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Before long, thanks to a thousand erotic follies, the standard-bearer of my desires — the "Leader of the shocking party" (as a witty English girl once called it) became again rampant and erect. This time we gave the preference to a sacrifice to Venus in the ordinary method; for however delicious may be other postures and the other ways of performing the act of fucking, they are more or less hors-d'osiwres, tit-bits, rather than a substantial meal.-But owing to her hat my partner took the upper place, — and very soon, clasped in each others arms, lips against lips, my prick penetrated into the sweet opening already lubricated by my kisses and tonguings!

Just then the rain came down with an intensity hitherto unequalled, as so often happens towards the end of a storm. Mme. de Schoenfutz began to squirm and wriggle in a most extraordinary way, — it was with the greatest difficulty that I managed to keep her impaled on my prick in spite of my hands being firmly pressed on the two charming rotundities which women so love to exaggerate in their toilettes.

"The rain is coming through, "she explained, I can feel some drops just in the small of my back. Oh! there's one!

"Shall we change places?"

"No!.. No!.. oh! there's another, just between the cheeks of my bottom! Oh! how it tickles!" And again she squirmed and wriggled in the most voluptuous way as she lay on me!

The rain was really coming through the roof. But what did we care! The blissful ecstatic crisis was approaching! — our breath mixed on our humid lips! — I began to feel that I could not hold back my boiling discharge for long! Among our mutual understandings, it was decreed that I was not to deposit my tribute of love inside the shrine (whichever it might be) into which I had been permitted to perform my worship. My recent infraction was one which would carry no grave after-consequences, — it was only perhaps an offence to shame; but if I now should repeat it the result might be most serious and in fact might damage Mme. de Schoenfutz's reputation! So I murmured in her ear softly that I was getting to the end of my powers of self-control, that I must soon… spend!.. that something was just… coming! and that I must withdraw my prick while I was sufficiently master of myself to do so!

"Wait!.. wait!.. one moment!.. I'm… finishing… also!.. "she gasped brokenly as her movements on me accelerated, accompanied by convulsions of pleasure!.. A few ecstatic thrills, and then the sudden relaxing of her body announced that her blissful crisis had come and gone! — that she had spent!.. Then promptly I withdrew my prick out of its sweet nook and… discharged!.. not wasting my ammunition however, as I slipped my rampant prick between the quivering globes of her bottom and inundated the charming valley that lay between them with a deluge of another sort to what had come from the roof!

"Oh I… oh!.. "she ejaculated, "it has reached right up to my back!.. it's much warmer than the rain!"

After we had crept down again, we found our garments quite dry. I helped my companion to dress.

"Is my hair much tumbled? I expect you've rumpled it horribly!"

"No, not at all. It's all right. "And I kissed her tenderly.

She drew out of her pocket a little powder box and passed the puff lightly over her face.

"You Viennese ladies are very fond of rice powder!" I said.

"O yes. I use it all over me!"

"Don't I know it?" I replied maliciously.

"Oh! you wretch!"

We remounted our horses. The rain had ceased; the forest was full of the delightful fragrance which leaves give out after a shower.

Our road back took us close to a keeper's house where we made enquiries about the hunting and were told that it had not been recommenced. Just then a group of horsemen came up from T… where they had taken shelter; among them was M. de Z… We joined them.

"So you took refuge here?" he enquired of me.

"No, not I, Mme. de Schoenfutz did. I came by just as she was remounting. I stopped with the keeper, Jean."

In the drawing-room the same evening, the conversation turned on the storm and the interrupted hunt, and everyone told how he or she had fared while sheltering.

"In the house I was in," said Mme. de Schoenfutz, "they made me taste a sort of white sauce… You know it!" she added looking at me!

"Oh, yes!" I stammered, staggered by her audacity, — "as I was passing you called me in!"

"Yes, that was so, and I made you try it. but you did not seem to fancy it!"

Her coldness simply dumbfounded me!

Then they all began to discuss what it could have been; every one expressed some opinion, but an old maid insisted that she knew it.

"Of course it was only milk thickened with maize powder! When it is warm and not too thick, it is very nice!!"