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Maybe Diane had left some fingerprints. She must have touched something in the store. And then she remembered that the woman had paid in cash. Maybe they would find some prints on one of the hundred dollar bills. That seemed to be her only real hope. She groaned in despair as she wondered what life ahead of her held in store. She was not sure that she could be too hopeful, though.

Diane finally came back into the room. "Time to give her up, baby."

"Awwww, Mommy!!!" complained Elizabeth. "She's so delicious. And I haven't even tasted anything but her nipples yet."

Diane furrowed her brow. "Yes you did. You tasted her pussy on my finger earlier. And you'll get to taste that again later. But I need her back now. You can taste her all you want after I make the alterations."

Sarah gasped at the words. Alterations? What did that mean? This did not sound good at all. She prepared herself to be able to fight and run at the first chance she got, hoping that there would be a chance before any alterations could be made.

The woman released the chain between Sarah's wrists and ankles and then replaced the link that held the ankles together with a short piece of chain. This would allow the girl to walk but with tiny steps. Any hope of escape would have to wait for another time. Sarah followed reluctantly behind the woman using short, mincing steps with her wrists still secured behind her back.

"Why am I being treated like a prisoner?" she asked as they moved down a long hallway past many doors.

Diane stopped for a moment and patted the girl's cheek. "Because you are a prisoner, dear. It's for your own good really. We couldn't risk having you harm yourself or damage yourself by foolishly trying to escape."

Sarah gasped as they passed an open door. Inside was another girl lying on a bed and apparently sleeping. She was naked but for her heavily bandaged chest. The space looked like some kind of hospital room.

Diane heard the gasp and explained. "She's almost healed from one of her alterations. But don't start worrying. Yours are very minor compared to what was ordered for her. Your breasts are perfect and don't need to be augmented one bit."

This drew another gasp from Sarah. Not only did they kidnap girls here but they surgically altered them. How was she going to be changed? She trembled with fear with each step she took.

"Now hop up in this chair, precious girl," said Diane once they arrived at the destination. She grasped Sarah's shoulders and guided her back into the chair. Then she unfastened the chain that had been hobbling the prisoner and bound them to two pads that went out from the seat of the chair. Once the ankles were secure, the wrists were freed and then each arm was bound to an arm of the chair. Finally, a strap was pulled tightly across her chest above her breasts and another one went below her breasts. She was completely immobilized.

"Eve should be in here shortly," Diane said. "We're going to give you a little haircut."

"No!!! Wait!!!" blurted Sarah as she remembered bald Elizabeth. "Please don't shave my head!!!"

Diane laughed. "Silly girl. We aren't going to shave your head. We're just giving you a different style." Currently, Sarah's long blonde hair hung almost to her waist. She liked her hair long and usually wore it in a ponytail, although it had been left free since her arrival at this place.

Less than a minute later, a naked woman entered the room. Why was everyone naked around here, wondered Sarah. Diane was the only person she had seen since her arrival with any clothing on.

"This is Eve, Sarah," said Diane. "She's here to style your hair." Eve appeared to be about thirty and was very pretty. She had platinum blonde hair that was stylishly cut at chin level. She had large, firm breasts that almost sat like flesh-colored snow cones on her chest and she had wide gold hoops piercing her nipples. Her slender waist gave way to feminine, flaring hips. And she was nicely tanned all over, making a striking contrast to her almost white hair.

"Hello, Sarah," smiled Eve. Sarah trembled slightly and remained silent, nervous about what was going to happen next.

Eve turned to Diane and spoke. "She's adorable, Mistress. You have outdone yourself this time."

"Thank you, pet," smiled Diane. "Yes, she's a pretty little thing."

Then Diane handed several pictures to Eve. "Here's your assignment. I need a perfect match."

Eve looked at the pictures and then stepped behind Sarah, lifting her hair and letting it run through her fingers. "This shouldn't be a problem at all. She has full, rich, lustrous hair. And the color is already a good match."

For the next thirty minutes, Eve snipped and brushed and snipped some more. Sarah groaned as she watched her precious locks falling to the floor. But at least she wasn't being shaved. Several times, Eve's breasts brushed against Sarah's face as she leaned in to work, causing the bound girl to blush each time she felt the warm, soft mounds.

Finally, Eve held up the mirror. Gone were the long amber locks. In their place, Sarah saw her hair elegantly coiffed at shoulder length. It was not her style but it looked nice. And at least she wasn't bald.

"She looks divine," said Diane who had been sitting and watching the progress. "Nice job, Eve. You'll get to climax today for that."

Eve smiled brightly. "Thank you, Mistress." Sarah just furrowed her brow in confusion at the exchange.

Diane walked to the chair that held the girl and reached out, tugging lightly on the blonde tuft of pubic hair. "This goes next."

Sarah gasped and opened her eyes wide in surprise. "Wait!!! No!!!! Please don't cut that off!!!"

Diane patted the girl's cheek again. "We have to, girl. You are a special order. We have to satisfy the customer. And he was very specific in his needs."

There it was again. Special order. What did that mean? And now the woman was talking about a customer. Now she was absolutely convinced that she had been kidnapped by some sort of white slavery ring. And now she knew that she was going to be sold to a male.

Sarah groaned again as the chair was adjusted and her legs were drawn apart. She groaned yet again as she looked down across her nudity and saw Eve's scissors snipping away her treasured little tuft of hair. After the scissors reduced the bush to stubble, Eve lathered up the girl's mound and then swiped the razor through the foam, removing the last vestiges of hair.

"Let me just adjust your legs," said Eve. Sarah's legs were lifted and remained separated. She blushed as she realized that her bottom and her sex were lewdly on display. The razor swiped through the little valley between the beautifully rounded globes of Sarah's ass, causing the girl to blush even more.

"She's a wet one," observed Eve as she turned her attention to Sarah's labia and upper thighs. Entire new shades of red were achieved by the blushing girl as Eve swabbed a towel between Sarah's thighs to mop up her juices of arousal. Sarah silently cursed her body again for betraying her. How could she show signs of arousal when she was being humiliated and degraded so badly?

Finally, Eve was finished with all of her barbering chores. She ran a finger down each of the slick labia and then looked up at Diane. "May I, Mistress?"

"Sure, pet," nodded Diane. "Have fun."

Eve smiled brightly. "Thank you, Mistress."

She bent her head forward and kissed the captive's freshly denuded mound, drawing a gasp from the girl. Then she trailed a tongue downward until she reached Sarah's clit. At the same time, she pushed a finger into the bound girl and started slowly moving it in and out.

Sarah gasped at the way she was being treated. She had never been with another girl and had never wanted to. She shouted at Eve. "Get away from me, you pervert!!! Get away from me!!!"