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“Find out what he’s doing here,” Gage ordered.

Logan nodded as they turned back towards the happy couple and Marissa in time to see a man place his hand on Marissa’s back.

Marissa turned and stepped out of his reach. “Brandon,” she greeted but her eyes remained cold.

“You look beautiful, Marissa.” He placed a kiss on her cheek before he turned and shook hands with Greg. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Greg looked between the new man and Marissa, knowing something wasn’t right but unsure what to do.

“Congratulations, little wolf.” Brandon also kissed Elizabeth’s cheek.

“Thank you.” Elizabeth’s voice was soft. She sent her sister a panicked look. “Wh…what are you doing here, Brandon?”

“I escorted my cousin.”

Gage had seen enough and moved in beside Marissa.

“Gage.” Her eyes pleaded with him as he stepped up to the small group.

She didn’t want a scene, Gage recognised that. He was also the Alpha, and if anything happened his Pack would step in and that would be a mess.

The man turned to him. “Alpha.” He nodded in respect. “That was a wonderful ceremony. One of the best I’ve ever witnessed.”

Gage smiled and nodded back to the man before running his hand over Marissa’s back and settled his arm around her waist.

He saw her flush, but she didn’t move away from him. The other male’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Uh…Gage, this is Brandon. He is the son of the Pack Alpha where we grew up.” Marissa shifted like she wanted to move away from him, but Gage tightened his grip.

“Nice to meet you.” Gage didn’t move.

“Actually I am now the Pack Alpha of the territory. My father has retired,” Brandon said, keeping his eyes on her.

Gage kept calm. That announcement changed things. If Brandon was a Pack Alpha, he couldn’t challenge him without permission from the council that policed the Packs.

“Congratulations then,” Gage told him with no feeling.

Marissa looked from one man to the other. Gage knew she was almost desperate to get away from Brandon. They would have to talk about what happened between the two later, but right now his main objective was to help her out of her distress.

“They’re starting the reception. We should take our seats.” Gage told her sliding his hand to hers. “If you’ll excuse us,” he said to Brandon but didn’t wait for a response.

He walked away taking Marissa with him while Greg and Elizabeth followed.

“I get the feeling I missed something,” Greg murmured to his mate, but Marissa and Gage heard him.

“That man is responsible for almost every problem we had in our old Pack.” Elizabeth’s voice held more bitterness than Gage had ever heard from her.

Marissa shrugged a shoulder and tried to pull away from Gage. He didn’t give. He could still feel the other man’s gaze on them.

Seated between Gage and Logan, Marissa pulled at her hand once more. “Let go, Gage,” she complained so low only he could hear.

He was hanging on by a thin shred of control. His heart raced and his blood boiled in anger towards Brandon for everything Marissa had gone through. Plus suspicion as to what he was even doing here.

He looked over at Logan and could see the same feelings were going through his second. Whether Marissa was part of the Pack or not, she belonged to Gage.

He had never been so close to turning because of loss of control in front of any members of his Pack. He looked around and nodded at the Pack Enforcers. It was their job to protect their Alpha. Each one was keeping a close eye of their leader, sensing something was not right.

Marissa scooted her chair closer to him. Under the table, she placed her free hand on his knee. “Look at me, Gage,” she whispered next into his ear.

He did and she smiled.

“I’m okay. I won’t let anything mess tonight up.”

Not caring who was looking, Gage framed her face with both hands. “Neither will I.”

Marissa dropped her gaze. “Please, Gage.”

She wasn’t comfortable with public displays. He understood that even if he didn’t like it. He dropped his hands from her face. “He’s not to get near you alone. Do you understand?”

Marissa nodded even if it galled her to have him give her orders.

“Marissa.” His voice was a low growl.

“I understand,” she told him quietly.

“Make sure, Marissa. You have no idea of the consequences,” he warned.

“I promise, Gage.”

With that, he relaxed next to her.

Chapter Six

Marissa intended on keeping her promise. She didn’t want trouble for anyone. She didn’t know why Brandon would even come to her sister’s mating ceremony, but he couldn’t touch her. She told herself that over and over again.

The seating placed her with Gage and Logan while members of her and Elizabeth’s old Pack took up two tables across the yard. The other tables were filled with Gage’s Pack. Everyone was behaving properly, but one wrong move from either Alpha could spell disaster. Wolves were territorial about almost everything, but particularly about their women. She didn’t want a Pack war at her sister’s ceremony.

Gage or Logan stayed with her the entire time. After pictures were taken, dinner served and cake cut, the dancing began. Marissa danced with Gage, then Logan, but her attention was never too far from the man in the back keeping his eyes on her.

Walking to get a refill of champagne, she stopped to talk to a few of the females who had openly befriended her from Gage’s Pack. If they knew she was a non-shifter, it didn’t seem to bother them. Logan was talking to two of the Enforcers, but kept an eye on her from a short distance.

Marissa received her refill and turned from the table, running into Brandon. She tried to step around him, but he moved also. She looked for Gage or Logan, but they were several feet away from her involved in conversations.

Sighing, Marissa pulled her shoulders back and met Brandon’s gaze. “What do you want?” she snapped.

Brandon stepped towards her. “Interesting seeing you interact with another Pack.”

Marissa dropped her eyes out of habit, her confidence leaving her as he spoke with authority.

Satisfied, he moved even closer. “We have a lot to talk about.”

“We have nothing to talk about,” she said to her feet.

“Oh, you are very wrong. As Alpha of the Pack, I now have access to all the data on you and your family.”


“So as your Pack Alpha—”

“You are not my Pack Alpha,” she interrupted.

Lifting his hand, he brushed her hair off her face. “Actually I am.”

“I was kicked out of the Pack. You have no power over me.”

“Well, funny thing about that. My father never turned in your papers to the council to let them know you were leaving the Pack. As law states, a member cannot leave the Pack and go rogue without a trial or the proper paperwork. You still belong to the Pack. To me.”

“No.” Marissa stepped back, shaking her head. She wouldn’t go back to his Pack. She’d die before ever returning to him and giving him power of her once again.

Brandon laughed. “Yes, it’s true. And by Wolf law, I have full control over you for your safety and wellbeing.”

“You don’t know anything about laws. You are a liar just like your father.”

Anger flashed in his eyes and Marissa felt true fear. Her throat went dry while her heart pounded. Reaching out, he grabbed her arm. Marissa frantically looked around for Gage or Logan, not seeing either.

“No one’s going to come to your rescue this time.” He yanked her to him.

Marissa could feel his breath against her cheek.

“And be careful of your words. I will not let you disrespect my father.”