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However— was that truly enough?

Climb yearned for the light of the sun. That was not a lie or a misunderstanding. It was a thought born from Climb’s honest truth.


“Because I’m a man.”

Climb smiled.

That’s right. Climb wanted to stand by her side. The sun shines brilliantly in the sky, a man could never stand next to it. Even so, he wanted to rise even higher so that he could become an existence that can be closer to the sun, no matter how marginal.

He did not wish to always remain as someone who had to raise his face to see her.

This was the insignificant thoughts of a boy, but well suited for a boy nonetheless.

He wanted to become a man who would suit the woman he yearned for, even if they could never be together.

These thoughts were why he was able to endure the life without comrades, the harsh training, and his studies that cut into his sleep time.

If people wanted to call him foolish and mock him, then let them.

Those who did not truly love another could never understand his feelings.

♦ ♦ ♦

Sebas narrowed his eyes as he observed his sincerity. As if he was trying to understand the myriad of meanings behind Climb’s short answer. He then nodded his head in satisfaction.

“I have decided how to train you from your reply.”

He stopped Climb as he was trying to express his gratitude.

“However, I am sorry to say that you have no talent. Training you in earnest will take quite some time, time that I do not have. I wish to train you so that the results will show quickly but… it will be very severe.”

Climb gulped loudly. The glint in Sebas’ eyes made his back shudder.

The reason he didn’t respond immediately was because he felt the power in those eyes. It was a strength that could not possibly exist, one exceeding even that of a serious Gazef.

“I will tell you honestly, you may die.”

This was not a joke.

Climb’s hunch told him that he was speaking the truth. He didn’t care whether or not he died. However, that was only the case if it was for Renner. He did not want to lose his life over a selfish matter.

It wasn’t because he grew scared. No, perhaps that really was the reason.

Climb swallowed his saliva once and then hesitated. The surroundings were dominated by a brief silence, quiet enough to hear the noises in the distance.

“Whether you survive is up to you… If you have something that you hold dear, a reason to crawl forward and cling onto your life, you will be fine.”

Was he not going to teach him about martial arts?

Despite such questions that rose to his mind, that was not the problem at hand. Understanding what Sebas’ words meant, he accepted it and gave his reply.

“I am prepared. I leave myself in your care.”

“Do you mean that you have the confidence to not die?”

Climb shook his head, that wasn’t it.

It was because in his heart, Climb always carried with him a reason to cling onto life, even if he had to crawl on the floor.

Sebas nodded deeply, as if he had read what was in Climb’s heart by looking into his eyes.

“I understand. Then I will start the training here.”


“Yes. It will only take a few minutes. Please raise your weapon.”

What was he trying to do? With his mind filled with anxiety and confusion over the unknown and a faint glimmer of expectation and curiosity, Climb drew his sword.

The sound of the blade sliding from its sheath rang out through the narrow alleyway.

Sebas quietly stared as Climb assumed a middle stance.

“Then I will begin. Concentrate.”

And in the next moment—

—With Sebas at the center, it seemed as if blades of ice had shot out in every direction.

Climb could no longer speak.

A vortex of bloodlust was whirling around with Sebas at the center.

Energy that was so dense that its color became visible crashed into him like a raging wave, making his heart feel as if it would explode in an instant. He thought that he heard a sound like a soul screaming as it was being crushed. It sounded as if it was coming from right by his side, a place far away, or perhaps from his own mouth.

As he was engulfed by the black stream of bloodlust, Climb felt his consciousness become dyed in white. The fear was so enormous that his mind was letting go of its consciousness in order to ignore the situation.

“…Is this all that a ‘man’ amounts to? This is only a warm-up.”

In Climb’s fading consciousness, Sebas’ disappointed voice sounded needlessly loud.

The meaning of those words lodged themselves deeply into Climb’s mind, deeper than any blade. It was enough to very briefly let him forget the fear that was crashing into him from the front.

Thump. His heartbeat grew louder.


Climb released a large breath of air.

His eyes were wet with tears and despite being so frightened that he wanted to run, he endured. The hands grasping the sword trembled and the tip of blade shook as if it had gone insane. The trembling that ran through his whole body caused his chain shirt to clink loudly.

However, Climb gritted his rattling teeth and tried to endure Sebas’ bloodlust.

Seeing his unsightly appearance, Sebas wore a sneer and slowly formed a fist with his right hand that was right in front of Climb’s eyes. After a few blinks, the ball-like fist was completed.

Like setting an arrow to a string, the fist was slowly pulled backwards.

Even as he stood there trembling, Climb realized what was about to occur and shook his head side to side. Needless to say, his signal did not affect Sebas.

“Then… die.”

Like an arrow exploding from a taut string, Sebas’ fist flew at him with the sound of it cutting the air.

—This will be an instant death.