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It was not therefore very surprising that before we had got half way to our destination, I threw my arm round Mme. de Liancourt's waist, brought my face against hers, and set to work to kiss her on her mouth and with my tongue to seek hers. My disengaged hand slipped up under the frilly flounces of her ball-dress, crept along over her silk clad legs and over her garters, and little by little reached her drawers and found the opening — through which it passed and commenced to touch and play with the close clustering and mossy forest of silky curly hairs.

"Wretch!" gasped my companion, as she abandoned herself to the voluptuous sensations that my finger was communicating to her as it sought to bury itself in her warm moist slit! In kindly reciprocation, her white-gloved hand travelled over my trousers, till it found the unmistakable proof of my excited condition! Quickly sundry buttons

yielded, — and then I felt against my sensitive skin the touch of dainty gloved fingers which promptly began their delicious manoeuvres, returning service for service, pleasure for pleasure!

Not a word passed! — only the sound of sighs, breathings, gaspings, as fingers and tongues busied themselves in their salacious duties! Oh, why is man not physically able (as a woman is) to sacrifice to Venus over and over again with hardly a pause, as women can? — Why must there as a rule be a break between one sacrifice and the next? With what delight would I have surrendered myself to the exquisitely maddening sensations communicated to my rampant prick by those gloved fingers and their subtle compression, even at the risk of ruining those white kid-gloves! But as I looked and hoped for a more completely satisfactory gratification of my lust before long, I managed to retain my burning ardour and keep it in reserve! More fortunate than me, Mme. de Liancourt, whose soft smooth thighs kept squeezing my hand, let herself go! — gasping, panting, quivering, she clung to me, spasmodically agitating her heaving hips and bottom — then inundated my hand with the creamy dew of her ecstatic discharge!

Just then the carriage stopped. Hastily we adjusted our dress, and after sending the carriage away, we entered the house in which Mme. de Liancourt's suite was located. A dim light had been left burning for her. As she passed the concierge's den she gave her name as Mme. Germain, telling me after we had passed inside that this was the name by which she was known here.

The suite was on the first floor. Mme. de Liancourt unlocked the door herself and ushered me into a handsomely furnished vestibule in which a rose-shaded lamp shed a soft light quite sufficient to illuminate the place. She remarked that she had done the furnishing, and that besides this there were a few more rooms. "Here's the Temple!" she exclaimed, leading me into the bedroom, the best room of the suite. In it was a bed, large and low with thick curtains, a veritable theatre of Love! In one corner was one of those long and low easy chairs which accommodate so delightfully the form of a woman, especially when she is surrendering herself to furtive fondling and groping under her clothes! Numerous cushions were scattered all over the place; in another corner was a dainty stove; against one wall stood a full-length mirror. A smaller room opening into the bedroom had been furnished as a dressing and bathroom; here one saw displayed and ready for use the whole of a woman's mysterious toilet equipage, low divans, bidet, douche, basins, jars of essences, bottles of scent; a third room also communicating with the bedroom served as a boudoir, but for the moment fulfilled the office of a supper room, as the table had been laid with a cold supper for two persons. Thick close carpets covered the whole of the floors, and each room was fitted after the convenient English fashion with gas heating and lighting apparatus, thus enabling the occupant to practically dispense with servants.

"Does your maid Justine attend on you here?"

"No, only the concierge's wife and her sister."

"But what do they think when they see you here?"

Madame de Liancourt smiled with a significant glance from her eyes and a gesture that plainly said that the presence of a gentleman would not occasion any surprise!

"Then they must have queer ideas about you?"

"My dear man, I have made the position quite simple and easy by not attempting to hide anything, but to pass as a cocotte. You see this cuts short all suppositions!"

Undoubtedly she had freed herself from traditions since I last had the honour of being entertained in her arms; and her candid admissions constituted in her quite a new attraction for me!

"Then this evening you are going to be my little cocotte!" I replied as I amorously kissed her mouth. She nodded, with a smile.

Then I proceeded to utilize with her to its best advantage her luxuriously equipped installation. I began by taking off her shoes, — and under the pretence that her high laced uppers rendered it necessary, I lifted the frilly flounces of her ball-dress and petticoats till the bewitching sight of a pretty woman's dainty underclothing was displayed to me, — the neatly shod tiny feet, the delicately rounded silk covered calves, the tempting garters above her knees, the strip of naked flesh just above them, her semi-transparent drawers with their frills, — all framed by the surrounding waves of her petticoats!

"What are you about?… come, do take off my shoes!"

But in spite of protests, I managed to deposit sundry hot kisses on the tempting bare flesh just above the garters; then in reluctant obedience I took off her shoes and helped her out of her ball-dress, — but not without permitting myself sundry libertine and wanton touches! How delicious it is to feel a girl's naked flesh under its gauzy covering, to pass one's hands over her back and loins, her hips and haunches, her bottom, when protected only by a thin chemise! — then turning one's attention to her front, to draw the light folds tightly round her so as to reveal her shapely round belly and thighs, to press the light material well in between her legs! O what delicious preliminaries! — and what riotous desires they kindle! And how girls always pretend to try and prevent the taking of such liberties, pleading shame as an incentive to induce the tickling which invariably results and which draws from them the inflaming little screams and wriggles they know so well how to give! My pretty companion did not disappoint me in this respect!

"Wait, wait!" she ejaculated as she freed herself from my audacious hands and ran towards the dressing-room, pausing at the door to say softly but significantly, "I have danced a lot to-night, and… I have not forgotten your… caprices!"

Could one be paid a more delicate attention or be given a more discreet invitation? Promptly I undressed myself, — then when Mme. de Liancourt had quitted the dressing-room, I passed in, and presently I joined her on the bed on which she had laid herself.

"Let us stay as we are on the top and not under the sheets!" she suggested, — "it is warm."

"By all means, — and we can also see each other better!"

"You are just the same, — or rather worse than ever! You have already seen me all over, — you know every bit of me!"

"Yes, — but a man can't see too much of a pretty girl."

"You're very complimentary to day! Well, if you must…"

She had on only a light dressing-gown, and nothing under it! not even a chemise! One by one, I undid the fastenings in front, and soon there was nothing to hide her naked beauty from her garters to her neck, round which she had retained a loop of velvet. Her white satin-like skin lay open to my sight interrupted only by the tawny gold patch that covered the lowest extremity of her belly with its clustering curls.