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“… However, the girl’s body still has not healed completely. If you try to take her with you now, she may suffer a relapse. There is also a chance that she may lose her life in the treatments to follow. I believe that it will be safer for her stay with us for the time being.”

Succulent’s eyes glinted oddly. Noticing his change, Sebas knew that he had made a mistake. He had revealed that Tsuare was important to him.

“Of course, of course, you’re right. If she died then you would obviously have to recompense us, then how about you lend us the lady of this house until her treatment is finished?”

“Ohhh! That’s a splendid idea. It goes without saying he should plug up the hole that he’s responsible for!”

The smile covering Stafan’s face was clearly filled with lust. He was probably already undressing Solution in his mind.

Sebas’ smile disappeared and his face became expressionless.

Although Succulent was probably joking, he will no doubt push for that idea if Sebas were to show a weak spot. From the moment that the fact he valued Tsuare was revealed, the possibility that this troublesome incident will grow bigger in the future was right before his eyes.

“…Won’t excessive greed lead to trouble?”


Stafan’s face became dyed red as he shouted loudly.

Like a pig to the slaughter.

Thinking so in his head, Sebas wordlessly watched Stafan.

“What do you mean greedy?! This is all born from my heart that only wishes to safeguard the law as established by the esteemed Princess Renner! How dare you be so disrespectful!”

“Now, now, calm down, Hevish-sama.”

As soon as Succulent intervened, the screaming Stafan immediately controlled his temper. That sudden change suggested that his previous anger was not genuine, only a ploy to appear more threatening.

Even your acting is clumsy.

Sebas thought so in his head.

“But still, Succulent-kun…”

“Hevish-sama, since we already said everything that we came here to say, how about we come back in two days to hear his reply? Will that be fine, Sebas-san?”

“Yes, I understand.”

With that, the discussion was over. Sebas saw them out to the entrance.

As the last to leave, Succulent smiled and said a few words to Sebas.

“But I should really thank that prostitute. I never expected for a merchandise that was about to be scrapped to lay this big of a golden egg… or so a certain someone says.”

Leaving those words behind, the door closed shut with a loud bang.

Sebas continued to stare at the door, as if it was invisible. His face was calm, not showing any emotion in particular. However, something was clearly present deep within his pupils.

He was angry.

—No, such a vague word did not accurately describe what he was feeling.

Fury, wrath, they would be more fitting.

The reason Succulent showed his true intentions as he left was because he had blocked off all avenues of escape, because Sebas had no way to respond— his own victory was certain.

“Solution, show yourself.”

In response to his voice, Solution emerged like water oozing out of shadow. She had used a skill from her assassin class to melt into the shadows.

“I assume that you heard our discussion.”

Sebas’ words were merely a confirmation. Solution nodded her head, as if it didn’t even need to be said.

“So what are you planning to do, Sebas-sama?”

He couldn’t answer her question immediately. His lack of a reply drew an obviously cold gaze from Solution.

“…Will you hand over the human and be done with the matter?”

“I doubt that the problem will be solved that way.”

“………Is that so?”

“If we show a weakness then they will come for more. They belong to that sort. The problem will not be solved even if we were to hand Tsuare over to them. The bigger problem is how much information they gleaned from investigating us. Although we came to the capital disguised as merchants, if they dig deeper and find a blind spot— they will know that our identities are fake.”

“Then what do you plan to do?”

“I do not know. I will go outside for a walk and think it over.”

Sebas opened the front door and stepped outside.

Solution silently watched Sebas as his back grew smaller in the distance.


If he had not brought that human with him, this series of incidents would never have occurred. With that said, that was all in the past. What was important was what to do from here on out.

As Sebas’ subordinate, she should not act arbitrarily while ignoring the words of her superior. However, it seemed that doing nothing and leaving the situation as is would be more dangerous.

If our youngest was here… if we moved as Pleiades then we wouldn’t have a problem…

She hesitated.

She hesitated to the point where even she herself thought it was excessive.

Finally, she found her determination and opened her left hand.

A scroll jumped out of her hand, as if it were rising to the surface. It was a scroll that she had been storing in her body until now. Currently, thanks to Demiurge’s efforts, the day when mass production of low rank scrolls would become possible was nearly at hand. However, that was not the case back when Solution had been deployed and as such, this ‘Message’ scroll was given to her to be used only for emergencies. Solution had decided that the current situation required it.

She opened the scroll and activated the magic contained within. Now used up, the scroll crumbled to ash and completely vanished by the time it touched the ground.

In sync with the activation of the magic, Solution felt something like a string connecting her with her target and brought out her voice.


『Is this— Solution? What is it? Seeing how you were the one to contact me, is it an emergency? 』
