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Sarah was sobbing by the end of the little speech and Emily ran her hand up Sarah's side, stroking her up and down and trying to comfort her. She remembered the indignities and the harsh treatment. She hoped that she could help Sarah avoid some of them.

Emily set her glass on the floor and then scooted close, pressing her naked body against Sarah's. Again, Sarah tensed. And again, Emily ignored the reaction. She draped an arm over her new sister and pulled her tightly to her. And then she kissed her, letting her lips enjoy the lips of the new pantera in the family.

Emily licked away the tears after Sarah stopped crying and then kissed her new sister again. This time, Sarah did not tense and Emily held their lips together. She pulled herself tightly against Sarah, feeling their breasts mash each other's and then ran her hand up and down Sarah's back.

The kiss and the stroking and Emily's proximity seemed to have a calming effect on Sarah. Her fate did not seem so horrible at the moment. She enjoyed the loving touch of her look-alike and was even enjoying the tender kiss.

Finally, Emily broke the kiss. She reached out and lifted Sarah's glass off the hearth and gave it back to her new sister. Then she reached for her own and, when she got it, she held it in one hand and dipped a finger from the other hand in it. Then she rubbed her wine-soaked digit around Sarah's right nipple, coating it.

"Hey!" protested Sarah. "What do you think you're doing?"

Emily giggled. "I'm just marinating it for later when I dine on you."

Sarah pushed the hand away. "Well, that's not going to happen."

Emily giggled again and dipped her finger back into her wine. This time, she pushed her finger between Sarah's lips, feeding the drop of wine to her. "Oh yes it is. I want it to happen. You really are so beautiful. But besides, it's going to happen eventually anyway. I'd like our first time together to be romantic and slow and loving instead of in front of a rude, loud audience. Trust me. They will pair us up together and have us perform for them eventually."

Emily dipped her finger into the wine and then painted Sarah's other nipple with it. Sarah watched in disbelief but, this time, she did not protest. Emily continued, alternating between feeding her wine-coated finger to Sarah's lips and painting one nipple or the other.

"Do you really think they will make us have sex together?" asked Sarah as Emily was coating her left nipple for the third or fourth time.

"Oh, I know they will," replied Emily as she dipped her finger back into the wine. Then she pushed her digit between her twin's lips, sliding it in and out a few times. "I know these people. We will definitely be forced to perform for them. That's why I want to make love with you tonight. I want our first time to be something that you enjoy and remember fondly."

The wine-coated finger circled the right nipple as Emily continued. "You don't seem to be hating this too badly. Your nipples are hard as pebbles."

Sarah looked down and saw that her little nubbins were indeed stiff. "The wine must be chilling them. They get that way when they're cold."

"Maybe that's it," said Emily. "There's only one way to tell if you like it and you're getting aroused." Then she grinned and pushed Sarah's shoulder, rolling her onto her back.

Sarah gasped as she was pushed onto her back and tried to roll back onto her side. But Emily was too fast for her and had draped her body across the other girl, pinning her down. Then Emily twisted her body so that she was lying on top of Sarah and she tilted her head forward, kissing the trapped girl.

Sarah opened her mouth to scream as soon as the kiss ended but Emily pressed her lips back to her twin's to silence her. Then she spoke as she broke the kiss. "You can scream if you want. But we will probably both be punished if you do. And I would much rather make love with you than be whipped with you."

Sarah nodded tentatively and then watched in dismay as Emily slid her body down Sarah's. Emily paused at the other girl's breasts. She ran her tongue around the wine-coated left nipple before sucking it in and out a few times. She released the nipple and lifted her head, grinning at her new slave sister.

"Mmmm, delicious," she giggled. "Perfectly marinated."

Sarah whimpered as her right nipple was captured by the lips. She lifted her head and saw Emily drawing as much breast into her mouth as she could and felt the hyperactive tongue fluttering furiously over her sensitive little bud.

"This one too," giggled Emily after she released the second nipple. "I'll have to remember that recipe."

Sarah groaned as Emily slid her body lower. She felt a knee pushing between her legs and then another knee spread her further. At that point, it was easy for Emily to slide her body between the two legs until her face was right above Sarah's sex.

Emily trailed a finger down one petal and up the other. They were already parted and were glistening from the girl's juices.

"Just as I thought," Emily grinned again. "You do like it!"

Sarah lifted her head and hissed at her assailant. She reached down to push Emily away but that only resulted in Emily pushing her finger into her prey's sex.

"Sarah, relax. Work with me on this. Trust me. Please? You can yell at me afterwards if you like."

Sarah shook her head back and forth. She was furious but she wasn't quite sure why. She did like Emily, so it wasn't that. It was probably because she seemed to have no say at all in her life any more. People just did to her whatever they wanted, regardless of her feelings about it. Now her new cellmate was trying to rape her and was trying to get her to agree to it. It was all so infuriating.

"How about this?" offered Emily. "You surrender yourself to me for one orgasm. If you don't like it, we won't do it again unless we are forced to perform together. And you can spank me too."

"Ha!" exclaimed Sarah. "You probably like being spanked."

"No," responded Emily. "I don't like being spanked. Well, I probably would like being spanked by you but I don't normally like punishment of any kind. So is it a deal?"

"It doesn't seem right," complained Sarah.

Emily lifted her head and smiled at her fellow prisoner. "What does right or not right have to do with anything? Nothing that they have done to us or will do to us is right. So is it a deal?"

"Okay, let's get it over with," sighed Sarah. She still didn't think that it was right, especially since she was not lesbian. But it was not like it would be something new to her, especially after the last three weeks with Eve and Elizabeth constantly helping themselves to her body.

"Hmmmphhhh!" grunted Emily at Sarah's attitude. Get it over with? What kind of attitude was that? She would just have to do an extra good job so that Sarah wouldn't view love-making with her as a chore to be gotten over with as quickly as possible.

Emily leaned her head down and kissed the bald mound in front of her. Then she moved her lips lower, leaving a trail of kisses until she reached the bottom of the girl's labia. She extended her tongue and scooped it up through the parted and juicy petals, pausing once she reached the top.

"Mmmm," she sighed with her eyes closed. "You are so sweet."

Emily avoided the clit for the time being. She wanted to prolong this as long as possible. She didn't know how responsive or orgasmic Sarah was yet and she wanted to get her new sister as hot and bothered as she could.

She scooped her tongue up through the slick petals time and again, gathering Sarah's nectar and savoring it. She would be happy doing this all night. Her sister tasted even better than the wine as far as she was concerned. Finally, she curled her tongue and slowly pushed it into her new lover.

"Have some more wine," said Emily as she took a short break. "And could you pass me my glass?"