many expressions, but her current face was truly like that of a mask.

Even Sebas could not recognize the emotion that was filling her eyes. Only that she did not at all welcome the current situation. It was so obvious that you could almost touch with your hands.

“First, could you perform a diagnosis of her physical condition?”

“Understood, I will do so immediately.”

“No, right here is a bit…”

Although Solution may deem it trivial, it probably should not be done near the entrance.

“We have an empty room so may I ask you to perform it there?”

Solution nodded without a word.

There were no words spoken between them as the girl was moved from the entrance to the guest room. Although neither Solution nor Sebas were the type to partake in needless chatter, even more so, an ambiguous atmosphere flowed between them.

Solution opened the guest room door since Sebas was using both hands to carry the girl.

Despite the thick curtain darkening the room, the air did not feel stuffy in the least. The air was fresh because the door had been opened many times and the interior was kept immaculate.

Sebas stepped inside, small rays of moonlight shining through the slips in the curtains. He laid the girl on top of the bed’s clean sheets.

Although he tried his best to heal her by pouring in his Ki, the unmoving body looked like a corpse.


Solution nonchalantly tore off the cloth wrapped around the girl, revealing her ragged limbs.

Though it was a cruel appearance that should have invited pity, there was no change in Solution’s expression. Her eyes reflected nothing but dull indifference.

“…Solution, I will leave the rest to you.”

Sebas left her with only those words and exited the room. Solution did not bother to stop him as she began to check the girl’s condition.

After stepping out into the hallway, Sebas muttered quietly so that it would not reach Solution’s ears.

“A foolish endeavor.”

Sebas unwittingly stroked his beard. Why did he save her? He himself could not explain clearly.

Perhaps this is what it means for a hunter to not slay a bird that came to him of its own accord.

No, that wasn’t it. Why did he save her?

As the butler who was also tasked with the role of house steward, his allegiance was with the 41 Supreme Beings. At present, his guild leader, the one who took on the name of Ainz Ooal Gown was the being whom he owed the entirety of his allegiance.

There was not even a shadow of falsehood in his loyalty. He believed that he had always served diligently and would not hesitate to lay down his life in service.

However— if he had to pledge his loyalty to only one among the 41 Supreme Beings, Sebas would choose without hesitation. Touch Me.

He was Sebas’ creator and the strongest existence of ‘Ainz Ooal Gown’, holder of the World Champion class and in a different league altogether.

As part of the first nine, he gathered the original members of Ainz Ooal Gown before it grew in power through every possible means, including PK.

No one would believe it if they were told that his reason was to help the weak. However, it was the truth.

He helped Momonga when he was about to quit the game in frustration from being PKed continuously. When Simmering Teapot could not find a party to adventure with because of her appearance, he was the one who approached her first.

The thoughts that person left behind became the invisible chains wrapping around Sebas.

“Could this be a curse…?”

What vile words. If a different person from Ainz Ooal Gown— a member of Nazarick created by the 41 Supreme Beings— had heard him, they may have called him a blasphemer and attacked.