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"Oh," smiled Gabrielle. "I played field hockey in high school. And so did Emily. We were on the same team, in fact."

"Who is Emily?" asked Sarah. Maybe if she could get a conversation going, the other girl would stop touching her.

"Emily is my other pantera," said Gabrielle. "She's beautiful too; just like you. Actually, exactly like you. You two could be twins." Gabrielle slipped a finger into Sarah's sex, causing Sarah to cringe.

The response surprised her. If Emily and Gabrielle went to school together, then she wouldn't be a slave. Maybe there was hope for her after all. Maybe she wouldn't be a slave either. But her hopes were dashed when Gabrielle continued.

"She was just so beautiful that I had to have her. Papa gave her to me last year for my birthday. And now she's my prized possession; well one of them, anyway. Now I have two prized possessions." She gave one of Sarah's nipples a tweak and then giggled. "You are my other one."

"How old are you?" asked Sarah. She couldn't decide how old her captor was so she finally had to ask.

"I'm nineteen," responded Gabrielle as she continued to stroke her finger in and out of the girl she now owned. "I'm old enough to own girls now according to Papa. And I own the two best girls in the world. At least you will be the best girls after you finish your training."

Sarah gulped at that response. What kind of training did she have in mind? She shuddered as she remembered all of Diane's training and conditioning over the past few weeks. Maybe the idea of starting a conversation had not been such a good idea after all.

"It won't take long," Gabrielle continued. "Emily picked up on it quickly and now she's a perfect pantera. Of course, she isn't a pantera all the time; just for special occasions like when we have guests."

Just then, the door opened and Sarah heard a male voice speaking in Spanish. She cringed as she realized how lewdly exposed she was.

"Papa," she heard Gabrielle say. "English please."

The man humfed but then did speak in English. "Why must we speak in English? This is Argentina. I never should have sent you to that American school. They have ruined my nina."

"I like my pets to understand," replied Gabrielle.

"Then let them learn Spanish," he said. He stepped to the table and Sarah saw him for the first time. He was a big man but not at all portly. He looked very trim and strong. And she would have considered him to be handsome but for the jagged scar that ran diagonally down his left cheek.

"They will," Gabrielle countered. "Emily has already learned a few words."

He reached out and placed his hand on Sarah's left breast, squeezing it and causing her to cringe again. "Emily would learn a lot more words if you did not insist on English being spoken around her. As I asked when I came in, do you like your new present?"

"Oh yes, Papa," said Gabrielle as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "I adore her. She's perfect."

"Will I get to use her too?"

"Oh yes, Papa," Gabrielle assured him. "But not tonight."

"Then I'll call for Emily," he said as he ran his hand down Sarah's bound body.

"Oh," said Gabrielle. "You can't have her either. I want my two panteras to spend the night together so they start to know one another."

Sarah saw the big man roll his eyes. "Slaves. What is the good of owning slaves if you can't enjoy them?"

"You can have Emily tomorrow night, Papa. And you can have Sarah soon. You know I always take care of my Papa."

Chapter 6

"Wow!" they both breathed at the same time once they saw each other for the first time. It was like looking into a mirror where the reflected image had a mind of its own. Sarah could not believe how much Emily looked like her.

"Emily, this is Sarah," said Gabrielle. "Sarah, this is Emily. You will be sisters now. I'll leave you together for the night to get acquainted."

"Thank you, Mistress," replied Emily. Sarah remained silent and just looked at her clone, dumbfounded.

"Oh, and Emily," said Gabrielle. "You will be serving Papa tomorrow night if he's still in town."

Sarah heard her counterpart sigh before responding. "Yes, Mistress. I'll make you proud."

"I know you will, girl. Now enjoy your new sister." Then Gabrielle left, closing the door behind her.

Sarah glanced around the room. It was a big bedroom and was opulently furnished. There was a huge bed and nice furniture completing the look. French doors stood on one side of the room and looked like they opened onto a balcony. It was certainly much nicer than the cage she had lived in for the past few weeks.

"Would you like something to drink?" asked Emily. She was naked but had been holding a sheer piece of filmy cloth before her and looking at her reflection in the mirror when they entered. Now, she was folding the cloth to put away and Sarah wondered what it was for. It was so sheer that every bit that it covered would be fully exposed to someone's view.

"Sure," replied Sarah. "What do you have?"

"I have a nice Chardonnay."

Sarah opened her eyes wide at the offer before responding. "I'm only eighteen. I'm not old enough do drink."

Emily giggled. "I'm only eighteen too. But there are no rules or laws here. You can have some if you like. Actually, there are tons of rules here; but no laws whatsoever."

Sarah furrowed her brow as she considered the offer and then nodded. What could it hurt? How much more trouble could she possibly get herself into compared to the trouble she was already in. "Sure. That would be good."

Emily went to the bar at one end of the room and poured two glasses of Chardonnay. Then she went to the fur rug in front of the fireplace. She set the glasses on the hearth and then stretched her naked body out on the fur, patting it in front of her. "Come on, Sarah. We can chat here comfortably."

"Gosh you're beautiful," gushed Sarah as she settled herself onto the fur and then stretched out, facing Emily.

"Ha!" Emily replied. "If I am, then you are too. You're practically my clone."

"Oh yeah," blushed Sarah. "I guess so."

Emily reached toward the hearth and took one of the wine glasses which she held out to her clone. Sarah took it and then Emily took the other one off the hearth and held it up. "Cheers."

They clinked their glasses together and then each took a sip. Sarah wrinkled her nose as the tasted the wine.

"You don't like it?" asked Emily.

"I've never tasted it before," replied Sarah. "It tastes funny."

Emily giggled. "Yeah, it takes a little getting used to. But isn't it so deliciously wicked to be drinking wine at eighteen? And pretty soon, instead of it tasting funny, it will be making you feel funny. It's a very nice feeling."

Sarah took another sip as she watched Emily. Emily seemed totally at ease. She couldn't understand that. How could a girl who had been kidnapped be happy and comfortable?

"You're American, aren't you?" asked Sarah.

"Yes, just like you. But now I'm Argentinian, I suppose. Why do you ask?"

Sarah sighed. "I don't know why I asked. I was just trying to figure things out, I guess. Everything has changed so fast."

Emily reached out and rested her hand on Sarah's hip, stroking it softly. Sarah tensed but Emily ignored the reaction. "Yes, I remember when I was first captured. I was going through all of the same reactions. I could tell you that the adjustment will be easy but I would be lying. It will be hard."

Emily took another sip of her wine before continuing. "You will feel humiliated. You will feel homesick. You will be punished. And you will be used sexually in every way imaginable. But you will survive."