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Stafan licked his lips as he stared at the woman’s unmoving face.

This brothel was the best place to fulfill a certain fetish. Something like this would never be allowed in a normal brothel. No, even if it was allowed, Stafan did not know of such a place.

He liked the days back when there were slaves.

Slaves had been considered property and those who had abused them had the tendency of inviting scorn. It was the same reason that people frowned upon those who squander away their fortune. But for someone like Stafan, who had a peculiar fetish, slaves were the easiest and only way for him to satisfy his lust. Now that they were taken from him, Stafan had no choice but to vent his lust in these types of places. What would he have done if he hadn’t known about this place?

Without a doubt, he would have been unable to endure it. He would have committed a crime and been arrested.

And the one who introduced this brothel to Stafan — though he had to make backroom dealings and use his legal influence for their benefit — he was truly grateful to his master, the noble whom he served.

“Thank you— master.”

A quiet emotion rose to Stafan’s eyes. Although it was hard to believe considering his nature and personality, at the very least, he felt a deep gratitude towards his master.


Fire rose from the inside of his stomach— anger.

It was his emotions regarding the girl who was the reason why he lost his slaves, his outlet for his lust.

“—that bitch!”

His face was dyed red in anger, his eyes were bloodshot.

The face of the royalty that he had to serve— of the princess, overlapped with the face of the woman he was on top of. Stafan gathered the anger building inside of him in his fist and brought it down.

With a smack, fresh blood splattered once more.

“How, refreshing, would, it, feel, to, mess, up, her, face!”

Over and over, he beat the woman’s face.

The inside of her mouth must have been split open by a tooth. An alarmingly large amount of blood trailed out from between her swollen lips.

The woman’s only reaction now was to twitch every time she was struck.

“—Haa, haa.”

After several hits, Stafan’s shoulders heaved and both his forehead and his body were wet with oily sweat.

Stafan looked down at the woman beneath him. Her appearance was now past the point of being hideous. She was half dead, no; her body was already a few steps deep in death’s mire. She was truly a puppet that had its strings cut.

Gulp. The sound of Stafan’s throat rang out.

Nothing excited him more than doing it with a battered woman. Especially if they used to be beautiful, the more beautiful they were the better. There was nothing that sated his sadism more than when he destroyed something beautiful.

“How good would it feel if I could mess her up like this?”

Stafan recalled the mistress of the residence that he had visited earlier. He remembered the arrogant face of the woman whose beauty rivaled that of this country’s princess, the one who was hailed to be the most beautiful.

Of course, Stafan knew that he could not do anything to a woman like her. The ones who took care of his cravings were the daily scraps of this brothel before they were disposed of.

A beautiful woman like her would be bought by a powerful noble for a huge sum and imprisoned in their domain as to not reveal their illicit trading.

“Just once, if I could beat a woman like that— beat her to death.”

If something like that was possible, how enjoyable and satisfying would it be?

Needless to say, it was an impossible dream.

Stafan looked at the woman lying beneath him. Her exposed chest was slightly moving up and down. Having confirmed this, his lips became wickedly twisted.

Stafan grabbed the woman’s chest, causing it to contort greatly in his hand.

The woman showed absolutely zero reaction. She could no longer react to a pain of this level. Currently, the only difference between the woman beneath Stafan and a mannequin was that she was soft.

Only that Stafan felt a small dissatisfaction over her lack of resistance.

Please don’t kill me

Please forgive me.

I’m sorry.

Please stop.

The woman’s screams were revived in Stafan’s mind.

Should he have raped her when she could still speak like that?

With the tiniest feeling of regret, Stafan continued to play with the woman’s chest.

Nearly all of the women who end up at this brothel, their minds were already broken and their hearts fled elsewhere. Looking at it that way, it could be said that Stafan’s partner for today was better than usual.

“Was that girl like that too?”

What Stafan was recalling in his mind was Tsuare. He didn’t even want to hear what happened to the man who had let her go.

However, Stafan could not stop the jeer from showing on his face when he thought of the old butler whom he had visited earlier in the day.

What use was there in sheltering a girl who had done it with countless men and when the situation called for it, with women and even non-humans? He could barely contain his laughter when the butler showed that he was willing to pay a fortune of several hundred gold pieces.

“Now that I think about it, that runaway woman’s voice was pretty good.”

He searched his memories and recalled the girl’s screams. Compared to the others who ended up here, she hadn’t been all that bad.

Stafan grinned and moved to fulfill his carnal desires. He grabbed the woman’s leg with one hand and wrenched it open. The bone showed through her emaciated leg and was thin enough to fit in one of Stafan’s hands.

With the woman’s crotch spread bare, Stafan mounted her.

He grabbed what had hardened from his lust and—

With a click, the door slowly opened.


Stafan quickly turned towards the door and saw an old man who seemed familiar. He then immediately recalled the old man’s identity.

He was the butler he met at that residence.