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『 Feeling pity for a being who is not of Nazarick is unacceptable. 』

Those words were most obvious.

With a few exceptions— those whose settings were established to be such by the 41 Supreme Beings, head maid Pestonya S. Wanko for example— excluding people like her, the members of Nazarick all believed that those who do not belong with Ainz Ooal Gown should immediately be cast out.

For instance, he had heard from one of Solution’s reports that a member of Battle Maid Pleiades, Lupusregina, was on friendly terms with a girl from Carne village. But he knew very well that depending on the situation, Lupusregina would abandon her without a second thought.

It was not because she was heartless.

An order from the Supreme Beings to die meant that you must die. Likewise, even if she was a friend, an order to kill her would be carried out swiftly. That was true loyalty. A fellow denizen who did not understand this would be looked on with pity.

Judging humans with useless sentiment, that in itself was unacceptable.

Then what about him? Was his current course of action acceptable?

As Sebas bit his lips, Solution walked out through the door. Her face was emotionless per usual.

“How is she?”

“… On top of syphilis, she has two other venereal diseases. Several of her ribs are cracked, as well as her fingers. The tendons in her right arm and left leg have been severed and she is missing her top and bottom front teeth. It appears that her internal organs are failing as well. There are lacerations in her anus and it is possible that she is addicted to some drug. She has countless contusions and cuts on her body. Considering her current state, I believe that I can leave out the rest…. Would you like me to explain further?”

“No, there is no need. There is only one thing that is important. —Can she be healed?”

“Of course.”

Sebas had expected her prompt answer.

Using a healing ability can fix even amputations. If Sebas were to use his qigong, it would also be easy to completely fix bodily injuries. In truth, if he wanted, he could have easily healed the old woman’s sprained ankle on the spot. He did not do so in order to save it for emergencies and to prevent leaking information.

But even if qigong helped recover one’s strength, it could not heal poisons or diseases. Sebas never learned such skills. That was why he needed Solution’s help for the recovery.

“Then I will leave it to you.”

“Would it not be better to call for Pestonya-sama for healing magic?”

“That will not be necessary. Solution, I believe you have a healing scroll?”

Confirming that Solution nodded her head, Sebas continued.

“Then please use that.”

“…Sebas-sama. This scroll was given to us by the Supreme Beings. I believe that it should not be used on the likes of humans.”

It was a reasonable argument. He had to consider a different method. First, heal her injuries and save her from the danger of death. They could then heal the poisons and diseases at a later time. However, he was not certain that they could afford to delay. If it were the poisons and diseases that was killing her, endlessly restoring her health would prove useless.

After some hesitation, in the end, he spoke to Solution in a steely voice that would not betray his inner thoughts.

“Heal her.”

Solution’s eyes narrowed and at the same time, something dark red stirred within her pupils. But that change could not be verified any further due to Solution bowing her head.

“…I will carry out your order. Restoring her to normal condition— in other words, will it be fine to restore her body to the state before the injuries were inflicted on her?”

Seeing Sebas give his affirmation, Solution courteously bowed her head.

“I will begin immediately.”

“And once her treatment is finished, will you please fill the tub with water and bathe her? I will leave to purchase a meal.”

There was no one in this residence who needed meals or could cook. And as long as they did not have an extra of the magic item that rendered meals unnecessary, the girl’s meals had to be prepared.

“…Sebas-sama, although it is easy to heal her bodily wounds… I cannot heal her mind.”

Solution’s words came to a stop, and after a brief pause, she stared intently at Sebas and asked.

“I feel that calling Ainz-sama will be the best way to heal her mind. Will you not do so?”

“...This is not a matter significant enough to warrant contacting him. There should not be a problem even if we leave her mind as is.”

Solution bowed deeply. She silently opened the door to the room and stepped inside. Sebas watched her go and then slowly leaned his back to the wall.

What to do about the girl—.

Once she’s healed— while the man escapes, release her at a place of her own choosing. That was the best way. At the very least, it should be somewhere far from the capital. Releasing her here was both dangerous and cruel. It would be no different than not rescuing her in the first place.

But for Sebas Tian, the butler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, was that really the right course of action?

Sebas breathed a heavy sigh.

How comfortable would he feel if he could expel everything that was mounting in his mind, just like this sigh? But nothing had changed. His mind fell into confusion and his thinking was filled with noise.

“Foolish, all because of one human…”

Rather than asking questions that he could not answer, he had to start simple. Although it would only serve to buy him time, from his point of view, this was the best course of action in his current situation.

♦ ♦ ♦

Solution changed the shape of her skinny fingers. They grew longer and transformed into tendrils that were about a few millimeters thick. Originally, Solution was a formless slime and could drastically alter her outer appearance. Something like transforming the tip of her hands was simple.

She glanced over at the door and having keenly sensed that Sebas’ presence had disappeared outside, quietly walked over to the girl lying on the bed.

“Since Sebas-sama has given his permission, I will finish this bothersome task as quickly as possible. That would be in your best interest as well. You probably will not even be awake through it.”