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Among the people Sebas knew, the only one who could completely heal an injury of the mind was his master and possibly Pestonya.

Even though Sebas tried to get the girl to rest, she hurriedly opened her mouth.

“From… now on?”

Sebas briefly hesitated over whether it was alright to keep conversing like this. But since the person in question wished to talk, he decided to continue the conversation while keeping a close eye on her condition.

“You would no doubt be too nervous to remain in the capital. Do you have a place that you can trust?”

The girl lowered her face.

“I see…”

He did not bother to state the obvious. She did not.

—This has become quite troublesome.

However, it was not as if they had to take action immediately. The man from before should not be caught any time soon, and it should take some time for the search to arrive at Sebas.

Although that may just be wishful thinking, he wanted to believe that there was no reason to panic. At the very least, not until the girl regained her health.

“Then, let’s see. First, could you tell me your name?”

“Ah… I’m… Ts… Tsuare.”

“Tsuare, then. Ah, I still have not given my name. My name is Sebas Tian, please call me Sebas. I serve the master of this mansion, Lady Solution.”

That was their setting.

Although Solution wore the white dress instead of the usual maid uniform in case of sudden visitors, while the girl was here, it would be necessary that he have her maintain the role of the master.

“So…lu… sama.”

“Yes. Solution Epsilon-sama. But I do not think that you will have that many opportunities to see her.”


“She is quite picky.”

As if to indicate that he could say no more, Sebas closed his mouth. And after a brief moment of silence had passed, he spoke.

“Now, rest for today. We can save the discussion for what you will do next for tomorrow.”


After confirming that Tsuare had laid down on the bed, Sebas picked up the bowl that had carried the stew and left the room.

When he opened the door, as expected, Solution stood outside. Although it was most likely to eavesdrop, Sebas did not go out of his way to admonish her. Solution as well, she showed no signs that the possibility she could be scolded even existed. That was why she simply stood outside without hiding her presence or her body. If she truly wanted to hide, as an assassin class, she would have concealed herself more skillfully.

“What is it?”

“…Sebas-sama. In the end, what will you do with that?”

Sebas directed his senses to the door behind him. Even if it was shut tight, it did not block out sound completely. Some of what is said here would be overheard.

Sebas walked on with Solution wordlessly following him from behind.

He stopped where Tsuare would not be able to hear them.

“…You are talking about Tsuare I see. For now, I am planning to make the decision tomorrow.”

“A name…”

She did not continue, but as if she made up her mind, Solution opened her mouth once more.

“Although it may not be my place to say, there is a very high chance that that thing will become an obstacle. It needs to be disposed of as soon as possible.”

What did she mean when she said dispose?

Hearing Solution’s heartless words, Sebas thought that it was to be expected. This was Nazarick— for one who served the 41 Supreme Beings, it was the soundest way of thinking when it came to those who did not belong with Nazarick. Sebas’ actions were what was strange.

“You are right. If she were to become an obstacle to Ainz-sama’s orders, then she would have to be dealt with swiftly.”

Solution looked at him strangely. It was a face that was asking why he had brought her if he already knew.

“She may prove useful to us. Since I already picked her up, I need to think of a way to put her to good use rather than simply throwing her away.”

“…Sebas-sama, I do not know your reasons for bringing that with you. However, those injuries mean that there are circumstances that followed. And I doubt that the ones who inflicted those injuries will look kindly on the fact that the thing is still alive.”

“There will not be any problems on that front.”

“…Do you mean that you’ve already taken care of them?”

“No, that’s not it. Only that should it appear that there will be a problem, I will use a certain method. That is why I wish for us to maintain appearances until then. Do you understand, Solution?”

“….I will carry out your order.”

As Solution watched Sebas walk away, she suppressed the small anger rising within her.

Having been told as much by Sebas, her immediate superior, she couldn’t speak out against him despite her numerous complaints. And if no problems arose, then it would be of no consequence if the matter was overlooked.

But even so—

“How could he use the property of Nazarick on the likes of a human…”

Everything in the Great Tomb of Nazarick belonged to Ainz Ooal Gown and by extension, to the Supreme Beings. Could using them without permission be tolerated?

No matter how much she thought it over, the answer did not come.

♦ ♦ ♦

Lower Fire Month (9th Month), Day 3, 9:48

Sebas opened the door to the residence. He was returning from his usual duty of visiting the Adventurer’s guild early in the morning to make note of the requests that had been put up before the adventurers could accept them.

He recorded every piece of information on paper, even rumors circulating around town, and delivered all of them to Nazarick. Analyzing the contents proved quite difficult and was left to the sages in Nazarick.

He passed through the door and stepped inside the residence. If this was a few days ago, Solution would have been there to greet him. However—