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"Because Gabby's Papa runs a drug organization."

"He runs a pharmaceutical company?" asked Sarah.

Emily laughed and squeezed her new but very naïve sister. "No. Drugs drugs. Cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and other things I don't even know about. I told you that there were violent people here. These are outlaws. They are hardened criminals. They are killers or at least they can be."

Sarah shuddered at this revelation. That was very dark news. "Is Gabby involved?"

"I don't know," responded Emily. "Probably. But I don't really know."

That conversation occurred earlier in the day. Now they were naked and on display before the assembled group. Sarah listened to the chatter and heard ice cubes clinking against the sides of the glasses but they were speaking Spanish. She had no idea what they were saying.

So she focused on being a pantera. It was not nearly as difficult as she first thought. She was not as good as Emily but she had at least mastered the basic moves. Her left side slid along Gabby's leg and she saw Emily slinking along the other side of the mistress. She felt a hand slide along her back as she walked on her hands and knees and then heard a male voice saying something she didn't understand. She assumed it was a comment about her and that it was his hand on her skin.

Their hair had been teased out by Rosalita earlier in the evening. The two of them did look like they had manes once she was finished. But panthers didn't have manes, did they? She couldn't remember for sure but she thought that she and her new sister looked more like lionesses than panthers.

She encountered Emily again. She started to move to the outside to slide along her clone's body and let Emily slide along Gabby's leg but she was surprised when her sister paused to lick the side of her face. Sarah reciprocated and licked Emily's cheek, hoping she did not ruin the makeup. Then Emily moved her head and their lips touched. Emily's tongue snaked out again and, within moments, they were involved in a passionate kiss with their tongues dancing together. She was not sure how pantherish this was but it was exciting to her anyways.

Sarah had decided to trust Emily's judgment earlier in the day. She certainly liked her roommate but she had no real reason to trust her. She had only known her for less than twenty four hours. But despite the fact that their relationship was a short one, Emily had seemed honest and it seemed that her new sister cared for her. She would follow her advice; at least for now.

"Don't think about how embarrassing it will be to have people seeing you naked," Emily had told her as Rosalita did their hair. "Don't think about how silly it is that you are acting like a cat. Lose yourself in your role."

"What do you mean?" Sarah had asked.

"Become a panther in your mind. Be the cat. Focus on thinking about how you would move as a cat. Focus on me. Ignore the others in the room."

"I'll try," said Sarah.

Now their tongues danced in their heated kiss. Emily started making a purring sound and Sarah followed suit with her own version of purring.

"I have frisky kitties, no?" said Gabrielle in English with a chuckle.

"You have very beautiful kitties," a woman replied. "Frisky, yes. But that is the nature of the breed. Do they have raspy little tongues?"

Sarah gasped into Emily's kiss. The woman's voice was American. Should she speak up and beg for rescue?

Emily heard the voice too and heard her sister's gasp. She knew exactly what was going through Sarah's mind. She broke off the kiss and then kissed the tip of her clone's nose, shaking her head almost imperceptibly and furrowing her brow. Then she started to slink her body along Sarah's again.

Sarah understood the message. Emily did not think it was safe. She started walking on all fours again, feeling Emily's warm, soft body sliding against hers.

She wondered how long it would take for the spots to wear off. The makeup that Rosalita had applied was both elaborate and exotic. Heavy eyeliner and mascara with gold flecks had transformed their eyes to make them look more feline. And she had spent close to an hour dabbing her little cotton applicators into a dye of some sort and then applying the dye to each girl's skin.

Sarah was not exactly sure what a panther was supposed to look like. She thought they were black. But maybe there were spotted leopards. In any event, she and Emily now wore spots all over their body, enhancing the feline look.

"No," Gabrielle responded. "Their tongues are smooth and soft and warm. They are wonderful."

"Perhaps I could borrow one of your panther girls for the night?" the American woman said. "I just love kitties."

At that moment, Sarah understood Emily's furrowed brow and slight shake of the head. This woman was one of them. She knew they were slaves. It would have been disastrous for Sarah to beg for freedom. She came to trust her new sister even more at that moment.

"Perhaps," said Gabrielle. "Papa, will you be requiring Emily tonight?"

The father snorted. "Always the damned English! No, I will not. Carlos will be driving me to the air strip shortly. I have business to attend to in Miami tomorrow."

Gabrielle turned back to the American woman. "You may have Emily for the night. You will have to tell me tomorrow how you liked her tongue."

"What about the other kitty?" asked one of the men with a heavy Spanish accent.

"Oh, I'm afraid she is not available tonight," replied Gabrielle. "She will be entertaining me tonight and keeping me warm in my bed."

"A pity for me then," the male said.

Gabrielle leaned down and patted Sarah's bottom. "But a delight for me."

Sarah wondered how Gabrielle could tell them apart. Sarah could tell the two of them apart but only because she was inside one of the two bodies. If not for that, she wasn't sure she could identify who was who. The two of them really were identical.

The conversation turned back to Spanish and the two ‘kitties' continued to slink around. Eventually, Emily peeled away and started rubbing her body against the American woman's legs. Sarah continued to stay close to Gabrielle but also remained as much in role as she could.

She was going to be taken to Gabrielle's bed. That much was destined. She wondered what that would be like. Emily seemed to like the girl who now owned both of them so maybe it would be okay. Gabrielle must be reasonably loving, thought Sarah, or Emily would not be so attached.

She tried to remember all of Emily's guidance from earlier in the day. "Act like you like it," had been one piece of advice. If the dominant was caring and kind, you wanted to reward them for their efforts. If the dominant was sadistic, you didn't want to let them know that you didn't like it. Otherwise, they would do more of it.

That made a lot of sense to Sarah. She concluded that Emily was very wise.

"Wait to be told… unless it has something to do with a dominant's orgasm," had been another piece of advice. Emily told Sarah to wait for almost everything. She should wait to be told to look up, to kneel, to stand, to eat… She should even wait for permission to climax.

But if she was servicing one of the dominants, she should be creative and aggressive. She should coax an orgasm out of the dominant as quickly as possible. They usually liked that. They wanted their girls to be very sexual beasts.

"Always obey them," had been more of Emily's advice. Most of the time, that would be easy. But sometimes they would be asked to perform acts that were distasteful to them. Emily's advice was to do it anyways, regardless of how awful they thought it was.

"Don't ever think of escape when you are with one of them. It will be popping into your mind all of the time but you have to learn to brush it aside until later." This advice seemed odd to Sarah. She knew that she would constantly be looking for an opportunity to escape. "We can scheme and dream of escape when we are together but you have to focus all of your attention on pleasing the master or mistress you are with at the moment."