This is the slave's normal position when not being used by the Mistress.
Voice Command – 'Down'
Hand Command – One finger point to floor
LEARN - As kneel position but with head up - eyes lowered
Voice Command - 'Learn'
INSPECTION - stand legs wide apart – chest out - belly in - hands locked on top of head - head up - eyes down
Voice Command - 'Inspection'
PLEASURE - As LEARN position - tongue out - ready to please Mistress
Voice command - 'Tongue'
These positions are probably the minimum number a slave should learn. But of course there are many more an imaginative Mistress may devise for her slave to learn. It is a good idea to assign numbers to some of them and it is an excellent training technique to make the slave remember the numbers.
The Mistress could of course have a card as an Aide-mémoire.
Slave Movements
The normal method of movement for a slave in the presence of his Mistress is on hands and knees with his nose brushing the floor. The slave must learn to accomplish this crawling both forwards and backwards. Objects carried should be held lightly between the teeth unless they are heavy.
When a slave bows he must bend forwards from the waist until his head is lowered to the level of his knees. This must be accomplished even if he is holding say a glass filled with wine. If he is on his knees he bends forwards and places his forehead on the floor.
When a slave is dismissed he should crawl backwards until out of sight of his Mistress. If he is standing (because he has something to carry) he should walk backwards, eyes lowered, until he is about to leave her sight, at which point he should bow.
These are an excellent way for a Mistress to train her slave in the performance of routine tasks. Such routines could include:
• Waking the Mistress and early morning tea
• Serving breakfast
• Bathing routine
• The serving of occasional refreshment
• Serving and attendance at meals
• Keeping Mistress’s shoes clean on a daily basis
• Making Mistress’ bed
• Watching television
• Greeting Mistress
• Acknowledging presence of Mistress
• Foot licking and toe sucking
• Body worship
• Toilet duties
• Ironing clothes
• Washing laundry
• Cleaning up after meals
• Cleaning the house
• Putting Mistress’ clothes away and attending to her wardrobe
• Pleasuring the Mistress
• Behaviour in public
• Acting as Mistress’ chauffeur
• Late night routine, Mistress going to bed.
The list is endless but in order to make life easy for the Mistress and not a boring procession of tedious decision making to control the slave, each of these routines can be ingrained in the slave’s mind through training. It will require something of an effort at the start but they can be taken one at a time.
Once trained the slave will have his normal day to day routine mapped out and all the Mistress needs to do is see that he follows it. The more of these standard ritual acts of servitude she imposes the easier the day to day life of the Mistress will be.
Initially I looked at each service I wanted my slave to perform and set it down on paper; as much for my benefit as his in case I left some detail out.
When happy with the detail I gave it to the slave to learn and made him practice. Each time he got anything wrong I caned him until he could perform the service exactly as prescribed. Of course he got things wrong lots of times and I caned him every time. So he soon learnt to get it right. This is training without concession and once completed the Mistress can enjoy a very relaxed lifestyle indeed.
I will not insult the reader’s intelligence by going through each of these routines one at a time. I am assuming that she is an experienced Mistress coming to this book perhaps after studying other introductory works on the subject of Female domination and knows what she wants from her slave.
Suffice it to say that the slave needs to have his programme of servitude mapped out so he knows exactly what his duties are, what is expected and when he must carry them out.
For example my slave knows that after making my bed his next duty is to examine all my shoes and ensure they are clean and polished. This is a daily duty. He knows that after serving a meal the kitchen must be left clean and tidy. There can then be no excuses if the instructions are not obeyed.
However I will provide the reader with a few of examples from the list to illustrate the detail I expect the slave to absorb in his training.
My slave
Early morning routine:
Unless instructed otherwise the slave must wake me and serve tea at exactly seven o’clock. At precisely five minutes to seven my radio switches on and he enters my bedroom wearing a hood. I expect him to be waiting outside to enter at exactly the correct time. If he is late he gets one stroke of the cane for every second he is late. He places the tray on the floor and wakes me by kissing my feet. He then kneels beside the bed until the time signal at seven when he picks up the tray and stands to attention at the side of the bed facing me. At the start of the time signal pips he bows. At the end of the pips he stands upright again and drops to his knees spreading them wide before they touch the floor. The tray is held at the height of his chest until I have finished my drink and replaced the empty cup on the tray.
Finally he prostrates himself on the floor beside the bed.
Acknowledging Mistress’ presence
I expect my slave to abase himself and show proper respect at all times in my presence. Therefore when I enter the room where he is working he must instantly drop to his knees, spreading them wide and bowing his head to the floor with his arms outstretched towards me. If I order him to kiss he must crawl forward keeping his nose to the floor and kiss my feet before returning to the position of submission. If I leave the room he remains in position until I am out if sight before resuming his duties. If I remain and click my fingers he continues with his duties.
When summoned to my presence (I use a bell) I always note how long it takes him to report. He has ten seconds only to be at my feet in the same position of submission. Once within sight he must crawl with his nose to the floor. He bows fro, the knees and kneels in submission.
Any lateness is punished (one stroke for every second late). It is part of his duty to see that there is always one cane and one whip by my side for this purpose.
Greeting me on my return home
I am always home by 6pm but the slave must be ready to greet me at any time after 5.30 so he must be looking out after that time. He will be waiting on his belly in the hallway when I open the door. He crawls forward to kiss my boots and takes anything I may be carrying. Then he prepares and serves a cup of tea. Whilst I drink the tea he removes my boots after first kissing them and then he kisses my feet which he then massages until order him to stop. He then prostrates himself and waits for instructions.
Bedtime always follows the same routine: The slave turns back the covers and kneels beside the bed. When he has replaced the covers over me he presents the demerit book and enters whatever I award. He then apologises for failures during the day, thanks me for award of demerit points and places the book in the drawer. Finally he assumes the position of submission ready for sexual use.