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This idea of constantly sending consistent messages to the slave that he is inferior and therefore subservient is very important in his continued subjugation. The worst thing a Mistress can do is to send conflicting messages and relax the differential. It is normal for the slave to clear up and tidy the kitchen after meals without instruction as part of his daily routine.

If the slave is required to serve meals when other Mistresses and possibly slaves are present then it is conventional within FD groups for each Mistress to be served by one slave but not necessarily her own. It is quite common for Mistresses who are members of a group to swap slaves for domestic service, though it is very rare to do so for sexual service.

If he is well trained and attentive a slave serving another Mistress in this way will quickly adapt to the Mistress' ways as it is likely that he will receive punishment if the Mistress is not fully satisfied.

If the guests in the house are not aware of the Mistress/slave relationship then the servitude must be more subtle but still evident to the Mistress. For example the slave will never be seated if his Mistress is standing, he will never begin to eat before his Mistress has started, he will be attentive and helpful throughout the meal and indeed for the whole time the guests are present. He will be aware that any dissatisfaction on the part of his Mistress will earn him demerit points and possibly an instant punishment when the guests have left.

Obviously exactly the same thing applies when eating at other peoples homes in both examples and when eating out in public. One obvious control technique is for the Mistress to choose what the slave will eat in public. This can be done in subtle ways so that other people round the table are not aware.

My slave

My slave enters the room, kneels up, bows and assumes the submissive position. He begs permission to speak and informs me of his readiness to serve the meal. If I snap my fingers he bows once again, crawls from the room and takes position behind my chair. As I approach he bows and holds the chair whilst I sit down (It is appropriate for my slave to bow low both before and after any act of servitude).

The meal is served together with any wine etc and the slave then kneels beside the table with his head bowed. He is expected to be attentive and remove my empty plate and serve desert and coffee without instruction.

If I am preparing the meal by myself the slave attends in the kitchen keeping out of my way unless I wish him to carry out some task. He is usually capable of finishing off the cooking and then the procedure is much as before.



Many a would-be slave has been surprised to discover that a caning really hurts; in fact that discipline really hurts. A cage is also no fun to spend time in. The excitement of the cage wears off very quickly since it is very boring and uncomfortable. Therefore pain is a very effective correction tool as is the feeling of boredom and being ignored and locked in a cage. The slave who has agreed to his non consensual slavery will know only too well that discipline will be a key feature of his servitude and that he must submit to whatever discipline the Mistress imposes. It will be painful; at times very painful but he has no right of dissent.

A true slave will strive at all times to please his Mistress mindful of the suffering he will endure if he does not. This is the only true motivator and perfection cannot be achieved without it.

A Mistress requiring the ultimate in slave servitude therefore need show little concern for her slave's misery when she punishes him. On the contrary if she does she will never achieve the satisfaction of being served by a slave striving to please her as only a true slave can.

She should understand that the pain itself is short lived but, hopefully, the lesson will be long remembered.

The other keynote is consistency. A slave subjected to a consistently severe regime of discipline will learn far more quickly and perform better than one whose Mistress's standards and demands vary. It must never be viewed as tedious for the Mistress to monitor her slave's service. Indeed if it is he will get away with poor performance much of the time and ultimately the Mistress will become totally dissatisfied. At the end of the day avoiding punishment is in the hands of the slave, (as far as it can ever be).

Some of my married friends were, at the start, reluctant to punish their 'husbands'. My main advice to women is that they should understand, really understand and embrace the fact that the pain they inflict on their slaves will fade very quickly so they shouldn't fear inflicting it. A man is not made of glass. He will not shatter. Stubbing a toe hurts but a minute later the pain is gone, almost forgotten but you have learned to avoid the table leg. So why fear giving a slave the discipline he needs when the pain is momentary? It is the long term lesson that matters.

For instant punishment the slave should be taught to adopt a suitable position. I personally have just a small number of formal positions for the slave but an instant punishment position is one of them. The slave stands, legs wide apart, bends forward at the waist and touches his ankles. His knees must be perfectly straight. For convenience the Mistress can assign a number to slave positions. If she says the number the slave immediately adopts the correct position.

Canes or crops are suitable instruments for instant discipline and the position described is the most suitable for these implements. Hard objects such as canes, crops, birches etc should only be used on the fleshy parts of the slave.

These include buttocks, backs, fronts and insides of thighs. They really should not be used where there is only a thin covering of flesh over the bones, Generally speaking the greater the fleshy covering the greater is the force that can be safely used. The hips, back, sides and front of the torso should be left for more flexible implements such as whips and tawses.

For a quick instant punishment ten strokes of the cane on buttocks and thighs should suffice. If the Mistress wishes a longer punishment it is advisable to warm up the flesh with a crop or paddle which will prepare the slave for many more strokes over a period of time. Most slaves could not take fifty strokes of the cane hard on the backside without crumbling but if you warm him up first it is entirely possible over a protracted period of time.

It is important in early stages of training to punish for infraction of rules, for lateness, for slackness in posture, for lack of attentiveness. As the slave becomes better trained the frequency of such punishments should gradually decrease. But it is often the case that even a thoroughly trained slave will occasionally fall short of the expected. It is then important to remind him with the cane etc that you expect a high standard to be maintained. This is one of the chores of being a Mistress but the stricter she is the less of a chore it will be in the long run. Most slaves will be naturally lazy if allowed to be.

So if the Mistress ever notices a lack of effort to say adopt the correct posture when kneeling or bowing etc he should feel the cane and quickly.

The slave will soon learn that nothing but the highest standard of servitude will be tolerated and life becomes easier.

Punishments do not have to be applied only with the cane though it is a good idea to include its use in some way for all infractions. It is also possible to apply other effective punishments which are very unpleasant, make life more gruelling for the slave and teach him a lesson he will not forget.

For example:

For any sound from the slave's mouth that I don't want to hear, (back chat, lack of respect, excuses for poor performance etc):