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"Please stop touching me," said the girl.

"Oh, now that's something I can't do," Diane replied. "This body needs to be touched. It was designed to be touched."

"You're scaring me now," said Sarah. "And please stop touching me. I mean it!"

"Don't be afraid, pretty pet," said Diane. She lowered her head toward Sarah's and, as their lips were about to meet, Sarah twisted her head to the side to avoid the kiss. Diane gave the girl a peck on the cheek before continuing. "There's plenty more to kiss if you don't want me to kiss your lips."

Diane shifted until her head was over Sarah's left breast and then Sarah watched in horror as the lips descended upon and ultimately engulfed her nipple. She felt the suction as her nipple was pulled in and out of the woman's mouth.

"Get off of me!!!" she screeched. "I'm not a lesbian!!!"

Diane released the breast for a moment and laughed. "Don't be silly, girl. You are whatever I decide you will be." Then she sucked the little nubbin back into her mouth again. Sarah groaned at her helplessness.

"Get away!" she finally screeched. Unbelievably, however, all that she accomplished was to have the wackadoo suck more of her breast into her mouth. She felt the suction on her sensitive flesh and felt the tongue fluttering over her nipple.

Diane finally released the succulent little nubbin and straightened up. She placed a hand on the breast and then placed her other hand between the girl's thighs, cupping her sex. "You can make this as easy or as difficult as you like, little one. Before you make that decision, though, let me tell you a little bit about what lies ahead for you so you can make an informed decision."

Sarah tensed as she felt the two hands touching her in such an unwanted way. This was just not right!

"You were a lot of work," Diane continued. "You were probably my most difficult project ever. But you will be worth every ounce of effort once the transaction is completed."

Sarah furrowed her brow in confusion. She was a lot of work? What did that mean? And what did the wackadoo mean about transaction? This made no sense.

"You can scream in here all you want," said the wackadoo. "Nobody will hear you. Even when I take you outside, you can scream all you want. The closest home is seven miles away. But keep in mind that your shrieks will grow tiring after awhile. I would hate to silence you, but I will if I grow weary of your piercing screeches. I think you will also not like it when you are unable to speak. But the drug is very effective. It will completely neutralize your vocal cords."

Sarah felt a chill run down her spine. Things kept shifting on her. At first, she thought she was going to get raped. Then she thought she was kidnapped for ransom, although her family would hardly be able to pay any ransom money. But now, it seemed that she had been stalked for some other purpose. And it seemed that purpose was very dark indeed. Had she entered the world of white slavery?

Diane noticed that the girl remained silent and smiled. There was hope for her. "Let me show you my assignment."

Diane went to the counter against the wall and returned with a picture. She held it up for Sarah to see, causing Sarah to gasp.

"How did you get that picture of me?" she asked.

"Wait!" she went on. "Where was that taken? I don't recognize it."

"Wait! I don't have a suit like that!" The picture showed her in a setting that she did not recognize, wearing a bikini that she had never seen before. She was posed coquettishly with her hands on her knees and her bottom angled away from the camera. It was her for sure. But she had never seen the background. She had never posed that way. And she had never worn that bikini.

"It's not you, sweetie," Diane replied. She placed her hand on Sarah's breast and squeezed it again, causing Sarah to tense once more. "That was my assignment; to find an identical match for this girl."

"And you are as identical as possible," Diane went on. "Even you couldn't tell the difference. You are the same weight and the same height. I was concerned about breast size. You could have been wearing a padded bra. But I ruled that out in the store, if you'll recall. And we took a few measurements while you were sleeping. Not a single measurement was more than a centimeter or centiliter off from the specs. Not even identical twins are that identical."

Sarah blinked, not quite understanding what she was hearing. "But why? Why would someone look for someone who looked like someone else?"

Diane shrugged her shoulders. "Beats me. That's of no concern to me. Maybe they want matched ponies. Maybe they are planning a series of porn flicks starring the twins. I don't know. But once I sell you to them…. or him… or her… or whoever your new owner is, you'll figure it all out."

Sarah gasped again. "Sell me? Owner? What is this? You are starting to creep me out. And get your hands away from me!" Diane's finger had been stroking her labia, which were wet, much to Sarah's chagrin. She felt like she was an unwilling accomplice to her own kidnapping and abuse, and possible rape.

Diane slipped a finger between the wet folds of the girl on the table. "You'll get used to being touched and handled. That's my job. That's why they pay me the big bucks. That's how I'll earn my two million."

Sarah gasped yet again. "Two million?"

"Yep," smiled Diane as she gave the breast another squeeze and probed her finger deeper into the girl. "That's how much they're paying me for the girl who looks like the one in the picture. It has to make you proud to know that you're worth so much."

Sarah groaned. It was white slavery after all. She would end up in a brothel, she was sure, with the other poor girl in the picture. How else could they justify paying that much money to have her kidnapped?

She had to think. How could she get out of here? Clearly her parents could not pay that kind of money as ransom. And escape at the moment was out of the question. She was naked and bound. There was no way she could free herself right now. But maybe she could win their trust. And then, maybe she would be able to escape.

Sarah heard the door open and lifted her head. Another female had entered the room where she was being held captive but this one was much younger. She looked to be maybe thirteen or fourteen.

But this female was the most bizarre thing that Sarah had ever seen. She was naked but for the pink collar that circled her neck and the steel shackles that were around her ankles and wrists. And she was hairless! There was not a single hair on her head. Even her eyebrows were missing. Her pubic hair was also gone. She looked like some kind of pink-skinned alien.

In a way, it was probably good that the girl was naked or Sarah would not know if it was a boy or a girl. Her feminine curves had not yet fully developed and, with her narrow, boyish hips, she could easily have been mistaken for a male. The only things that gave away her gender were her denuded pussy and the small mounds on her chest where her breasts were beginning to bud.

"Ooooooo!!!!" the girl squealed. "My doll is awake!!!"

The girl creature came over to where Sarah was bound and stood beside the table, letting her eyes roam over the captive's nudity. She reached out and poked a finger at the side of the breast closest to her, denting in the flesh.

"She's so soft, Mommy," the girl said.

Sarah's eyes opened wide. This was Diane's daughter? How could a mother treat a daughter like this? She looked more like some kinky version of a sex slave."

"Yes, baby,' agreed Diane. "She's soft and warm and cuddly. Isn't she just beautiful?"

The girl stroked a hand over Sarah's belly and then let it glide up to capture one of the full breasts that stood proudly on the prisoner's chest. She squeezed it and held it for a moment before shifting to the other one. In the meantime, Diane's finger started to slowly pump in and out of Sarah's sex.