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"You have grown a little fatter, my love," I remarked as my hands passed over her naked flesh!

"Too much so?" she asked regarding her-self.

"Oh no, — you're just perfect, just delicious!"

"And what about you?… The same as before?" With her soft hand she began to feel me, and little by little she approached the organ she had already so deliciously honoured during the drive, — then gently took hold of it!

"How stiff it is!" she said softly — "how it swells! — it seems quite pleased to meet its old friend! Eh?… You're very pleased, old chap, aren't you… eh?… eh?… "(she spoke as if to her pet dog). And you've seen cunts of every shade of hair since you last saw mine."

"As to hairs, yes," I replied, — "but nothing so adorable as this!" — (my readers can guess where my fingers now were!) What a lot you've got!"

"More than Madame Beaupre?"

"I haven't yet seen hers!"

"Come, come, what nonsense! Haven't you then even touched it?"

"Hers couldn't possibly be more lovely than yours!"

After many a burning kiss, many a thrilling tonguing, my mouth in its turn visited and explored all that my eyes had been feasting on, — my hands meanwhile playing with her neck, arms, shoulders, haunches, and then her saucy breasts — the nipples of which I playfully bit gently as I watched the lovely owner as she lay pleased and smiling. Then going a little lower, I pressed my lips through her hairs with the intention of working my way along her tender slit, with the result that my tongue was soon inside her cunt! Madame de Liancourt no longer smiled, she was now too much absorbed in the sensations of the moment — as was conclusively evident by her broken breathing and the wriggling movements of her loins, haunches, hips and bottom!

"Together!.. both together!" she presently murmured, — then disengaged herself for a moment to pull back a curtain and reveal a large mirror in which one could see everything that passed on the bed!

"Isn't it shocking?" she laughed. Then without further delay I placed myself on my back, my head between her legs, our bodies forming that delightful posture know a soixante-neuf…Reflected faithfully in the mirror, I could see the back of Mme. de Liancourt, the adorable curves of her loins, her superb hips and haunches, the magnificent globes of her bottom — between which was visible my head framed by her plump round thighs, — while my thighs in turn flanked my voluptuous companion's bent down head, of which I could only see a few on the curls on her neck!

O what pleasures we tasted! what ecstatic quiverings thrilled through our bodies as our mouths emulated each other in their efforts to communicate to each other the most poignant and rapturous bliss! Mme. de Liancourt devoted herself divinely to her sweet function! Although her mouth was small, she succeeded in making it large enough to get into it nearly the whole of my swollen and rampant prick, her fingers supplementing her lips as regards the portion left outside and making me feel exactly as if the whole of my organ was buried inside her mouth! On my side, my tongue (admittedly agile and clever by every woman who had allowed herself the experience) excelled itself in its efforts to drive Mme. de Liancourt into indescribable ecstasy, ecstasy shared also by me, — for nothing can be more heavenly to the man than to feel the rapturous thrillings of pleasure as they vibrate through the woman to whom he is endeavouring to impart the most exquisite pleasure she is capable of tasting, and who is ready to forgive the immorality of the act so long as she is maintained in a heaven of blissfulness! Having thoroughly teased, worried and tickled her clitoris with my tongue and excited it by tender nibbles of my teeth, I attacked the quivering lips of Mme. de Liancourt's cunt, thrusting my tongue deeply between them and arousing in her a hitherto unfelt depth of pleasure, so keen and so voluptuous as to cause such violent agitation of her hips and the globes of her bottom, that although I was gripping the latter with my hands, I could scarcely restrain their plunging movements sufficiently to maintain my mouth on the dear object of its worship!

Finally we disengaged ourselves, and adopting the ordinary position I extended myself on the bosom of my voluptuous companion; she clasped me closely to her with her lovely arms, and in silence we united the parts of ourselves that our lips and our tongues now finding themselves together again sought mutually pardon for the lascivious caprice which had temporarily separated them! Oh! how delicious is the passage into a grotto that one has been kissing and sucking till the sweet interior has lubricated itself by successive spendings! — The heavenly up-and-down joggings are so delightfully facilitated, the pleasure becomes doubly sweet owing to the more intimate contact and union of sexual parts, while the girl now provoked into the highest pitch of erotic desire, quivering with unsatisfied lust and deliriously enjoying her position under her lover and the clasp of his arms, abandons herself ecstatically to the sensations of the moment in furious unison with him!

Presently, I saw Mme. de Liancourt's eyes turn upwards and half close as the first spasms of pleasure began to thrill through her.

"Gently!.. gently!.. "she gasped!.. "Oh!.. it's just heavenly!.. gently darling!.. oh!.. oh!.. wait!.. wait!.. I'm… just coming!.. coming!.. oh!.. oh!.."

Our tumultuous plungings and heavings quickened frenziedly, then ceased in a storm of kisses!

"O darling, what a deluge! I'm absolutely full of it!" And she rushed off to wash and purify herself.

After a visit in my turn to the lavatory, we were ready for supper: pate de foie gras and old Sauterne are most excellent auxiliaries to Venus!

Mme. de Liancourt had placed herself at the table with only a dressing-gown on. This did not remain fastened for long, — and then the spectacle of her naked charms and the sensations excited mutually by our inquisitive and wandering hands quickly put us in train for more erotic scenes, which soon began to be reflected in the mirror.

"Tell me," said Mme. de Liancourt, "have you ever done this with Mme. de B."


"I can hardly believe you! Then for this particular caprice of yours you have come to your old pupil, your present one not yet being educated up to it! But no doubt you will before long gently break her to it, — just as if you were newly married husband and wife! I should like to see you at it! You might do much worse than to let me have her for a time to polish and finish her in these matters!"

"You're very kind! Only you would inspire her with 'desire for girls, not for men. You know you thus seduce all your girl friends in this particular way!"

"Come, come, — don't you speak evil of this fancy of mine, you of all people! — for except for it, you would never have met me! But don't you know that a woman can and does love to… amuse… herself with women as well as with men? I can, for instance!"

"Yes! that may be! — but there aren't many like you! Most girls go after either girls or men. You are essentially a woman of pleasure, devoted to pleasure, loving pleasure for the sake of pleasure, — ready to taste it in any form, with complete indifference to the sex of the person that is communicating pleasure to you!"

"I am not worse than you, my friend!"

"I'm not reproaching you! I'm simply stating a fact, which explains why we understand each other so splendidly! You have learnt how men can induce pleasure and how women can impart it, — and so you go from sex to sex audaciously experimenting, without being able to decide which you like the best!"

"I'm exactly like you in this respect, my friend!"

"Yes! but with this one important difference, — the feminine sex satisfies my exigencies and my curiosity and generally in every direction in which I may be tempted to pursue my researches!"