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She gave Martha one.

"No, don't fasten it!.. leave it quite open!.. I want to have a good look at you!.. your breasts — your belly — your hairs!.. Oh! how they curl and cluster!"

Suddenly she knelt and applied her lips to the dark triangular patch that luxuriated at the end of Martha's stomach, the latter still offering a shame-faced resistance!

"No, no!" she cried, squeezing her legs closely together.

It had been however decreed and registered in the Book of Lesbian Venus that Mme. de Liancourt should sacrifice yet another victim on the altar dedicated to tribadic love! I didn't think it was advisable to intervene! I felt sure that my turn would come before long, — and in the meantime here was Mme. de Liancourt preparing for my delectation the most charming spectacle one could desire, one which the famous Regent would gladly have had performed before him at the Palais-Royal, yes, and paid cheerfully for it also!

Martha, now half-willing and still half-reluctant, passively allowed herself to be placed on the sofa. Mme. de Liancourt seated herself at Martha's side, passed one arm round her and slipped her other hand between Martha's thighs while she passionately kissed her, darting her tongue into Martha's mouth! Her finger, directed by both art and passion, soon produced the desired result! Martha's breath began to come brokenly, her eyes half closed, her bosom and breasts heaved agitatedly! At this moment Mme. de Liancourt, no longer content to play only the part of the communicator of pleasure, caught hold of one of Martha's hands and gently conducted it to her own cunt with a mute demand for reciprocity! And Martha did not draw it back! — she recognised the silent request, and her gentle little hand began to do its untutored best!

What a charming picture the pair made! — what a glorious group worthy of Fragonard or of Boucher! I would have paid gladly a long price for a series of photographs representing them thus! Both girls intertwining their lovely white thighs and slender legs, then separating them only to interlace them in some other way in the midst of a storm of kisses and broken ejaculations, principally from Mme. de Liancourt, who by now was simply mad with lust, her hips and haunches quivering, her body rapturously becoming more and more rigid!

"Martha!.. oh darling!.. keep on!.. oh!.. keep on!.. You're… doing it… beautifully!.. Oh!.. Oh!.. I'm coming!.. Oh!.. Oh!.. I'm spending!.. Ah!.. a — h!.."

A moment of silence followed this ecstatic crisis, Mme. de Liancourt still keeping her hand on Martha's slit!

"Oh! how wet you are!.. You've also spent, you naughty thing! Darling, we've done it together!.. Wipe yourself!" She gave Martha a handkerchief.

"Now, wasn't it good?"

"Yes!" replied Martha, timidly.

"Then let's do it together!"

"If you like!"

Immediately, our two lascivious heroines recommenced their lubricious caresses! Martha extended herself flat on her back on the sofa, and while her seducer, bending over her, looked her all over and felt and handled her as the spirit willed her, and freshly aroused in her new lust (as was manifest from the agitation of her bosom and breasts), Martha's hand, without invitation, stole to Mme. de Liancourt's cunt and resumed its loving ministration. She had caught the fancy, she, so timid with me!

Nevertheless, she began to protest when, after having tenderly sucked her breasts, her mistress in lesbian pleasures carried her lips lower down!

"No, no, — not there!" she panted, trying to raise herself.

"Yes, yes! — I wish it! let me kiss your sweet cunny with its pretty hair! I'll do it just as well as your lover can!"

But he has never… kissed me there!"

"Then he doesn't know his duties as your lover! So much the better for me! I shall now be the first to do it to you! You'll see how delicious it is! I used to be just like you at first, — but now I simply adore this way! — and you'll always do it this way in future whenever you get a chance!.. So!.. Let me arrange you, open wider these pretty thighs!.."

Then in the twinkling of an eye, the desired spot was covered with her lascivious and skilful mouth!

"No! no!.. not there!.. not down there!.. "panted Martha as she felt Mme. de Liancourt's tongue wandering over her cunt still virgin to such treatment and to the accompanying sensations!

For response, she was dragged down to the foot of the sofa, her thighs widely pulled apart, as Mme. de Liancourt falling on her knees between them murmured almost unconsciously:

"Oh! what a lovely sweet fresh little cunny!.. Oh! the beauty!" Then, like the swoop of hawk on a chicken, her mouth attacked it and remained there as if glued to it! Completely defeated, Martha fell on her back again and resigned herself as best she could to abandon herself to the voluptuous sensations that now were thrilling through her, induced by the ardent tongue of her passionate friend! Some minutes thus passed! At last Mme. de Liancourt raised herself, red, flushed, panting, almost delirious!

"Together?… together?… Will you?…"

"What?" gasped Martha.

"This!.. Let's do it together!.. Will you?…

"If you wish it!.. But how?…"

"I'll show you, darling!.. Now watch!.."

She got on the sofa, turned her bottom towards Martha's head, straddled across Martha, then placed herself astride of her face, her belly resting on Martha's breasts and her cunt seeking the same lingual caress which she was recommencing on Martha's one now lying below her lips. Her thighs hid half the face of my sweet little mistress, and I could only see a bit of her forehead and her pretty hair emerge from between Mme. de Liancourt's buttocks. As the latter wriggled and waggled her charming globes of flesh in lascivious undulations, I noted that Martha had accommodated herself to her position, and that her mouth as docilely as her hand comprehended and daintily executed the delicate function demanded from it!

But as for Mme. de Liancourt, she was simply mad with passionate lust! What a strange thing it is that a woman can thus procure for herself such keen and ecstatic enjoyment in thus caressing another woman! I was splendidly placed for contemplating her, — and also the object of her delirious worship! I saw her face in profile, her chin resting on the hairs, her mouth poised on the lips of Martha's slit between which her tongue was playing! These secret charms of Martha, hitherto unknown to me, made me envy Mme. de Liancourt both her place and the game she was playing! Time after time I was on the point of bursting out of my hiding place, and planting my mouth on the sweet spot she was attacking! — (our convention would have authorised the act) but I refrained! The charm of the spectacle fascinated me!

Sometimes Mme. de Liancourt seemed as if she wanted to get the whole of Martha's cunt into her mouth! — sometimes amused herself by administering little touches to the clitoris with her tongue! — then she would pass her tongue right along the tender slit from top to bottom, — sometimes she would, with her fingers, separate the sensitive lips and thrust her tongue between them as deeply as she possibly could! Frequently she stopped, inspected attentively the sweet object of her admiration with eyes blazing with lust unsatisfied, then ejaculating frenziedly in her passionate adoration. "Oh! this cunt!.. this sweet cunt!.. this delicious darling cunt!.. "She would shower kisses on it! How Martha must have revelled in bliss! I would have liked to have been able to watch her tell-tale face! She evidently was acquitting herself most satisfactorily in reciprocating Mme. de Liancourt's attentions, if one might judge by the plungings 'and joggings of the letter's body as she brokenly ejaculated "Oh!.. ch!.. you do it well!.. I can feel your tongue!.. now, do you feel mine?… wait… I'm going to shove it right inside this sweet cunt… as far in… as… it will go… There!.."

It is impossible to indicate the accent of these words as pronounced by a mouth the tongue of which was endeavouring to talk and lick at one and the same moment! What a terrible state of nervous excitement must have possessed Mme. de Liancourt, a woman so reserved and correct in ordinary life, especially in language! But the ecstatic crisis was fast approaching!.. the breathings became more and more broken!