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"I will be on my way, then," Diane said. "Enjoy your new pet."

"I will walk you past the guards. I would hate to have you added to my collection by mistake. When I decide to collect you, you will know. But you are useful to me for now, so you are safe."

Sarah heard a nervous laugh coming from Diane and then heard footsteps and a door closing. Guards? What kind of place was this? Who was this woman who had just bought her? Dozens of questions raced through her mind and she didn't have any answers for any of them.

She tried to move again. Her eyelids worked this time and she looked up at the ceiling. But her limbs didn't budge. She thought that she might be able to get up and find some clothes and maybe even escape. But she discovered that she was lashed down securely to what seemed like a table. The table must be huge, though, she thought. Her arms and legs were stretched out in a spread eagle pose. And multiple straps went around each limb, holding her down tightly.

She lifted her head and then it thumped back down on the cushion beneath her head. She was still weak from the drugs. She waited a few more minutes and then tried again. She was stronger this time. The drugs were wearing off.

She looked across her nudity and saw all of the straps that were binding her. No wonder she couldn't move a muscle. Four straps captured each limb. One was around her upper thigh. Another was just above her knee. Another was right below her knee. And yet another secured her ankle. Her arms were similarly secured with four straps each.

She turned her head and saw that she was not on a table at all. Well, at least it wasn't a normal table. It was a horizontal cross that left her completely exposed and vulnerable from any direction. She heard footsteps again. She let her head drop back down onto the cushion. Maybe if she pretended that she was still asleep, she would be left alone.

The footsteps entered the room. She could tell by the clicking of the heels that it was the accented woman. The woman clicked her way to Sarah and stood there for a few moments. Then, she clicked herself away. Sarah opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the heels.

The woman was tall; probably even taller than Diane. She was very trim and shapely and looked attractive. At least she did from behind. She had long black hair that cascaded in curls to her waist. Her skin was darker than Sarah's although that did not take much. Sarah had such fair skin that almost everyone was darker than her.

The woman turned to the side and Sarah saw her face. Wow! This was a surprise. This was not a woman at all. She was a girl. And she looked to be about Sarah's age; maybe even younger. Who was this?

As she studied the girl longer, she thought that maybe she had been mistaken. Certainly she had a young face. And the face was beautiful with pouty lips and wide brown eyes. But there was nothing young looking about her body. She had a full womanly body with nicely flared hips and what looked like two mountains on her chest. Her breasts were very large.

The girl/woman glanced at Sarah and Sarah quickly closed her eyes. But she had been too late. She was caught in the act of peeking.

"Ah," the girl/woman said. "My pantera is awake." Sarah heard the clicking moving toward her again. It stopped beside the table where she was bound and, reluctantly, she opened her eyes. The girl/woman was smiling down at her.

"Welcome to my home, little one." She rested her hand on Sarah's belly and moved her palm in slow circles over the soft flesh. "I am Gabrielle. You belong to me now."

Sarah opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was a croak. She was parched again. Gabrielle moved her other hand to stroke the backs of her fingers over Sarah's cheek.

"Diane said that you would have difficulty speaking. Let me get you some juice." She clicked away again and then clicked back to her bound and naked prisoner.

Gabrielle lifted the girl's head and then held a cup to her lips. "Try this. It's lemonade. I learned to like it when I lived in your country."

Sarah parted her lips and took a sip. She was worried that it might contain more drugs but she was so dry that she had no choice. She sipped and swallowed as much as she was allowed to. Finally, the cup was taken away.

"Can you talk now?" asked Gabrielle.

"I think so," said Sarah raspily, confirming that she could.

"What was it that you wanted to say earlier?"

Sarah licked her lips to wet them and then opened her mouth to try again. "Who are you? And why did you have me kidnapped?"

Gabrielle smiled at the question and then bent down, kissing Sarah on the lips. "I already told you that my name is Gabrielle. I am Gabrielle Hernandez. And I had you collected because I wanted a matching pantera for my girl. She will be very surprised to learn that she has a new sister. I hope she is pleased."

Gabrielle ran her hands up Sarah's sides and then moved them inward to press the girl's breasts together. She leaned down again and kissed the nipple of each of the bountiful orbs.

"Actually, it was my Papa who had you collected." She paused and kissed each nipple again, sucking the second one into her mouth and holding it there for a moment before continuing. "I had asked him for a matching pantera. So he gave you to me. You are my birthday present."

Sarah was aghast at the response. She was a birthday present?!?!?!? How insulting was that?!?!?!? She couldn't believe that this girl/woman could really believe that she was property to be given as a gift. It was all so outrageous!

"Please stop touching me," complained Sarah. She knew she should be used to it by now after the three weeks with Diane. But she wasn't. It still felt uncomfortable to be treated like some kind of sex object.

Gabriel brushed the backs of her fingers across Sarah's cheeks again. "That would be very difficult for me, my pantera. You are too beautiful to ignore." Then she returned her hands to the twin mounds that adorned the new girl's chest and stroked them softly.

"Why do you keep calling me pantera?" asked Sarah. She wanted to protest the fondling again but she didn't. It would be futile. "What does that mean?"

Gabrielle laughed softly. "It means panther in my language. You are now my little panther girl."

Sarah furrowed her brow. What did that mean? And what language was she talking about?

"Where are you from?" asked Sarah.

"I am from here," the captor replied. "This is my home."

"Where's here?"


Sarah gasped at the news. Not only had she been kidnapped but she also had been taken out of the country. Her outlook for being rescued was growing dimmer by the day.

"You really are remarkably beautiful," Gabrielle continued. "And you are such a beautiful match with your pantera sister." One hand was still stroking a breast while the other hand had traveled down Sarah's belly. Fingers were stroking her labia, much to Sarah's chagrin. And to her horror, she could tell that her sex was wet. Why does it keep acting that way?

"Thank you," replied Sarah at the compliment. She wanted to scream at this girl who was molesting her but she didn't think that would be wise. So she settled on a simple, short response.

The breast was finally abandoned and that hand was now stroking her belly. Gabrielle would rub in slow circles for a moment and then would press down. Then the process would be repeated.

"You are in really good shape," admired Gabrielle. "Do you play sports?"

Sarah blinked. That seemed like an odd question to ask when you were groping and fondling someone against their will. But everything about the last few weeks had been odd. Why should it be any different today?"

"Yes," replied Sarah. "I play field hockey and I swim."