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The woman opened the rear hatch and Sarah leaned in to deposit the two bags that she was carrying. But two hands grabbed her arms and pulled her into the van. She opened her mouth to scream but someone pushed a cloth into her mouth, gagging her. She struggled against her attacker, trying to free herself until she felt a pinch on her neck. Her struggling quickly subsided and she fell unconscious.

The woman placed her bags in the car and then went back into the store to wipe down any place she might have touched. She retrieved the seven one hundred dollar bills that she had paid for the merchandise with and then returned to the car.

"What's she like?" her male assistant asked as they drove out of the lot.

"A living doll," the woman replied. "A perfect fuck toy."

Chapter 2

Sarah's mind was fuzzy when she woke up. Everything seemed blurry. She was encased in some kind of foamy material and couldn't move. She felt vibrations and heard a humming sound. She was in total darkness. And then she drifted back to sleep.

She kept waking up and finding the same surroundings. Her throat hurt when she tried to swallow at one point but everything else was the same: fuzzy mind, engulfed in foam, vibrations, humming and darkness. And then she would drift off to sleep again.

She woke up one time and managed to stay awake for several minutes before sleep consumed her. People were talking outside of whatever packing she was in. She decided to listen and learn rather than making sounds to try to get her release. She wanted to figure out where she was.

"Can't we keep her, Mom?"

"No, honey. We can't. That's not part of the plan."

"But she's so gorgeous," the first voice said. "I want to keep her. And you promised me a doll."

"I bought you two dolls, baby," said the second voice. Sarah recognized the voice as the wackadoo from the store.

"Oh, those aren't like real girls at all," said the first voice which was clearly the younger of the two. "They're stiff. And they're plastic. And they aren't even shaped right. This girl is soft and warm and so, so beautiful. I want her to be my doll."

"Baby, we can't keep her," the woman from the store said. "She's a special order and it took me a month to find someone who fit the specs. And it took me a whole week to plan and carry out the collection."

Sarah stifled a gasp. Special order? What did that mean? And it sounded like she had been stalked.

"We'll be keeping her for a few weeks," a male voice said. "She needs to be trained. You can play with the living doll then."

And then sleep overwhelmed Sarah again. The last thing to go through her mind was the realization that she was being drugged.

She finally woke up and the surroundings had changed. A bright light was overhead. She was no longer packed in the foamy stuff. She could feel that she was lying on a cold metal table and, by the feel of the table, it seemed like she was naked.

She lifted her head. It did look like she was naked but she couldn't tell for sure. A white sheet was draped over her body, presumably to keep her warm. When she moved her head, she felt something brush across her cheek. She couldn't tell what it was but she realized that something was between her lips. And when she tried to swallow, it was painful. She tried to scream for help but nothing but a croak came out.

She tried to get up but found that she was bound to the table. Her arms and legs were stretched to the four corners and she was secured firmly. She laid there for several minutes, looking around the room until someone entered it. It was a woman of about forty, she guessed.

"Welcome to California, sweetie," the woman said. It was the same voice as in the store but the face and hair didn't match Sarah's memory. She tried to say something but all that came out was a croak again.

"Don't try to say anything, pretty girl. Let me get the tubes out first."

The woman slid the sheet off and Sarah lifted her head and groaned. She was right that she had been naked. The woman gave each of Sarah's breasts a squeeze, bringing a blush to the teenager's face and then she slid a hand down her belly.

She felt something between her legs and then felt a sharp pain in her belly. "Relax sweetie," the woman said. "It will be out in a second."

Sarah felt another sharp pain and then the discomfort disappeared. "That takes care of the catheter."

Sarah lifted her head again when she felt the woman's fingers at the inside of her elbow. She saw that she had an IV and felt a little pinch as it was removed. A bandage was placed over the spot where it had entered her body and the woman shifted her attention.

"Now, I'm going to take out your feeding tube, little one," the woman said. "Don't try to talk. I want to give you some water first."

Sarah watched as the woman's hands moved to her face. She felt the woman prying her mouth open and then gagged slightly as she felt a tickle in her throat. The woman slowly extracted the tube and Sarah felt its movement, gagging several more times.

"There we go, beautiful one," the woman said. She leaned down and kissed Sarah on the lips, causing the girl to tense at the unexpected intimacy. "Let me get you some water and then we can talk. I'm sure that you have some questions."

Sarah kept her eyes on the woman as she crossed the room. If this was the same wackadoo, she was at least a very attractive one. But she still couldn't get over the change in the woman. This was not the odd woman who had squeezed her breast and bought six hundred dollars of merchandise.

The woman returned and lifted Sarah's head with one hand as she held the cup to the girl's lips with the other. "Just take sips at first. Your tummy needs to adjust."

Sarah took small sips. But she was so parched that she took many of them. She groaned as the woman took the cup away and lowered her head again. "That's enough for now. You need to get used to things in your tummy again."

Sarah tensed again as she felt the woman's hands resting on her naked breasts. She was not used to people handling them so casually. "My name is Diane. And you are Sarah, if I'm not mistaken. You should be able to speak now."

"Why am I here?" croaked Sarah. Her throat felt raw and she was still parched.

Diane gave each breast a squeeze and then drew her fingers upward toward the girl's nipples. "Because I wanted you here. You are perfect. I brought you here because I wanted you."

"You kidnapped me." Sarah's voice was less croaky this time.

"Kidnapping sounds so criminal," Diane replied. "I like to think of it as collecting you."

"Who are you?" asked Sarah. "You sound like the woman in the store but you don't look like her."

"Oh, that," replied Diane as she captured the perfect nipples and stroked her fingers and thumbs along their length, enjoying their texture. "A bit of stage makeup and a wig. I didn't know if there were security cameras. I always take precautions."

"There are cameras," said Sarah, cringing again as she felt her nipples being toyed with in ways that were annoying her.

"Then they will see a slightly crazy redhead who looks to be about thirty," responded Diane. "But you can clearly see that's not me."

Diane had dark brunette hair and was closer to forty. She did not look at all like the woman in the store. She was trim and was well endowed, as evidenced by the tight-fitting t-shirt that she wore. Her breasts were very generous.

"When will you release me?" asked Sarah, not sure if she wanted to hear the answer. She remembered the comment about special order.

"Don't worry, pretty pet," said Diane as she continued to toy with the luscious nipples. "We'll send you on your way in a few weeks. And this place will quickly become a distant memory. I promise you."