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"Oh yes. She's beautiful," the girl said. "She's so perfect."

Diane slipped her finger out of Sarah and held it up to her daughter's face. Sarah blushed as she saw it glistening in the light with her lubrication. Why would her body betray her like that?

"Taste her, baby," Diane said. "Tell me how sweet she is."

The girl opened her mouth and tilted her head forward, eagerly taking the coated finger into her mouth. She glided her lips up and down the finger almost as if she were giving a blowjob. And she made little cooing sounds as she licked the digit clean.

"Mmmm," she said, once the finger was removed. "She's so good; so sweet. When do I get to play with her?"

"In a little while, sweetie," Diane said. "I have some thing I have to take care of with her first. She just woke up. But you'll get to play with your new doll soon."

The girl stuck out her lower lip and pouted. "Well, don't take too long. I can't wait forever."

Diane laughed. "Well, you'll just have to wait. Now run along before you earn a spanking."

The girl giggled at that. "Maybe I want a spanking, Mommy."

Diane looked at the girl crossly, causing the denuded wonder to get a serious look on her face. "Okay, I'll leave." Then she skipped to the door, humming a children's tune, and let herself out.

"Was that really your daughter?" asked Sarah.

"Yep," replied Diane. "That's my daughter."

"Why is she naked? Why is she shaved? Why does she have on that collar and those shackles?"

"Well, in addition to being my daughter, she's also my slave."

"Wow!!" breathed Sarah. This truly was a strange place.

Diane slipped her finger back into Sarah and started slowly gliding it in and out again. With her other hand, she started to toy with the nipple, causing it to stiffen.

"I really wish you wouldn't do that," complained Sarah.

"You'll get used to it," Diane responded. "Right now, I just need to prepare you for some pictures and the rest of the measurements."

Sarah gasped. "Please, no pictures. I can't be seen like this."

Diane laughed. "You'll get used to that too. Soon it won't bother you at all to be displayed or touched or used."

For the next thirty minutes, Diane busied herself taking pictures of Sarah and making odd measurements. Every conceivable angle was memorialized by the camera. A little instrument that looked like pliers was used to measure the diameter of her nipples.

"We need to measure these when they are aroused," explained Diane. "We couldn't do that when you were sleeping."

Sarah groaned as a speculum was inserted, wondering what that could possibly be used for in taking measurements. That question was soon answered as a rod was inserted into her sex and pushed inward until it banged painfully against her cervix. Diane took a picture of the rod and then extracted it to take pictures of Sarah's gaping pussy, bringing more crimson to the bound girl's cheeks.

"I need to adjust you now," said Diane after taking what seemed like hundreds of pictures. "Will you be a good girl?"

"Probably not," replied Sarah.

Diane laughed. "At least you're honest. Frankly, it won't bother me if you misbehave. I just love punishing bad girls."

After Sarah was adjusted, she wondered why Diane had even asked the question. There had been no point where she could have fought back or tried to escape. Diane had rolled her onto her tummy. Then her ankle bindings were detached from the table and reattached to a rope running from the wall. A motor started whirring and she felt herself being pulled off the table as the bindings on her wrists were relaxed. When she was halfway off the table, her wrists were secured again and her legs were lowered and spread and attached to rings on the floor.

Diane took more pictures and Sarah squealed and protested as she felt the older woman violating her ass. She blushed furiously as a series of probes was inserted into her rectum, each one a little thicker than the last.

"We're almost finished," Diane said. "Then you can go play with Elizabeth."

Oh great, thought Sarah sarcastically. Just what I was looking forward to.

Chapter 3

"Stop it!" Sarah shouted. But the pulsing motion just kept going on despite her loud protest.

Sarah shook her head in disbelief as she looked down and saw the younger teenager sucking on her left nipple. She was lying on her side and was bound with her arms behind her back and her ankles tied together. A chain went from her wrists to her ankles and kept her back bent slightly.

Little bald Elizabeth was sucking hungrily on the breast almost as if she expected it to offer milk. Occasionally, she would release the nipple and giggle and say something ridiculous like "you taste so yummy," or "I'm sure glad we own you." Then she would resume sucking, occasionally shifting to the other breast and palpating them with her hands.

Sarah didn't like this treatment at all but she supposed that it was better than the treatment she received for the last measurements that Diane took a little earlier. That was truly humiliating.

Dian had strapped her into a seat that was attached to a machine. When she turned on the machine, the chair started bouncing up and down. This had the effect of animating her breasts which bounced and jiggled with the movements of the chair. Then Diane pulled out a second camera and started filming the motions of the bound girl's breasts, recording each jiggle and jerk.

"They're just as firm as I suspected," said Diane as she recorded all of the wild motions of the lively orbs of flesh. "Not a lot of movement. Most girls flop all over the place. I even had one a couple of months ago who kept banging her chin. That was funny to watch but it certainly decreases a girl's value on the market."

Finally, Diane turned off the machine and sat at the computer. "Now we just upload all of this and wait for instructions."

What did that mean? What did any of this mean? By now, she had resigned herself to the fact that she was kidnapped and would be sold into slavery. But what was with the instructions that Diane was waiting for? And why were they looking for a clone of that girl in the picture?

"Could you stop that now?" Sarah asked as she watched Elizabeth's cheeks puffing in and out with the suckling. "They're getting sore."

"Oh, I wish I could," replied Elizabeth. "But you're too delicious to stop. I could gobble you all up. I'm a growing girl, yanno."

Sarah shook her head in disbelief. "Do you know what's going to happen to me?" At least if she was going to be stuck with the younger girl, she might be able to learn something about her future.

Elizabeth let the nipple slide from her lips. "Yep," she responded before sucking it back in and nursing on it.

Sarah raised her eyebrows at the short response, expecting more details in the reply. "So what's going to happen to me?"

Sarah watched the nipple pop free again. It was shiny from the girl's saliva and looked swollen and red. "I'm not allowed to say," said Elizabeth.

Sarah groaned and watched as Elizabeth shifted her attention to the other nipple to torment it some more. She couldn't believe how she was being treated. She thought back to the night of her abduction. How long ago was that? She didn't have any idea because she had been drugged after she had been kidnapped. She assumed that it was less than a week ago, though.

She tried to think of what clues the police might have. There was the video camera in the store. But Diane had disguised herself well. Even she didn't recognize her captor. There was another video camera in the back lot but, with the parking lot light out, that probably wouldn't provide much information.