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And even if Tsuare truly loved Sebas, he had no intention of accepting her feelings. Not when he was hiding so much, not when their circumstances were so different.

“Then I will meet you after a few words with the lady.”


Tsuare’s expression darkened slightly. Although Sebas knew why, he did not say it.

Solution did not try to come in contact with Tsuare and when she did, would only give her a passing glance before leaving without a word. It was to be expected that being ignored to such a degree would create a feeling of anxiety and in Tsuare’s case, great fear.

“It’s alright. The lady has always been like that to everyone. She is not singling you out in particular… And I will only say it here, but the lady has quite a difficult personality, after all.”

As Sebas became overly talkative, the expression that was on Tsuare’s face softened slightly.

“She becomes sulky if she sees a cute child.”

“…I’m… not… compared…to her.”

Tsuare hurriedly waved her two hands.

Although it was true that Tsuare was pretty, she was still no match for Solution. However, what is beautiful and what is not was different for everyone.

“If I had to go by appearances, then Tsuare would be more my type than the lady.”


As he gently looked at Tsuare’s brightly lit face pointed towards her feet, his brows furrowed at her sudden change in expression.

“And… my body… dirty…”

Sebas breathed an inward sigh from seeing Tsuare’s face make a complete change from before. He then spoke while staring ahead.

“Jewels are like that. Those without scratches are considered beautiful and valuable.”

Hearing his words, Tsuare’s expression darkened in an instant.

“However— humans are not jewels.”

It looked as if Tsuare slightly raised her face.

“It seems that Tsuare wishes to keep telling herself that she is dirty. But wherein lies a human’s beauty? For a jewel, it can be appraised with certainty. But the beauty of a human— what is the standard? Is it the average? The general consensus? If so, would the minority opinion be considered meaningless?”

After a brief pause, Sebas continued.

“Like how people have their own definition of what they consider beautiful, ‘I’ believe that if a person’s beauty lies separate from their appearance, it is not in their past, but their heart. Although I do not know all of your history, from what I have sensed of your inner self for these past few days spent with you, I do not consider you dirty in the slightest.”

Sebas closed his mouth and the world changed to one where the only sound was of their footsteps. In the midst of it, Tsuare spoke with determination.

“…If you say I’m… beautiful… then please… hug…”

Sebas did not let her finish and embraced her.

“You are beautiful.”

As he spoke gently, silent tears flowed out of Tsuare’s eyes. Sebas softly patted her back as to console her and slowly parted.

“Tsuare, my apologies. The lady calls.”


With a sad goodbye from Tsuare and her red eyes, Sebas knocked on the door and opened it without even waiting for a response. As he closed the door behind him, he gave Tsuare who was still glancing at him a smile.

Because the house was rented, despite having many rooms, there was barely any furniture.

However, this room was decorated enough to not be embarrassed when accepting guests. But a person with a discerning eye would be able to recognize the lack of history and the shallowness of the room.

“Milady, I have just returned.”

“…Good work, Sebas.”

The fake master of the residence sat on a lengthy sofa while wearing a bored expression. In reality, that expression was an act. Because of the presence of the outsider named Tsuare, she was donning the foolish mask of a proud lady.

Solution moved her gaze from Sebas to the door.

“…She’s left.”

“It seems that way.”

While scanning each other’s faces, like usual, Solution was the first to open her mouth.

“When will you drive her out?”

This was what Solution asked every time they met. And like every time, Sebas gave the same reply.

“When the time comes.”

If it were like usual, the conversation would have been finished. Solution would sigh and that would have been it. However, today, Solution did not seem to want to leave it at that and continued.

“…Could you clearly explain when this time you speak of will be? There is no guarantee that hiding that human will not lead to a troublesome incident. Will that not interfere with Ainz-sama’s will?”

“There still has not been any incidents thus far. …To think that you would panic because you fear what some humans might do, that is not appropriate behavior for one who serves Ainz-sama.”

A silence permeated between them and Sebas breathed a small sigh.

This was a very dangerous situation.

Although there was no emotion on Solution’s face, Sebas could feel that she was angry with him. Even if this residence was only a base of operations, Solution still considered it as a branch of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. She could not condone the presence of a human that did not have the master’s permission.

Solution did not try to attack Tsuare thus far because Sebas was firmly keeping her in check. However, if this continued, it would become impossible for him to control her in the near future.

Sebas dwelled on the fact that he was running out of time.

“…Sebas-sama. If that human becomes an obstacle to Ainz-sama’s orders then—“

“She will be disposed of.”

Sebas assured her as to not let her finish the rest of her words. Solution closed her mouth and stared at Sebas with unreadable eyes, then bowed her head.

“Then I have nothing else that needs to be said. Sebas-sama, please don’t forget your words just now.”

“Of course, Solution.”