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"Martha… oh! Martha!.. oh! darling… I'm coming!.. Ah!.. Ah!.. I'm spending!.. are you?… spend!.. together!.. together!.. wait a moment!.. now!.. now!.. Oh!.. I'm spending… again!.. spend also!.. s.p.e.n.d!!!"

Their bodies stiffened, constricted, — I heard a deep sigh of unspeakable pleasures!.. They had finished!

Mme. de Liancourt slowly slipped off her position and then proceeded to give her pupil kiss after kiss of approbation and satisfaction.

"Darling! your face is all wet with what you have drawn out of me!.. And I've drunk you!.. Use my handkerchief!.. How flushed and red you are!.. Now, wasn't it good?"

"Oh! yes… much better than I could have believed!"

Was it not now time for me to put in an appearance? But what could I do with two women whose lust had thus been satiated! Nevertheless I decided to show myself, and opened the door, regretting that I had delayed so long!

Two piercing cries saluted me! Martha leaped on her piled up garments and covered herself as best she could with the first she could snatch, then hid herself behind the bed curtains Mme. de Liancourt caught up a velvet mantle trimmed with fur and threw it hastily round her, but it reached only to her fleshy buttocks and did not even cover the fur of her belly.

"What do you mean, sir," she exclaimed with a fine pretence of anger and outraged modesty, — "what do you mean by thus rushing into a lady's room without first knocking? It is a piece of the greatest impertinence! You are a mannerless brute!.. You might well have waited! We were changing our dresses so that we might with the greatest safety leave the house! I had forgotten to lock the door, — but I really considered you knew better…"

"Madame, I humbly and earnestly beg your pardon for having surprised you in this way," I replied suppressing as best I could the desire to laugh — "but I came in trusting in your promise to give a kind refuge to this lady and myself!"

"Yes! — but Madame has been waiting for you for some time now; we had given you up! Is this your idea of the proper way of keeping an appointment? But I will abide by my promise; you can have my room and my bed. Only be prudent! I know your secrets now and if I choose I can be nasty!"

She winked at me out of the corner of her eye as if to qualify her menace, then walked past me towards her dressing-room.

"Take care about the sheets!" she added with a meaningly wicked smile!

I watched as she walked her lovely plump and round bottom, quivering and waggling with every step, — I would dearly have liked to have put myself into her! But I went and dragged Martha out of her hiding place.

"What makes you so red, dear?"

"I've been laughing so much! Madame has been telling me the funniest stories…"

"You look simply charming in that dressing gown! — but don't fasten it up, it's quite unnecessary!"

"Oh!.. very well. But wait a minute. Don't look!"

She disappeared into the lavatory, and while she was engaged in clearing away all traces of her recent pranks, I undressed myself; then when she reappeared I took her in my arms and carried her to the bed, on which I gently laid her. Her desires which I had feared were by now dormant were quickly restored to life again, having another promise of satisfaction in a different way! Her modesty after so rude an experience had become less troublesome, — and I did not meet with any marked resistance on her part when after bestowing a thousand kisses all over her body, I did to her what Mme. de Liancourt had so sweetly inaugurated — the deliciousness of which she now fully appreciated as with her two little hands she pressed my face against her slit so as not to lose a single movement of my tongue!

I thought of Mme. de Liancourt, and wished she could see us! But she did even better than this; she stood stark-naked by the side of the bed and while I was busy between Martha's thighs, she kissed her lips and squeezed her breasts, — while the former, having within her reach her friend's thighs, slipped her hand between them and let it disappear under the plentiful cluster of curling hairs, without interrupting my ministrations.

Excited, inflamed, burning with hot desire, I rose to throw myself on Martha and quench in her the fire that was raging in my veins! But at that moment Mme. de Liancourt carried her hand to the lowest point of my belly and seized the object she found there in a state of furious erection!

"Look, Martha!" she exclaimed, "look at it! Have you ever seen it before? isn't it splendid! See, how stiff it is! — that's in honour of you, my dear! Oh! I must!.. I can't help it!.."

I was then kneeling on the bed. With a single quick movement she seated herself with her head at the required height, — then covered with hot kisses my member which she found just on a level with her lips. She kissed and re-kissed the gland, the hairs, the testicles, murmuring endearments, then she took my prick into her mouth and sucked it madly in front of Martha, who in utter astonishment was watching her!

"Now, Martha, you take it, — it's your turn! Suck it! Do as I did!"

"I don't know how to!" stammered Martha, — it's so big! '

Now redder than fire she approached it, kissed the tip and tried for some time in vain to take it into her mouth — when all of a sudden it slipped in, as if in spite of her, completely filling her mouth, and she then proceeded to suck me violently! Oh! my raptures! It was Martha! Martha herself that was sucking me! It was not with the lascivious skill of Mme. de Liancourt, — but her inexperience itself gave to her caress a special and indescribable spice of pleasure!

Finally I put Martha flat on the back, — I let myself fall between her arms and legs, and shoved my prick into her burning cunt! — tasting delights hitherto unknown, divine, delirious! Already I could see Martha's eyes slowly turning upwards and half-closing, indicating her approaching ecstasy — when Mme. de Liancourt, no doubt jealous of our transports, put herself astride across Martha's face, blindly seeking for her cunt a further caress which it was impossible to refuse to her! Being thus suddenly driven away from Martha's lips and tongue I transferred my kisses to the two luscious globes of flesh which I had at my mouth's command, kissing them, nibbling and playfully biting them in spite of their squirming and constant agitation!

Dear readers, I will confess that my tongue at times lost itself in the furrow which separated these temptingly superb buttocks, so much did the sight of them and the subtle perfume which emanated from them madden me!

But everything must end! We three spent simultaneously! The blissful ejaculations of sperm calmed us! One by one we came to our senses and rose to purify and refresh ourselves!

"My gracious! I've got it all over me!" cried Martha in pretty confusion, — "even on my stockings!.. they're quite wet!"

"Well, dear," said Mme. de Liancourt to her, you've done very well for one time! You must be very tired! By the time you get home, your eyes will have dark rings round them, — and then what will your husband think, eh?"

"Ah! I'll risk that! That won't stop me from… doing it again."

"What, to-day?"

"Why not?… When one has tasted the forbidden fruit, one must bite it well!" she replied, dropping her eyes. "Now I know what it is to be libertine! And I fancy it won't be long before I am nearly as clever at this game as Madame, your old pupil, with whom you evidently have been practising, eh?"

"How do you know?"

"By this!" she replied, pointing to an article that stood on the toilet table, which she and I had bought together and which I had left at Mme. de Liancourt's.