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There was no reply. He was completely unconscious.

Climb opened the lid and poured the contents over the boy’s body. Although it was easy to think of potions as medicine to drink, there was no problem in pouring it over the body. That was the greatness of magic.

The potion seeped into the boy’s body, as if his skin was absorbing the fluid. Seeing that the boy’s complexion regained its color, Climb felt relieved and nodded his head.

The surrounding people saw Climb use an expensive item like a potion and were just as surprised as they were with the old man’s skill. However, needless to say, Climb did not regret it. As long as citizens paid taxes, it was the duty of those who lived off of those taxes to protect them and ensure their safety. Since he could not fulfill his duty, Climb felt that he had to do at least this much.

Although the potion should ensure that there would not be any more problems with the boy, it would be better to take him to the temple just in case. Climb signaled to the guards that he had on standby. It seemed they called for more; the two guards were joined by three more men.

The surrounding people looked at the guards that were arriving only just now with reproach. The guards looked nervous as Climb spoke to one of their men.

“Take this child to the temple.”

“What happened here? Exactly…”

“There was violence. I used a healing potion so there shouldn’t be any problems, but take him just in case.”

“Yes, understood!”

Leaving the guards to finish up, Climb judged that there was nothing more for him to do here. Nothing good will come of a soldier who worked in the palace meddling any further with the work of others.

“I assume you can find out what happened here from a witness who saw it from the beginning.”

“I will do as you say.”

Having received their orders, the guards found their confidence and quickly moved out. Climb then stood up and ran, ignoring the voices of the guards asking where he was going.

Arriving at the bend in the road where the old man had turned, Climb slowed his pace.

He then followed him.

His eyes fell on the old man’s back walking ahead of him.

Although he wanted to talk to him immediately, whenever he found the courage to do so, Climb lowered his face. It felt as if the pressure would overpower him— of the invisible, thick wall.

The old man turned this way and that and the paths grew darker. Climb followed him from behind without being able to say a word.

This was the same as tailing him.

Climb felt like pulling out his own hair from what he was doing. No matter how hard it was to speak to him, this wasn’t right. Climb tried looking at it as if the situation was reversed while following him.

Eventually, they turned into an alleyway with no one in sight. Climb took several deep breaths and, like a guy confessing to a girl he liked, squeezed out his courage and spoke.

“—Excuse me.”

In response to his voice, the old man turned.

Both his hair and beard were white, but his upright back reminded him of a sword forged in steel. The clear features of his face were lined with wrinkles and although they made him appear gentle, his eyes were sharp, like a hawk gazing at its prey.

He even gave off the air of high nobility.

“What is it?”

Although he could somewhat feel the old man’s age through his voice, it sounded imposing and was overflowing with life. Feeling an invisible pressure from his eyes, Climb gulped.

“Uh, uh—.”

Climb was pushed back by the old man’s energy and could not speak. Then, the old man appeared to release the pent up energy building up inside him.

“Who are you?”

His tone became gentle. Climb was finally released from the pressure and his throat could now move normally.

“…My name is Climb, a soldier of this country. I’m here to give you my sincere thanks for doing what I should have done in my stead.”

As Climb bowed low, the old man narrowed his eyes as if he was thinking and muttered a quiet “Ahh” as if he finally understood what he meant.

“…Do not mind it. Well then.”

As the old man tried to end the conversation and walk away, Climb raised his face and asked.

“Please wait a moment. Truthfully… though I’m embarrassed to admit it, I followed you. Actually, I don’t mind even if you were to laugh at my forward request, but if it’s okay with you, could you teach me that technique that you used a little while ago?”

“…What do you mean?”

“I am training to become stronger and wish to learn even a small portion of the incredible movement and technique you showed just a while ago.”

The old man scanned Climb from top to bottom.

“Hmm… please show me both of your hands.”

Climb held out his hands and the old man stared at his palms with a piercing gaze. It felt somewhat awkward. The old man flipped Climb’s hands over and scanned his fingernails, then nodded with satisfaction.

“They are thick and tough, good hands of a warrior.”

Hearing his words said with a smile, Climb felt his heart grow warm. He felt a joy similar to when Gazef complimented him.

“No, someone like me is… insignificant as a warrior.”

“I do not think that you need be so humble… may I ask you to show me your sword next?”

The old man grasped the sword in his hand and stared at the blade with sharp eyes.

“Aha… is this a reserve weapon?”

“How did you know?!”

“As I thought, do you see the chip in the blade here?”

Looking at the place he was pointing to, there indeed was a slight crack in one side of the blade. He must have messed up his slash while training.

“I’ve shown you something embarrassing!”

The shame made him want to disappear somewhere. Climb knew that he was inexperienced and was very cautious, even nervous, about the state of his weapon, all in an effort to increase his chance of victory by even the slightest amount. No, he thought he did until this very moment.

“I see. I have gotten a general sense of your personality. A warrior’s hands and weapon are mirrors that reflect their wielder. You are a person who gives off quite an agreeable impression.”