Variants: the thieving sun and moon, 39-40; planning the Primal Scene, 57; the Zemblan King's escape (K 's contribution, 8 lines), 70, the Edda (K 's contribution, 1 line), 79; Luna's dead cocoon, 90-93; children finding a secret passage (K 's contribution, 4 lines), 130; poor old man Swift, poor - (possible allusion to K), 231; Shade, Ombre, 275; Virginia Whites, 316; The Head of Our Department, 377; a nymphet, 413; additional line from Pope (possible allusion to K), 417; Tanagra dust (a remarkable case of foreknowledge), 596; of this America, 609-614; first two feet changed, 629; parody of Pope, 895-899; a sorry age, and Social Novels, 922.
Waxwings, birds of the genus Bombycilla, 1-4, 131, 1000; Bombycilla shadei, 71; interesting association belatedly realized.
Windows, Foreword; 47, 62, 181.
Word golf, S 's predilection for it, 819; see Lass.
Yaruga, Queen, reigned 1799-1800, sister of Uran (q. v.); drowned in an ice-hole with her Russian lover during traditional New Year's festivities, 681.
Yeslove, a fine town, district and bishopric, north of Onhava, 149, 275.
Zembla, a distant northern land.