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'Okay, lads,' I held up my hands. 'I don't want trouble. If it's my purse you want you've got it.'

They'd fanned out across the path, and they were coming slowly towards me. The guy in the centre grinned with a mouth like the exit to the Great Drain.

'Fuck that, Corvinus,' he said. 'Money's the least of your worries where you're going.'

Uh-huh. So no prizes for guessing who these beauties were working for. And this time it looked like they were aiming at a permanent solution.

'Look, whatever the Wart's paying you I'll double it.' I edged backwards and sideways. 'Treble it. Okay, quadruple it.' My spine ground against the masonry of Silanus's garden wall. 'What comes after four?'

'We'd never live to collect. You're dead meat, boy.'

My eyes were on the point of the knife weaving backwards and forwards at belly height, and my guts crawled as I imagined that foot of steel ripping into me and up towards my ribs. It was now or never. Murmuring a quick prayer to whatever god protects rich young smartasses stupid enough to go out alone without a nanny I leaned sideways and kicked the guy hard in the balls. He grunted, dropped his knife and folded up like yesterday's copy of the Acts of the Senate.

Yeah. Not exactly what they teach you in the best schools — I hoped none of my ancestors were watching — but it did the job. One down, three to go.

The others closed in on me like it was the Winter Festival and I was the slave with the nuts. I stooped, snatched up a coping tile that had fallen from the top of the wall and smashed the first guy's teeth in. Two down. Good, but not good enough.

After that things got pretty lively. There's only so much you can do if you're one against two once the element of surprise has gone, and as it was I reckoned I was about set for the death mask and the family vaults. I'd just closed with one of the bastards when someone laid a red hot poker against my shoulder. It was a good second before I realised it was the other guy's knife. I glanced round and saw him bring his arm back for a second try. Oh, well, I thought, what the hell. It was a good life while it lasted. I'd've liked to've had Perilla, though…

At that moment what the Greeks call The Divine interposed its hand. Literally. The guy who'd stabbed me never had a chance. A huge hairy mitt reached out of the sky, plucked him off the ground and mashed him against the wall like a beetle. Then a second detached me gently from the bastard I'd been hugging and held him up while a fist the size and hardness of a catapult bolt scattered his teeth over half the Janiculum.

Everything was suddenly very quiet, the way it usually is after thunderbolts. I could even hear birds singing. I propped myself up against the wall with my good arm and looked around. The two knifemen I'd seen accounted for lay on the ground looking like they'd come off second equal in a fight with a blood-crazed rhino. The ones I'd dealt with myself were nowhere. Maybe they'd been eaten.

Then I saw who I had to thank for rescuing me. I suppose I'd assumed from the guy's size that it was Silanus's Geta, though why the hell he should bother I didn't know.

It wasn't. It was Big Fritz from the potter's shop, and nothing made sense any more.

'You okay, Corvinus?' He was flicking stray teeth from between his knuckles.

'Yeah,' I said. 'Never better. Apart from this hole in the shoulder you could drive a chariot through, of course.'

He grabbed my arm, inspected the wound, then thumped me on the back. It was like being mugged by the Great Pyramid. My shoulder didn't feel a hell of a lot better for it either.

'Just a scratch. The knife must've slid off the bone. Keep it clean and it should heal okay in a few days.'

'You're a doctor then?' I tried to sound sarcastic but he only nodded.

'When I have to be.' He took a rag out of his tunic and gave it to me. I thought it'd be filthy, but it was clean and faded with washing. 'Here. Use this.'

Then suddenly without another word he was walking away, back in the direction of the Aemilian Bridge. At first I just stared. Then when it was obvious he wasn't going to stop I shouted after him:


No response. The big guy just kept on walking like he hadn't heard. I limped after him and pulled at his arm.

'Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going?'

I knew as soon as I'd done it that it was a mistake, like pulling a tiger back by the tail when it doesn't want your company. He whipped round and I let go, fast. We stared at each other for two or three heartbeats while I wished I was somewhere else. Like Naples, say. Finally he growled:

'Don't push your luck, Corvinus. Just be thankful I didn't leave you to these bastards to finish off.'

Great. 'Okay. So why didn't you?'

'Nothing personal. I don't like unequal numbers, is all. Which is lucky for you because, friend, I'd rather have you dead and rotten.'

Ouch. He meant it, too.

'You mind telling me why?'

He levelled a finger. 'Listen. Stop fucking around, okay? You could do more harm than you know. This is your last warning. Cut the questions or the next time someone comes down on you it'll be me.' He spat neatly onto the back of one of the fallen knifemen 'And I'll do a better job than this garbage. Get me?'

And without waiting for an answer he turned and walked off down the path.

'Who are you working for?' I shouted to his retreating back. 'Who sent you?'

He didn't even break step. I doubt if he even heard me.

I hobbled round to the beech tree by the back wall to pick up my mantle. So the guys who attacked me hadn't been Big Fritz's friends after all. Or if they had been they didn't need enemies. Which meant if Big Fritz was the Wart's then they couldn't have been. And vice versa. Unless of course they were…

Shit. I couldn't think. My brain was numb, my shoulder was aching like hell and I had a lump the size of a goose egg on the side of my head where I'd landed when Geta had thrown me out.

‘You could do more harm than you know.’ Yeah, well, that made sense. Furkling around in the imperial dirty linen basket wasn't likely to throw up any roses, and because I hadn't the slightest idea what I was looking for except that Tiberius didn't want it made public I had to be grateful for whatever I could get. All the same there'd been a personal feel to Big Fritz's words. He'd said them as if he'd meant them. As if he really cared…

I grinned and shook my aching head. Oh, yeah, sure. Big Fritz is the Wart's catamite and the old bugger's using him to put the bite on. Great idea. Dream on, Corvinus.

I found my mantle and wound it round me as best I could, which wasn't exactly how Rome's best dressed were wearing it this season. Bathyllus would have a fit when I got back, he hated it when I looked sloppy. Then I set off at a fast limp for the Aemelian Bridge and home.

Varus to Himself

The Farce, first act.

Vela has just left, having reported, to my immense surprise and consternation, that the Cheruscan tribe is reputedly preparing armed rebellion. I seize, of course, on the adverb. Arminius knows how important it will be for me to guard my back, and he would not want me to appear too hasty in swallowing the bait he has dangled in front of my greedy Roman jaws.


'A rumour only, sir,' Vela assures me, 'brought by natives of doubtful probity under highly suspicious circumstances.'

I try not to wince. Vela has a low opinion of Germans; which tells you more about Vela than about our barbarian brothers. Ironically in this case his suspicions are well-founded: the Germans have no intentions of beginning a major war. Even my treachery has its limits.