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Guu judged that the sword was not effective and attacked with his bare hands instead. The large fist was like a hammer that would crush normal humans or send them flying. Ainz took the attack that was fatal to humans head-on, and casually dusted off the place he had been hit , as if someone had dirtied him with his touch. Guu halted his attack, his ugly face turning more ugly, staring at the unsurprised Ainz.

“So the attack of one who has a brave name and great confidence ends here?”

“Your defence is pretty good— Hyaaa!”

Ainz, who had closed the distance between them, waved the staff in his hand, and half of Guu’s foot was blown off. Unable to stand, the giant fell onto the ground.

“Being timid doesn’t mean being weak, you can understand that even though your brain is the size of an acorn, right?”

The giants and ogres watching the duel witnessed the pathetic sight of their leader and gasped. Ainz sighed weakly, realizing that monsters that could only understand the situation this late were useless. However, it would be different if they were capable of seeing the right moment to escape.

“Aura, he is the only one who is not allowed to flee, catch him.”

Ainz was brief, but Aura understood immediately and took action. An instant later, Aura had reached the Naga who was trying to use ‘Invisibility’ in order to silently get away.

“Ainz-sama, I caught him, what should I do with him?”

Ainz ignored Guu who was before him and used one hand to grab the head of the Naga who was still facing Aura. That attitude showed Guu and everyone else one single thing— Guu was no threat at all.

In the face of such intense humiliation, Guu ground his teeth furiously and loudly. However, Ainz wasn’t bothered at all.

“Why you!” The Naga kept squirming, entangling Aura. “I will strangle you just like that!”

A calm voice came from within the balled up Naga.

“Hey, I can’t see Ainz-sama’s handsome figure like this. I will rip out your throat if you are too noisy, alright? But I will be careful and not kill you.”

After feeling their difference in strength from that small fist, the Naga slowly let Aura slide from his coils.

“Aura, time is money, so don’t do unnecessary things. Go further away, to a distance where he won’t get killed even if he gets dragged in.”


Aura easily pulled the Naga that was several times heavier than her.

After the leg and the muscles that had been cut off had regenerated, Guu finally stand up. Ainz shifted his eyes to it, observing that Guu’s physique was still the same.

“You are healed. Shall we continue?”

Ainz said calmly while resting the staff on his shoulder. He was clearly showing Guu that he didn’t plan to defend against him.

“You, you, what did you do, do to me? What did you do? Magic?”

Guu retreated with his sword in hand while Ainz drew near in pursuit. Ainz had a shorter stride than Guu, so the distance between them was larger than before.

“Hmph”, Ainz sneered through his nose.

“—Huh? How funny. I, who has the cowardly name is advancing, while you, who has the brave name is retreating? Why is that?”

Ainz asked in a flat tone, and an answer came from behind.

“Because Ainz-sama’s name is brave, and the weird name Guu is cowardly. Right, snake?”

“Yes, Yes! This is proof of the greatness of Ainz Ooal Gown-sama!”

After hearing the cute, girly voice and the pained voice on the verge of tears, Ainz nodded repeatedly.

“I see, I see. That make sense. Cowards have short names— Ainz Ooal Gown is the name of the brave and mighty.”

“—Why you!”

“Shut up, coward.”

Driven by terror and wrath, Guu attempted a cleaving attack. Ainz didn’t dodge or block, hitting back with his staff directly. Ainz did not allow the sword to parry the attack or Guu to dodge.

The staff blasted part of Guu’s body away.


Amidst the terrible screams, Guu’s minions who were watching the battle cowered in fear.

“As expected of trolls, you recovered thanks to your regeneration ability. But it still hurts right? That was the strongest hit I have thrown so far, you coward who wants to protect himself from my attack.”

Before Ainz was a head that was half the thickness from before. Normal creatures would have died instantly, but the giant’s head was slowly recovering.

Guu’s face recovered to its usual ugly form, with intense terror engraved onto it. A fear several times stronger than before was pressing down on him.

“You, what are you! Why is my attack not working?!”

Ainz lowered his head and spread his arms slowly.

“...Death. I am the one who will bring you death.”

“All, all of you! Kill that thing!”

“Well well, as expected of the one with a cowardly name, to break the rules of a one-on-one challenge… It suits your name. That’s why, I will forgive you.”

Ainz announced in a great mood.

Bound by their fear of the unknown monsters before them, Guu’s minions moved slowly. Even the most stupid person could sense Ainz’ power. Even if they hated it, the scene before them confirmed this fact. They were very hesitant in going against either Ainz or Guu, staring at them without moving.


Even so, they weren’t moving.

It was the same for Ainz. Right now, there was an intrinsic balance that was restraining everyone. If this balance collapsed, the giants would flee from the cave immediately.

It would be a hassle if they ran away... A hassle to hunt and kill them one at a time.

“You are right, playtime is over.”

Ainz activated an ability he hadn’t thought much of— but which was a powerful force in this world.

‘Despair Aura V’.

An aura radiated out with Ainz at the center. Like puppets with their strings cut, the trolls, ogres and Guu all fell to the ground. The monsters laid there without moving. It was obvious that the flames of their lives had been extinguished.

The fearful voice of an old man echoed in the silent cave.

“What, what did you do, my lord?”

The naga did its best to keep away from Ainz, twisting its body. Ainz looked back at it.