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“Wel…come… back... Seba…-sama.”

Currently, that task was given to the muttering girl wearing a maid uniform that extended all the way down to her feet.

The day after taking in Tsuare, they held a discussion and decided to have the girl work at the residence.

Although they could have her stay as a guest, Tsuare was against it. She did not want to be treated as a guest on top of being given help. Even if it wouldn’t be enough to repay them, at the very least, she wanted to work.

Sebas saw that the other side of her motive lied in her anxiety.

In other words, she knew very well that her dangerous circumstances will soon bring a troublesome incident to this residence. She was trying her best to contribute so she would not be thrown away.

Needless to say, Sebas had reassured Tsuare that he would never abandon her. If he was going to throw out someone who had nowhere else to go, he would never have brought her with him in the first place. However, it was also true that he was not convincing enough to heal the wounds of her heart.

“I’ve returned, Tsuare. Were there any problems?”

Tsuare shook her head.

Different from when they first met, the white brim on top of her neatly cut hair wobbled.

“There… no… problems.”

“I see, that’s good.”

The atmosphere around her was still dark and her difficult expression remained unchanging.

However, her voice sounded like it was gradually growing louder, as if the thing that was eating away at her body was becoming undone, little by little.

Then the only problem remaining would be…

As Sebas walked onwards, Tsuare followed beside him.

To walk next to the butler, Sebas— a direct superior, it was an unacceptable behavior for a maid. But Tsuare would be ignorant of the maid etiquette, having never been educated as one. Sebas too, had no intention of teaching her that lifestyle.

“What is on the menu for today?”

“Yes. It’s…potato… stew.”

“I see. I am looking forward to it. Tsuare’s cooking is delicious, after all.”

At the words that Sebas spoke with a smile, Tsuare grew bright red and lowered her face while squeezing her maid apron with both hands.

“T-that’s…not… true.”

“No, no, of course it’s true. It’s quite fortunate since I cannot cook whatsoever. But are you fine with the ingredients? Please tell me if you are missing something or have something that you wish for me to buy.”

“Yes. I will… check… next time… and tell… you.”

Although Tsuare could act normally in the house and with Sebas, she still showed an adverse reaction to the outside world. She could not handle any tasks that required her to leave the residence and as such, jobs like procuring ingredients fell to Sebas.

There was nothing lavish about Tsuare’s cooking. They were simple home-cooked meals.

For this reason, they did not need expensive ingredients and the shopping could be taken care of quickly. Sebas as well, he was able to learn about many different ingredients and managed to acquire information on the foods of this world. He considered it killing two birds with one stone.

All of a sudden, Sebas proposed an idea.

“…Shall we go buy them together?”

Tsuare’s face showed great surprise. Then, growing scared, she shook her head. Her complexion turned for the worse and she began to sweat heavily.

“No, I’m… kay.”

Sebas thought it was to be expected and did not let it show on his face.

Ever since she started working, Tsuare never tried to do the tasks that required her to go outside. She locked up her terror by regarding this residence as the absolute castle walls that protected her. In other words, she was only able to move after drawing a line separating here and the outside— the world that hurt her.

However, at this rate Tsuare would never be able to step foot outside. And they could not hide her forever.

Considering Tsuare’s mental condition, Sebas knew that it was cruel to tell her to go outside after only a few days. The safer option would be to give her more time so she could slowly adapt.

However, that was for when they actually had the time to spare.

Sebas had no intention of settling down and spending the rest of his life in the capital. He would always be a stranger to this land, who was only here for information. If his master were to order that he withdraw…

In preparation for that day, he had to impart her with various possibilities while he still could.

Sebas stopped and stared directly at Tsuare. She blushed and tried to lower her gaze but he covered her cheek with his hand and raised her face.

“Tsuare, I fully know that you are frightened. But be assured that I, Sebas, will protect you. I will destroy any harm that may come your way.”


“Tsuare, place your foot forward. If you are scared then I do not mind even if you have your eyes closed.”


He grabbed Tsuare’s hand while she still hesitated and spoke the words that he knew would be mean to her.

“Do you not trust me, Tsuare?”

As time dragged on, a curtain of silence hanged heavily over the hallway. Tsuare’s eyes grew slightly wet as she parted her rosy lips, revealing her pearl-like front teeth.

“…Sebas-sama is un…fair. I can’t refuse if you say it… like that.”

“Please rest easy. Although I may not look it, I am quite strong. There are only a few apart from the 41 who are stronger than I.”

“Is…that…a lot?”

Tsuare giggled at the ambiguous number, believing it to be a joke to console her. Sebas simply chuckled and did not answer.

Sebas continued his stride. Although he knew that Tsuare was stealing glances at his profile, he did not mention it.

He knew that Tsuare held some tender feelings for him, one that could not quite be called love.

However, Sebas felt that those feelings were something that was indoctrinated into her, like a feeling of reliance for the benefactor who saved her from that hell.

Sebas was also an old man and it was possible that Tsuare was mistaking familial love with the love between a man and a woman.