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Diane got up from her chair and crossed the room. She placed a hand on each of the proud breasts and squeezed them gently as Eve's tongue and finger continued to move. "Now, no, girl. Everything is fine. Eve just likes giving girls pleasure. You should be nice to her after what she has already done for you."

"Well, I don't want pleasure from her," replied Sarah.

"You don't have any choice in the matter, dear," said Diane. She was focusing on the nipples now, rolling them back and forth and stretching them away from Sarah's chest occasionally. "It's my decision."

Sarah screamed and shouted for help as the finger and tongue kept assaulting her. She did not want this at all. At the same time, Diane kept toying with the girl's nipples and wondering how Sarah would react to the next indignity she faced. She did not think that the new slave would like it at all.

Sarah screamed again and Diane dug her fingernails into the sensitive little buds, causing the captive to screech again. "Listen to me, little one. Your screaming will bring you no help and I find it quite annoying. I don't want to gag you or use the drugs to silence you but I will if you keep this up."

"Please get her away from me," begged Sarah, sobbing as the tongue kept lapping and the finger kept pushing into her.

"Eve, continue," said Diane. Sarah groaned. This was horrible!!!

Despite her efforts to avoid climax, Sarah finally lost her battle. She concentrated on her upcoming graduation. She tried to envision her first year in college. She worked on math problems. But the efforts between her thighs and on her breasts eventually overwhelmed her. She let out a loud groan, her body tensing then shuddering, as the orgasm overwhelmed her. She was so disgusted with herself.

Eve left after lowering Sarah's legs again. Sarah remained in the chair as Diane busied herself at a counter along the wall. She eventually returned to Sarah, carrying a metal tray which she set on a table beside the chair.

"This won't take long at all, sweetie," said Diane. "But I need to place one more strap on you before we begin."

A leather strap was drawn across the girl's forehead and then tightened. Sarah could not raise her head or even turn to either side. Diane picked something off the tray and placed it on Sarah's chest as she gathered other items from the tray. These too were placed on the prisoner's chest. Sarah tried to identify what they were but couldn't figure them out. One was heavy and cold and made of metal. Another was light and fluffy. The third item was also light but she could tell from its cold temperature that it was also metal.

Diane picked up the heavy item. "This will be over before you know it. You'll feel a little pinch and then you're past the worst of it."

Sarah was visibly trembling at this point. "Please don't do it. Please don't hurt me. Please, please, please."

Diane ignored the pleas and moved the tool to the girl's face. Sarah felt something being inserted into each of her nostrils, stretching them outward. She continued to beg for mercy but Diane continued to ignore her.

"Oooowwwww!!!" she screeched. Pain erupted in her nose and she saw stars before her eyes.

Diane removed the tool and held a piece of gauze to the girl's nose, pressing it against both sides of the septum to stop the bleeding. She held it there for a couple of minutes until the bleeding stopped. Sarah sobbed and pleaded the whole time.

Eventually, Diane removed the gauze and picked up the third item from Sarah's chest. Sarah felt something being pushed through her septum. Oh my gosh, she though. She pierced my nose!!!

Diane held a mirror up for Sarah to see her new decoration. "We'll eventually replace that with a ring but we don't want it catching on anything while you're healing." Sarah groaned at what she saw. It looked like a little gold horseshoe had been run through her nose. At each end was a little gold ball that rested on her upper lip.

Chapter 4

The next three weeks were hellish for Sarah. She never would have imagined that she could possibly feel so helpless and vulnerable. She had no control over anything including her body functions and her body's reactions.

Each night, she was stuffed in a cage. It was too short for her to stand. It was not long enough for her to lie flat. The only thing she could do was curl up on her side in a fetal position as she cried herself to sleep. And that was the good part of the day.

Each morning, Elizabeth would retrieve her from the cage, although she would not be released from the cage until she knelt with her wrists behind her back near the edge of the cage. As soon as Elizabeth cuffed her, the door would be opened and she could waddle out on her knees.

Elizabeth would take her to the bathroom where she could relieve herself under the bald wonder's supervision. Then the young teenager would shower her and scrub her body with a stiff brush. The bristles stung and hurt her sensitive flesh at first but, after the first week, it was less painful. Was her skin becoming calloused?

Her breakfast was served to her in a dog bowl set on a low shelf. She knelt in front of the shelf and scooped at the gruel with her tongue since her hands were useless behind her back. Then Elizabeth would wipe the gruel off her cheeks and deliver the captive to Diane for whatever training or processing was on the schedule.

Everything that happened to her seemed to be designed to humiliate her and to break down her will to resist. She still harbored hope that she would escape or be rescued but that light at the end of the tunnel grew dimmer by the day.

Each day contained basically the same activities, although the order was always different, keeping her on edge. She did not like any of the activities although she quickly learned not to voice her opinion. On her third day, she had been paddled severely for complaining about her treatment. She could not sit for days without wincing and it took over a week for the bruises to fade away. After that punishment, she became very compliant and much less defiant.

"You have to be more vocal, little one," said Diane as she caressed the outer swells of Sarah's breasts. Sarah was suspended in air with ropes leading from each of her four cuffs to four posts. A male was standing between her legs, pounding his beefy cock into her sex, causing her body to bounce and her breasts to jiggle with each thrust. "Your owner will want to hear his property as he uses it."

"I can't, Mistress," she whimpered. She had quickly learned to use the title of Mistress to avoid being punished again. "I'm so ashamed."

Diane leaned down and kissed Sarah on the lips. "That's why I'm keeping you here for a few weeks before delivering you to your new owner, pet. We need to condition you. We need to peel away all of your old inhibitions."

That's when Diane came up with an idea. She wasn't sure if it would work. She had never tried this approach before. But it was her innovative approaches that caused customers to keep coming to her. And her cleverness was what earned her this two million dollar assignment.

"That's enough, Ralph," Diane told the male. "Thank you for your assistance this morning."

"Diane," he groaned as he looked down at the ripe body swinging in the bindings before him and impaled on his cock. "Just another minute. I'm almost there."

"I said that's enough, Ralph. Now, be on your way."

Ralph groaned again. He reluctantly withdrew his cock from the girl's perfect body. Then he got dressed and left.

"Send in Eve," said Diane before the male left the room.

A few minutes later, the naked Eve emerged into the room. Diane drew her aside and spoke to her quietly, outlining her plan. Then Eve knelt between Sarah's outstretched legs and used her lips and tongue to pleasure the girl.