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John stared into the distance. "I wonder what he wants to accomplish?"


We all piled into the truck and had a palaver.

"Frankly, I don't see that we have a choice," John said after he had taken a swig from the canteen.

We had had to ration water the whole trip. Nine humans and four aliens had put a strain on the recycler.

"Prime gave us one," I countered. "He didn't insist that we join him."

"What are our options, then? Should we fumble about on a totally alien and very bizarre world? In hopes of doing what, exactly?"

"Finding food, for one thing," Sean put in. "The cupboard is bare."

"We've been invited to lunch," John reminded him.

"We could be walking into a trap," I said. "Can we be sure Prime will let us leave?"

"We've seen his power. He may be able to do anything he wants with us."

"That may very well be true," I said, nodding. "But we don't know for sure."

"He seems friendly enough," Susan said. "Absolutely charming, in fact."

Zoya said, "I doubt very much that he is what he seems to be. I don't for a moment believe he is human."

"And I don't believe he's God," Liam said. "I'm not what you'd call the religious sort, but gadding about in a shiny new roadster isn't my idea of how a Supreme Being should be conducting himself." He scratched his effusive light-brown beard. "Of course, I'm not so sure exactly how a Supreme Being should be conducting himself, but-"

"I know what you mean," John said. "I think we should dispense with that notion straight off. Prime is obviously an advanced form of life. Perhaps he's even immortal. But eternal? Hardly."

"Okay," I said, "we're in agreement on that score. I'd also add that, though he might be very powerful, he probably isn't omnipotent. Or omniscient, or all-loving and good, either. He says he has something to accomplish-what, we don't know, but his plans seem to include us. We have to decide whether we want to cooperate. We might not like what he wants to do."

Darla said, "Maybe he'll give us the choice of not cooperating."

"There's that possibility," I answered, turning in the driver's seat to face her. She was squatting behind the seat, forearm resting on the back. She looked as pretty as ever. Her hair had grown out quite a bit, softening the effect of the severe cut she'd worn when we first met. The hardships of our journey had left their mark. She looked tired most of the time, which could have been due to her pregnancy, though she was only a little shy of three months into it. She'd been gaining weight too. Her features were slightly more fleshed out. A little, not much.

"Darla," I said, "what's your gut feeling? Do you trust Prime?"

She pursed her lips and thought about it for a long time. Then she said, "We have no reason to trust him. Absolutely none. Ask me on a bad day and I'd say no, let's not go near him." She ran a hand through her smooth, dark-brown hair. Tired or not, Darla always looked as if she'd just stepped out of a beauty parlor hair in place, makeup perfect. "And though I wouldn't exactly call this a good day, I get this feeling that we simply must deal with him. We'll have to, if we want to get back." She sighed. "Do I trust him? No farther than I could throw Sean. What's my gut feeling?" She shrugged helplessly. "Let's go to lunch."

"I dunno, Darla, m'girl," Sean said with a grin, "after the way you handled those two beefy loggers back on Talltree, I wouldn't give odds on how far you could throw me."

Darla smiled, a little abashedly.

"Oh, no, you should be proud, Darla." Sean's grin broadened and he swelled with satisfaction. "Ah, I'll never forget the sight of Tommy Baker, gorked out across the bed with his arse hanging out. He had it coming, and it was a fine thing to see him get it."

"I caught him at a delicate moment," Darla said. "Anybody else want to express his or her opinion?" I asked around. "Susan?"

"Oh, I trust him. Darla's right, no good reason. But isn't everybody interested in finding out what this guy's all about? And where the heck are we, anyway? What is this place? Only Prime can tell us that."

"Lori? How about you?"

"Well…" She gave Carl a sidelong admonitory glare. "If certain people can behave themselves… I say we go to the Emerald City."

"I won't punch the guy again. But I'm not promising any more than that."

"You'll behave or I'll give you a fat lip."

"Don't worry, I'll be Goody Two-Shoes."

"Whoever that is."

I said, "John?"

"Oh, yes, by all means. We should accept his invitation." I looked at Yuri and Zoya.

"I agree with the consensus," Yuri said. "We certainly need some answers."

Zoya looked out the port moodily. "It might serve us to be cautious. Perhaps we should make some attempt to communicate with him, talk to him further. Find out exactly what he wants of us."

"Do you really think we can remain safe from him," Yuri asked skeptically, "simply by staying away from that fortress of his?"

"No. But…" She focused her gaze far away. "I don't think I want to go there."

"What's all the discussion?" Roland broke in impatiently. "You saw what he did to Carl. If he wants, we all drop over dead, like that. So what choice do we have?"

"Good point," John said.

"I just wanted to take time and think things over," I said to Roland. "And I wanted everyone to have a say in what we should do."

"Sorry, Jake. I just don't see the point in haggling over this."

"Maybe there is none, but we've been running in a panic for a long time now. For once I want the luxury of ruminating over our next move."

Roland laughed and sat back in the shotgun seat. "Take all the time you want. We have most of eternity."

"Exactly," I said. "Ragna? Would you and Oni like to put your two cents in?"

Not counting George and Winnie, who were what exopologists would label "borderline-sapient quasi-hominids" looked like apes to me, funny ones, with long floppy ears and big wet eyes-Ragna and Oni were the only alien members of our party. They had joined us in the rig during our rest stop, abandoning their cramped vehicle, and had since taken pains to be as unobtrusive as possible, keeping to themselves and generally trying not to be an added burden, which they weren't. I liked them a lot.

Ragna blinked, translucent nictitating membranes sliding up to cover the eyeballs before the lids came down. He put his hands up to adjust his blue headband, which was a linguistic translating interface. "The reference to outmoded monetary units is understood denotatively, but not colloquially. However, I am getting the gist of your nub. Yes, we are having a contribution to be making, which is this…" He glanced at Oni, who nodded consent. "We, being the nonhuman minority of this band of intrepid explorers-note irony-are hardly in a position to be saying anything yea or nay, since, by the same token, we have not been invited along, but more or less have crashed this party, if you are following my rhetoric. Be that as it may-and by the life of me, it very well may-we say yes, by gosh, let us by all means go to the fortress of this Prime fellow and ask him to put his two cents into the bargain as well!" He smiled sheepishly. "If you get what I am meaning."

"I get what you are meaning," I said. "Who else? Sean? Liam?"

"I'm hungry," Sean said. "Let's go and eat."

"He's always hungry," Liam said, "but count me in, too."

"I'm bored," Roland said. "Let's get moving."

"Sam?" I said.

"Oh, I have a vote?"

"Sam, you always have at least a kilocredit's worth to put in," Susan said, "and you know it."