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There is a considerable bulge at the crotch but this presents no problem for most of the time. My slave is always naked in my home and the bulge is easily covered for a trip to the shops if the shirt or sweater is worn outside the trousers.

'The Helmet' is the only chastity device I have seen which can be kept totally clean without having to remove it. This is achieved if the slave pours a few beakers of water into the top of the device every time it urinates. The design allows this easily without compromising security. Once a day perhaps a dilute solution of antiseptic could be used to kill any lingering bacteria.

My slave has now worn one of these devices continuously for 6 months with no hint of unpleasant odour.

I have also obtained a modern version of the Kali's Teeth Bracelet from 'Club Fem' in the USA. This is a plastic version of the original KTB which is no longer available but it is very effective at preventing erections. There is room inside the cover of 'The Helmet' for the bracelet which is placed on my slave's penis just below the head and secured with a cable tie. Then the cover is locked in position making sure the small padlock also secures the chain attached to the slave's PA.

My slave now wears this device permanently. It is removed only when the CB3000 is required, i.e. when passing through airports or when the bulge could cause embarrassment. Sadly the KTB has to be removed on those rare occasions but I now have total control which is what I desire.



It is common if not even obligatory for a Mistress to pierce and ring her slave. Any kind of permanent piercing placed on a slave has significance as it is the dominant's mark placed upon her property. Most common piercings are earlobe, nipple, nose, tongue and genital. A small engraved pendant with the Mistress' initials can be hung from an earring.

Nipple piercings are distinctly more erotic than an ear piercing. Sensitivity often increases when a nipple is pierced and the nipple also tends to spread.

Nipple skin is fairly tough and, provided the piercing is well healed, quite considerable weights can be hung from the jewellery. My personal preference is for a nipple chain to be permanently worn. Nipple rings can also be used as attachments for leads and also to chain a slave to a ring set in the floor or wall.

The nose piercing is very humiliating for a slave, giving rise to images of pigs and bulls tethered by their nose rings. For this reason many Mistresses who have their slave's noses pierced take the rings out in public. My slave's nose was pierced some 5 years ago and the ring is now worn permanently.

As with the nipple rings it is a good attachment point for chaining the slave.

For a Mistress who enjoys lots of oral servitude piercing the slave's tongue can add considerably to her pleasure. I am sure I do not need to elaborate. As with all piercings this must be done professionally as getting it wrong can result in a paralysed tongue which rather defeats the objective.

Genital piercings are the most highly charged erotic piercings and piercing a slave's genitals sends a very definite message to the slave. 'This belongs to me'. The penis head, and shaft, the scrotal sac and the perineum can all be pierced. For a slave kept in chastity these could hardly be described as decorative as for most of the time they will be hidden. Their purpose therefore is to reinforce the idea that the sexuality of the slave is captive and totally controlled.

The penis head can be pierced centrally from the interior of the urethra downward (a PA), or it can be pierced sideways from side to side either above the urethra or bisecting it (an Ampellang).

These are deep piercings and can take many months to heal properly.

Sometimes they bleed profusely at the start but rarely become infected since they are washed by the slave's sterile urine every time he pees.

The PA and perineum piercings can be used in conjunction to ensure absolute security for a slave in a chastity tube such as the CB3000 as it has been known for slaves to extract their penises from such devices. Tubes like those from Steelworxx are more secure as they incorporate a facility for locking a PA ring to the tube. Depending on the design of the full chastity belt is may also be possible to use a PA lock or a perineum chain for added security in these devices as well.

My slave:

My slave now has all of these piercings though they were not all carried out all at the same time. The PA piercing now has a short chain attached which is secured when the cover of the new 'Helmet' chastity device is padlocked in place.



So having got the slave to agree that his status has changed the Mistress can set about really training him. It is to be hoped that she now views him a different light as this will make the task much easier.

Firstly the slave must be humbled. He must be made to realise that he is in every way inferior to his Mistress and even if he tries very hard his servitude will at best never progress beyond satisfactory in her eyes. She must enforce her dominance by setting, and ensuring the slave lives up to, exacting standards in everything he does. There is no better way to humble a slave than to get him to repeat a task he has already completed. The Mistress simple states that it is not good enough and applies a suitable number of strokes with the cane and orders him to repeat the task. If the task is still not done satisfactorily the caning can be doubled and the task repeated.

The second way this is achieved is to be ultra critical of the slave’s demeanour. The way he presents himself, genuflects and his body language in your presence shows a lot about the respect and reverence he holds for his Mistress. Before he bows his feet must be very widely spaced. When he bows his head must be lowered to the level of his knees, no half measures.

And the bow must be held for the correct time. When he drops to his knees they must be widely spread, as wide as he can manage, every time he does it not just sometimes. When he kneels the belly must be sucked in, chest forward, shoulders back, head bowed. When he crawls his nose must brush the floor. He is being taught he is the lowest of the low. These things are easy to check and constant correction will quickly tell the slave that his Mistress means business. During training each aspect of his servitude should be examined and corrected. Ten sharp strokes of the cane on the slave's buttocks should follow every mistake or lack of attention to detail.

Constant attention to detail is the watchword and the Mistress will find that effort in this direction at the start will bring rewards. It will quickly become second nature for the slave. If he is slow to learn then the most effective techniques is to punish him by making his life more irksome.

My slave

Initially I concentrated on one aspect per day, gradually accumulating a record of routines in the slave's mind. It took nearly two hours to train him to serve a glass of wine properly during which time he received well over 100 strokes of the cane. As the training proceeded he became much more adept at learning my requirements and consequently, as time went on, he went to bed each night with less of a sore ass than at the start. Pain is an excellent vehicle for learning and caning an already bruised pair of buttocks is even more of an incentive.

I once made my slave practice entering and leaving the room with a full glass of water in his hands for a whole hour after he forgot to bow. He has never failed to bow correctly since. On a similar occasion when he had trouble crawling with his nose to the floor I had him crawling on his belly for a day. Now he crawls on hands and knees very well with his nose in contact with the floor at all times.